[Rivet] Rivet analysis TeX problem

Eike Germann eger4 at student.monash.edu
Mon Jan 11 04:22:38 GMT 2016

Hello there :)

My name's Eike, I'm working on a student research project at Monash
University in Melbourne using Pythia 8 and Rivet.
I'm running Xubuntu 14.04 with Texlive and when I call rivet-mkhtml or
make-plots, it can't complete the task unless I run it in verbose mode and
hit enter when it halts and waits.
I have to hit enter when it halts for every file I want to plot, which
makes it really hard to script.

I've attached the output of my latest attempt, if you have any ideas how I
could fix this, I would be very grateful.

Thank you kindly
Eike Germann
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