[Rivet] plotting of multi-weight curves in 3.0.0alpha1Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chThu Jan 28 16:03:50 GMT 2016
On 28/01/16 15:41, Frank Siegert wrote: > Hi Chris, > >> I guess it would already help a lot if we could specify line properties in >> the plot file for certain curves/variations only, e.g. something like >> >> # BEGIN PLOT /BLAH/*[MUR0.5_MUF1_PDF261000] >> LineColor=blue >> LineStyle=dashed >> # END PLOT > > Isn't something like that already possible like in the second part of > this config file example: > http://rivet.hepforge.org/make-plots.html#_configuration_files > ? I've not personally tried, so concrete feedback on this would be helpful. The [...] suffix is a new addition to the path syntax, but for the above to not work, the regular expressions would have to explicitly block it. But aaaaah... this made me look at the regex Christian used above, and note that it's actually in "glob" rather than regex format. How do you fare with # BEGIN PLOT /BLAH/.*\[MUR0.5_MUF1_PDF261000\]$ ? Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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