[Rivet] Invite to participate MC4BSM2016 Beijing

Qishu Yan yanqishu at ucas.ac.cn
Tue Jan 26 06:03:37 GMT 2016

Dear Rivet Group:

It is my great pleasure to invite your group to participate MC4BSM2016 
(hosted by University of Chinese Academy of Sciences from 20/July to 24/July).
Please refer http://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/5301/ for more information.

We expect that your group can nominate a speaker to represent Rivet working group to report the recent progress and new features of the package. 

We plan to offer the speaker financial supports, like a round trip ticket (economic class) 
from your home city to Beijing.

Since we have to prepare documents for our funding agents, please kindly let me 
know the speaker from your group before Jan/29/2016.


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