[Rivet] Rivet "ATLAS style" ?Gavin Hesketh gavin.hesketh at ucl.ac.ukTue Jan 12 13:58:00 GMT 2016
Hi rivets, just been through a round of making Rivet plots acceptable to the ATLAS approval procedure, and have a couple of feature requests as a result! - option to change the legend entry for the reference data. As far as I could see this is hard coded in rivet-cmphistos, line 366 https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/browser/bin/rivet-cmphistos and I hacked my loval version to make this work. ideally we could call eg rivet-mkhtml --ref_title="ATLAS data $\sqrt{s}=7$~TeV" ..... and/or set this property in the .plot reference file associated with each analysis (eg all CMS routines might also want "CMS data..." in the legend?) - add the option to use helvetica as a font in rivet-mkhtml - this is trivial, as it is already an option in make-plots; I've attached a patched rivet-mkhtl to implement this. - actually found a related bug! https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/browser/bin/rivet-mkhtml L393 should be elif opts.OUTPUT_FONT == "MINION": also fixed in the attached rivet-mkhtml - finally, atlas does not like histogram titles... this can be fixed in each of the .plot files, but an option like --notitles to rivet_mkhtml would also be great. Of course, all of these could be combined into a --ATLAS option for rivet-mkhtml :) thanks! Gavin -------------- next part -------------- #! /usr/bin/env python """\ %prog [options] <yodafile1> [<yodafile2> <yodafile3>...] [PLOT:Key1=Val1:...] Make web pages from histogram files written out by Rivet. You can specify multiple Monte Carlo YODA files to be compared in the same syntax as for rivet-cmphistos, i.e. including plotting options. Reference data, analysis metadata, and plot style information should be found automatically (if not, set the RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH or similar variables appropriately). Any existing output directory will be overwritten. """ import rivet, sys, os rivet.util.check_python_version() rivet.util.set_process_name(os.path.basename(__file__)) import glob, shutil from subprocess import Popen,PIPE from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup parser = OptionParser(usage=__doc__) parser.add_option("-o", "--outputdir", dest="OUTPUTDIR", default="./plots", help="directory for webpage output") parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="CONFIGFILES", action="append", default=["~/.make-plots"], help="plot config file(s) to be used with rivet-cmphistos.") parser.add_option("-n", "--num-threads", metavar="NUMTHREADS", dest="NUMTHREADS", type=int, default=None, help="request make-plots to use a specific number of threads.") parser.add_option("--ignore-missing", dest="IGNORE_MISSING", action="store_true", default=False, help="ignore missing YODA files.") parser.add_option("-i", "--ignore-unvalidated", dest="IGNORE_UNVALIDATED", action="store_true", default=False, help="ignore unvalidated analyses.") parser.add_option("--ref", "--refid", dest="REF_ID", default=None, help="ID of reference data set (file path for non-REF data)") parser.add_option("--dry-run", help="don't actually do any plotting or HTML building", dest="DRY_RUN", action="store_true", default=False) stygroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Style options") stygroup.add_option("-t", "--title", dest="TITLE", default="Plots from Rivet analyses", help="title to be displayed on the main web page") stygroup.add_option("-s", "--single", dest="SINGLE", action="store_true", default=False, help="display plots on single webpage.") stygroup.add_option("--no-ratio", dest="SHOW_RATIO", action="store_false", default=True, help="don't draw a ratio plot under each main plot.") stygroup.add_option("--mc-errs", dest="MC_ERRS", action="store_true", default=False, help="plot error bars.") stygroup.add_option("--offline", dest="OFFLINE", action="store_true", default=False, help="generate HTML that does not use external URLs.") stygroup.add_option("--pdf", dest="VECTORFORMAT", action="store_const", const="PDF", default="PDF", help="use PDF as the vector plot format.") stygroup.add_option("--ps", dest="VECTORFORMAT", action="store_const", const="PS", default="PDF", help="use PostScript as the vector plot format.") stygroup.add_option("--booklet", dest="BOOKLET", action="store_true", default=False, help="create booklet (currently only available for PDF with pdftk).") stygroup.add_option("--palatino", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", action="store_const", const="PALATINO", default="PALATINO", help="use Palatino as font (default).") stygroup.add_option("--cm", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", action="store_const", const="CM", default="PALATINO", help="use Computer Modern as font.") stygroup.add_option("--times", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", action="store_const", const="TIMES", default="PALATINO", help="use Times as font.") stygroup.add_option("--helvetica", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", action="store_const", const="HELVETICA", default="PALATINO", help="use Helvetica as font.") stygroup.add_option("--minion", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", action="store_const", const="MINION", default="PALATINO", help="use Adobe Minion Pro as font. Note: You need to set TEXMFHOME first.") parser.add_option_group(stygroup) selgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Selective plotting") selgroup.add_option("-m", "--match", action="append", dest="PATHPATTERNS", default=[], help="only write out histograms whose $path/$name string matches any of these regexes") selgroup.add_option("-M", "--unmatch", action="append", dest="PATHUNPATTERNS", default=[], help="exclude histograms whose $path/$name string matches any of these regexes") selgroup.add_option("-a", "--ana-match", action="append", dest="ANAPATTERNS", default=[], help="only write out histograms from analyses whose name matches any of these regexes") selgroup.add_option("-A", "--ana-unmatch", action="append", dest="ANAUNPATTERNS", default=[], help="exclude histograms from analyses whose name matches any of these regexes") parser.add_option_group(selgroup) vrbgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Verbosity control") vrbgroup.add_option("-v", "--verbose", help="add extra debug messages", dest="VERBOSE", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option_group(vrbgroup) opts, yodafiles = parser.parse_args() ## Check that there are some arguments! if not yodafiles: print "Error: You need to specify some YODA files to be plotted!" sys.exit(1) ## Make output directory if not opts.DRY_RUN: if os.path.exists(opts.OUTPUTDIR) and not os.path.realpath(opts.OUTPUTDIR)==os.getcwd(): import shutil shutil.rmtree(opts.OUTPUTDIR) try: os.makedirs(opts.OUTPUTDIR) except: print "Error: failed to make new directory '%s'" % opts.OUTPUTDIR sys.exit(1) ## Get set of analyses involved in the runs plotarg = None analyses = set() blocked_analyses = set() import yoda for yodafile in yodafiles: if yodafile.startswith("PLOT:"): plotarg = yodafile continue yodafilepath = os.path.abspath(yodafile.split(":")[0]) if not os.access(yodafilepath, os.R_OK): print "Error: cannot read from %s" % yodafilepath if opts.IGNORE_MISSING: continue else: sys.exit(2) ## Note: use -m/-M flags here as well as when calling rivet-cmphistos, to potentially speed this initial loading analysisobjects = yoda.read(yodafilepath, patterns=opts.PATHPATTERNS, unpatterns=opts.PATHUNPATTERNS) for path, ao in analysisobjects.iteritems(): ## If regexes have been provided, only add analyses which match and don't unmatch pathparts = path.strip('/').split('/') ## Skip hidden paths, which start with an underscore if pathparts[0].startswith("_"): continue ## Strip a leading /REF prefix # TODO: Remove when Rivet has migrated to marking ref data via attributes if pathparts[0] == "REF": del pathparts[0] ## Identify analysis/histo name parts analysis = "ANALYSIS" if len(pathparts) > 1: analysis = pathparts[0] #< TODO: for compatibility with rivet-cmphistos... generalise? #analysis = "_".join(pathparts[:-1]) #< TODO: would this be nicer? Currently incompatible with rivet-cmphistos ## Optionally veto on analysis name pattern matching if analysis in analyses.union(blocked_analyses): continue import re matched = True if opts.ANAPATTERNS: matched = False for patt in opts.ANAPATTERNS: if re.search(patt, analysis) is not None: matched = True break if matched and opts.ANAUNPATTERNS: for patt in opts.ANAUNPATTERNS: if re.search(patt, analysis) is not None: matched = False break if matched: analyses.add(analysis) else: blocked_analyses.add(analysis) ## Sort analyses: group ascending by analysis name (could specialise grouping by collider), then ## descending by year, and finally descending by bibliographic archive ID code (INSPIRE first). def anasort(name): rtn = (1, name) if name.startswith("MC"): rtn = (99999999, name) else: stdparts = name.split("_") try: year = int(stdparts[1]) rtn = (0, stdparts[0], -year, 0) idcode = (0 if stdparts[2][0] == "I" else 1e10) - int(stdparts[2][1:]) rtn = (0, stdparts[0], -year, idcode) if len(stdparts) > 3: rtn += stdparts[3:] except: pass return rtn analyses = sorted(analyses, key=anasort) ## Uncomment to test analysis ordering on index page # print analyses # sys.exit(0) ## Run rivet-cmphistos to get plain .dat files from .yoda ## We do this here since it also makes the necessary directories ch_cmd = ["rivet-cmphistos"] if opts.MC_ERRS: ch_cmd.append("--mc-errs") if not opts.SHOW_RATIO: ch_cmd.append("--no-ratio") if opts.REF_ID is not None: ch_cmd.append("--refid=%s" % os.path.abspath(opts.REF_ID)) if opts.PATHPATTERNS: for patt in opts.PATHPATTERNS: ch_cmd += ["-m", patt] if opts.PATHUNPATTERNS: for patt in opts.PATHUNPATTERNS: ch_cmd += ["-M", patt] ch_cmd.append("--hier-out") # TODO: Need to be able to override this: provide a --plotinfodir cmd line option? ch_cmd.append("--plotinfodir=%s" % os.path.abspath("../")) for af in yodafiles: yodafilepath = os.path.abspath(af.split(":")[0]) if af.startswith("PLOT:"): yodafilepath = "PLOT" elif not os.access(yodafilepath, os.R_OK): continue newarg = yodafilepath if ":" in af: newarg += ":" + af.split(":", 1)[1] # print newarg ch_cmd.append(newarg) ## Pass rivet-mkhtml -c args to rivet-cmphistos for configfile in opts.CONFIGFILES: configfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(configfile)) if os.access(configfile, os.R_OK): ch_cmd += ["-c", configfile] if opts.VERBOSE: # ch_cmd.append("--verbose") print "Calling rivet-cmphistos with the following command:" print " ".join(ch_cmd) ## Run rivet-cmphistos in a subdir, after fixing any relative paths in Rivet env vars if not opts.DRY_RUN: for var in ("RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH", "RIVET_REF_PATH", "RIVET_INFO_PATH", "RIVET_PLOT_PATH"): if var in os.environ: abspaths = map(os.path.abspath, os.environ[var].split(":")) os.environ[var] = ":".join(abspaths) subproc = Popen(ch_cmd, cwd=opts.OUTPUTDIR,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) out,err = subproc.communicate() retcode = subproc.returncode if (opts.VERBOSE or retcode != 0) and out: print 'Output from rivet-cmphistos\n', out if err : print 'Errors from rivet-cmphistos\n', err if retcode != 0: print 'Crash in rivet-cmphistos code = ', retcode, ' exiting' exit(retcode) ## Write web page containing all (matched) plots ## Make web pages first so that we can load it locally in ## a browser to view the output before all plots are made if not opts.DRY_RUN: style = '''<style> html { font-family: sans-serif; } img { border: 0; } a { text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } </style> ''' ## Include MathJax configuration script = '' if not opts.OFFLINE: script = '''\ <script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: {inlineMath: [["$","$"]]} }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"> </script> ''' ## A helper function for metadata LaTeX -> HTML conversion from rivet.util import htmlify ## A timestamp HTML fragment to be used on each page: import datetime timestamp = '<p>Generated at %s</p>\n' % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p") index = open(os.path.join(opts.OUTPUTDIR, "index.html"), "w") index.write('<html>\n<head>\n<title>%s</title>\n%s</head>\n<body>' % (opts.TITLE, style + script)) if opts.BOOKLET and opts.VECTORFORMAT == "PDF": index.write('<h2><a href="booklet.pdf">%s</a></h2>\n\n' % opts.TITLE) else: index.write('<h2>%s</h2>\n\n' % opts.TITLE) if opts.SINGLE: ## Write table of contents index.write('<ul>\n') for analysis in analyses: summary = analysis ana = rivet.AnalysisLoader.getAnalysis(analysis) if ana: summary = "%s (%s)" % (ana.summary(), analysis) if opts.IGNORE_UNVALIDATED and ana.status() != "VALIDATED": continue index.write('<li><a href="#%s">%s</a>\n' % (analysis, htmlify(summary)) ) index.write('</ul>\n') for analysis in analyses: references = [] summary = htmlify(analysis) description, inspireid, spiresid = None, None, None if analysis.find("_I") > 0: inspireid = analysis[analysis.rfind('_I')+2:len(analysis)] elif analysis.find("_S") > 0: spiresid = analysis[analysis.rfind('_S')+2:len(analysis)] ana = rivet.AnalysisLoader.getAnalysis(analysis) if ana: if ana.summary(): summary = htmlify("%s (%s)" % (ana.summary(), analysis)) references = ana.references() description = htmlify(ana.description()) spiresid = ana.spiresId() if opts.IGNORE_UNVALIDATED and ana.status().upper() != "VALIDATED": continue if opts.SINGLE: index.write('\n<h3 style="clear:left; padding-top:2em;"><a name="%s">%s</a></h3>\n' % (analysis, summary)) else: index.write('\n<h3><a href="%s/index.html" style="text-decoration:none;">%s</a></h3>\n' % (analysis, summary)) reflist = [] if inspireid: reflist.append('<a href="http://inspirehep.net/record/%s">Spires</a>' % inspireid) elif spiresid: reflist.append('<a href="http://durpdg.dur.ac.uk/cgi-bin/spiface/hep/www?irn+%s">Spires</a>' % spiresid) reflist += references index.write('<p>%s</p>\n' % " | ".join(reflist)) if description: index.write('<p style="font-size:smaller;">%s</p>\n' % description) anapath = os.path.join(opts.OUTPUTDIR, analysis) if not opts.SINGLE: if not os.path.exists(anapath): os.makedirs(anapath) anaindex = open(os.path.join(anapath, "index.html"), 'w') anaindex.write('<html>\n<head>\n<title>%s – %s</title>\n%s</head>\n<body>\n' % (htmlify(opts.TITLE), analysis, style + script)) anaindex.write('<h3>%s</h3>\n' % htmlify(analysis)) anaindex.write('<p><a href="../index.html">Back to index</a></p>\n') if description: anaindex.write('<p>\n %s\n</p>\n' % description) else: anaindex = index datfiles = glob.glob("%s/*.dat" % anapath) #print datfiles anaindex.write('<div style="float:none; overflow:auto; width:100%">\n') for datfile in sorted(datfiles): obsname = os.path.basename(datfile).replace(".dat", "") pngfile = obsname+".png" vecfile = obsname+"."+opts.VECTORFORMAT.lower() srcfile = obsname+".dat" if opts.SINGLE: pngfile = os.path.join(analysis, pngfile) vecfile = os.path.join(analysis, vecfile) srcfile = os.path.join(analysis, srcfile) anaindex.write(' <div style="float:left; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold;">\n') anaindex.write(' <a href="#%s-%s">⚓</a><a href="%s">⌘</a> %s:<br/>\n' % (analysis, obsname, srcfile, os.path.splitext(vecfile)[0]) ) anaindex.write(' <a name="%s-%s"><a href="%s">\n' % (analysis, obsname, vecfile) ) anaindex.write(' <img src="%s">\n' % pngfile ) anaindex.write(' </a></a>\n') anaindex.write(' </div>\n') anaindex.write('</div>\n') if not opts.SINGLE: anaindex.write('<div style="float:none">%s</body>\n</html></div>\n' % timestamp) anaindex.close() index.write('<br>%s</body>\n</html>' % timestamp) index.close() ## Run make-plots on all generated .dat files # sys.exit(0) mp_cmd = ["make-plots"] if opts.NUMTHREADS: mp_cmd.append("--num-threads=%d" % opts.NUMTHREADS) if opts.VECTORFORMAT == "PDF": mp_cmd.append("--pdfpng") elif opts.VECTORFORMAT == "PS": mp_cmd.append("--pspng") if opts.OUTPUT_FONT == "CM": mp_cmd.append("--cm") elif opts.OUTPUT_FONT == "TIMES": mp_cmd.append("--times") elif opts.OUTPUT_FONT == "HELVETICA": mp_cmd.append("--helvetica") elif opts.OUTPUT_FONT == "MINION": mp_cmd.append("--minion") datfiles = [] for analysis in analyses: anapath = os.path.join(opts.OUTPUTDIR, analysis) #print anapath anadatfiles = glob.glob("%s/*.dat" % anapath) datfiles += sorted(anadatfiles) if datfiles: mp_cmd += datfiles if opts.VERBOSE: mp_cmd.append("--verbose") print "Calling make-plots with the following options:" print " ".join(mp_cmd) if not opts.DRY_RUN: Popen(mp_cmd).wait() if opts.BOOKLET and opts.VECTORFORMAT=="PDF": bookletcmd = ["pdftk"] for analysis in analyses: anapath = os.path.join(opts.OUTPUTDIR, analysis) bookletcmd += sorted(glob.glob("%s/*.pdf" % anapath)) bookletcmd += ["cat", "output", "%s/booklet.pdf" % opts.OUTPUTDIR] print bookletcmd Popen(bookletcmd).wait()
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