[Rivet] plotting of multi-weight curves in 3.0.0alpha1Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chThu Jan 28 15:32:10 GMT 2016
Sounds like a good idea. Glad that it's working for you -- critical feedback is more than welcome! Andy On 28/01/16 13:08, Christian Gütschow wrote: > Dear Rivet authors, > > thanks for providing a teaser release with multi-weight functionality. > Very nice, I’ve been playing around with it all morning and it’s working > well so far. :-) > > However, I do have one comment concerning the plotting macros: It looks > like the different variations associated with a given prediction are > currently plotted with the same colour, where the nominal prediction is > in bold and the variations are semi-transparent. > > Now, that makes sense for tuning plots where one is comparing different > generators and their variations, but this seems inappropriate in > analyses where one often just wants to look at the (one) nominal > prediction and its associated uncertainties. > > I’m sure in these cases the users would prefer to change the line > colour/style of the variation curves and add them to the legend as well, > so that one can quickly identify the dominant systematic variation. It > seems the current macros are lacking the required functionality to > achieve this, but I can imagine that this sort of use case will be > frequent enough that we should provide some tools for this, no? > > I guess it would already help a lot if we could specify line properties > in the plot file for certain curves/variations only, e.g. something like > > # BEGIN PLOT /BLAH/*[MUR0.5_MUF1_PDF261000] > LineColor=blue > LineStyle=dashed > # END PLOT > > What do you reckon? > > Cheers, > Chris > > -- > > Dr. Christian Gütschow > > TU Dresden > Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik > Zellescher Weg 19 > 01069 Dresden > > > at CERN: 104-02-C02 > > at IKTP: E17, ASB > > chris.g at cern.ch <mailto:chris.g at cern.ch> > > > > _______________________________________________ > Rivet mailing list > Rivet at projects.hepforge.org > https://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet > -- Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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