[Rivet] Time for Rivet 2.5.3?

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Wed Dec 7 13:55:32 GMT 2016

>>> Amazing, thank you! Changes like that on the "default" branch (aka
>>> trunk), please -- and you can re-apply your GSL removal there, if not
>>> already done. Thanks!
>> Ok will do, Chris however mentioned that some people wanted to use gsl
>> stuff in an analysis,
>> I think some minimisation stuff, not sure what do do now.
> Hmm, that's a first. Any details, Chris?
> Fits into the general question of "what external libs do we allow?".
> The GSL interface is actually pretty nasty from a C++ perspective, so I 
> think it'd be best if we could avoid exposing all that raw-C-array, raw 
> pointers, etc. stuff to analysis users... but what's the alternative? 
> Pity Minuit isn't available anymore without hauling in the rest of ROOT, 
> and all its runtime foibles & attempts to grab the wheel :-/

I'm still very excited about removing GSL completely, so we'll have to
look at that individual case. Is it such a complicated minimization that
we need something like Minuit for it or can we make use of a simpler
function we can include in the analysis?

See you,


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