[Rivet] question about run-averaged histogramsAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chFri Apr 15 23:57:06 BST 2016
On 15/04/16 09:33, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli wrote: > Hi Rivet experts > > I would like to get the full run-averaged value of some of my > variables (which i store in !Dhistograms) and display that with > another histograms. I should be able to just fill in my histograms > during the run and in the finalize method, ask for the mean and fill > that into my average histogram. But i wasnt able to find any mean > function analogous to TH1::GetMean() in yoda > https://yoda.hepforge.org/doxy/HistoBin1D_8h_source.html . Probably > im looking in the wrong place and there are easier ways to do that? Hi Raghav, Can you explain in more detail what you want to do? You want to average histograms over several independent runs? That would usually happen *outside* Rivet -- the finalize() method is called at the end of each independent run, not as a way of merging those runs together. The yodamerge script might be what you are looking for, at least as an example. Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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