[Rivet] Update: rivet-bootstrap 2.4.1 installs! Re: PLEASE HELP! seg fault in rivet-bootstrap-lcg and rivet-bootstrap install in lxplus for batch jobs

Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli raghav.k.e at cern.ch
Wed Aug 3 08:23:15 BST 2016

Hi Experts,

So i was finally able to install 2.4.1 using the rivet-bootstrap in lxplus. Im checking if it works in my batch jobs now.

On Aug 3, 2016, at 8:38 AM, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli <raghav.k.e at cern.ch<mailto:raghav.k.e at cern.ch>> wrote:

Dear Rivet Experts,

Like i said in my previous emails, the main goal here is so that i can run rivet analysis on the lxplus batch system. At the moment when i do that, with my working installation of rivet, i get several issues pertaining to python like os not found etc... and ive been struggling with that for months now with several emails to the service desk and no responses :(.

Im having quite the hard time getting rivet and all its dependencies installed in lxplus since yesterday. I tried both the rivet-bootstrap (with making sure my gcc is the latest one) and rivet-bootstrap-lcg (pointing to several versions LCG_82, 83, 85) with nothing working. all of them give me a seg fault at the end of the installation when i ask for list analysis.

I tried to use the existing version of rivet in lcg
[rkunnawa at lxplus002 RIVET]$ source /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators_lcgcmt67c/rivet/2.5.0/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/rivetenv.sh<http://cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators_lcgcmt67c/rivet/2.5.0/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/rivetenv.sh>
[rkunnawa at lxplus002 RIVET]$ which rivet
[rkunnawa at lxplus002 RIVET]$ rivet --list-analyses
The rivet Python module could not be loaded: is your PYTHONPATH set correctly?
and that also doesnt work as well.

till now i could survive with running jobs locally on my laptop or interactively on lxplus, but now i really need to use the batch system since the analysis i will be running is time and processor intensive. If anyone has any previous experience with getting rivet running on batch jobs, please let me know!!

I know that the herwig bootstrap script also installs rivet (and all the other dependencies) and that can be run on the batch system. Maybe we can do something like that? thanks again!

Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
PhD Candiate
Rutgers University

On Aug 2, 2016, at 5:23 PM, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli <raghav.k.e at cern.ch<mailto:raghav.k.e at cern.ch>> wrote:

Hi Rivet Experts,

I tried a fresh install of the rivet-bootstrap-lcg out of the box in an lxplus machine and after i did
$ ./rivet-bootstrap-lcg
[rkunnawa at lxplus016 RIVET]$ source /afs/cern.ch/work/r/rkunnawa/RIVET/local/env.sh<http://cern.ch/work/r/rkunnawa/RIVET/local/env.sh>
[rkunnawa at lxplus016 RIVET]$ which rivet
[rkunnawa at lxplus016 RIVET]$ which python
[rkunnawa at lxplus016 RIVET]$ echo $PYTHONPATH
[rkunnawa at lxplus016 RIVET]$ rivet --list-analyses
Segmentation fault
[rkunnawa at lxplus016 RIVET]$

I tried this with LCG_82 and LCG_85 (with appropriately changing the other locations) and i get the same issues. any ideas whats happening?

I also tried to install rivet with the normal bootstrap and i got an issue with yoda installation since the default gcc in lxplus is 4.4 and it doesnt support C++11. so any ideas how i can over come that issue? I would really like to use something like the herwig bootstrap which installs all the necessary items.

In the meanwhile should i try to install an older version of rivet? one that doesnt need c++11?
Again, the whole reason why im using this is so that i can run my rivet analysis on the lxplus batch system since at the moment (my earlier lcg installation) doesnt work and gives me weird python errors which even the cern service desk is having a hard time with.

Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
PhD Candiate
Rutgers University

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