[Rivet] Problems with setting up rivet

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Mon Dec 12 09:47:43 GMT 2016

Hi Josua,

this is a side effect of the move to C++11 in Rivet. You need to make
sure that you export CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 before configuring Sherpa,
then it should work.


On 7 December 2016 at 10:25, Josua Goecking
<goecking at thphys.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> last week I wrote you the message on the bottom. Unfortunately I haven’t
> heard from you since.
> Did you receive that E-Mail?
> I would appreciate any kind of Feedback.
> Best regards,
> Josua Göcking
> On 30 Nov 2016, at 16:04, Josua Goecking <Goecking at thphys.uni-heidelberg.de>
> wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> I have a problem setting up Rivet.
> I use the gcc compiler version 5.2.
> Prior to rivet I installed FastJet  3.2.0, HepMC 2.06.09 and YODA 1.6.5.
> Since installing rivet using the standard techniques (./configure with the
> prior installed program, make, make install) failed I installed it using the
> rivet-bootstrap and changed the paths of the above mentioned programs
> accordingly in the bootstrap file.
> Even though the standard installation did not work, using the bootstrap all
> worked fine.
> However, trying to install Sherpa and enabling Rivet did not work. My Sherpa
> configuration was:
> ./configure --prefix=/home/hd/hd_hd/hd_aq403/tools/SHERPA-MC-2.2.1-build
> --with-sqlite3=install
> --enable-hepmc2=/home/hd/hd_hd/hd_aq403/tools/HepMC-2.06.09-build
> --enable-rivet=/home/hd/hd_hd/hd_aq403/tools/Rivet-2.5.2-build
> where the …-build folders are the locations where the programs have been
> installed
> (For Rivet I therefore also have changed the Install path using the
> bootstrap).
> If I type make (for the Sherpa installation) I get a whole bunch of errors.
> The first one is the following one:
> In file included from
> /pfs/data1/software_uc1/bwhpc/common/compiler/gnu/5.2.0/include/c++/5.2.0/type_traits:35:0,
>                  from
> /home/hd/hd_hd/hd_aq403/tools/Rivet-2.5.2-build/include/Rivet/Tools/RivetSTL.hh:11,
>                  from
> /home/hd/hd_hd/hd_aq403/tools/Rivet-2.5.2-build/include/Rivet/Config/RivetCommon.hh:11,
>                  from
> /home/hd/hd_hd/hd_aq403/tools/Rivet-2.5.2-build/include/Rivet/AnalysisHandler.hh:5,
>                  from Rivet_Interface.C:18:
> /pfs/data1/software_uc1/bwhpc/common/compiler/gnu/5.2.0/include/c++/5.2.0/bits/c++0x_warning.h:32:2:
> error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO
> C++ 2011 standard. This support is currently experimental, and must be
> enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options.
>  #error This file requires compiler and library support for the \
> When I tried to set up Rivet using the standard procedure I got the same
> error.
> I already tried to use Rivet 3 instead of Rivet 2.5.2 (in fact I started
> using Rivet 3) but I got the same error.
> Also using
> either
> export CFLAGS="-std=c++11"
> or
> alias g++="g++ -std=c++11"
> alias gcc="gcc -std=c++11”
> in the .bashrc did not achieve different results.
> I would be thankful for any help in this problem that you can provide.
> Best regards,
> Josua Göcking
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