[Rivet] 75 year old cures Alzheimers (Today Show)

Riley riley at healbrain.pro
Sat Jun 25 12:24:19 BST 2016

My 75 Year Old Husband Cured His Memory

   We have 2 grandchildren and just last week he couldn't remember who they even were. I was devastated that I had lost my husband Norm until  I gave him this sparkling drink and his memory completely returned

We are all so happy together and I just wanted to share this with everyone 



  This works for anyone


The departures are what we would consider astronomical NOAA climate scientist Jessica Blunden told the Associated Press.

Its on land. Its in the oceans. Its in the upper atmosphere. Its in the lower atmosphere. The Arctic had record low sea ice she said. Everything everywhere is a record this month except Antarctica. Its insane.

>From North America to Australia to Asia the story was much the same. Many parts of the world saw above average warming while drier conditions were seen in the Pacific Islands parts of the United States and Australia.

Nowhere though saw as dramatic warming as Alaska which was battered by wildfires last year due to lack of snow and warmer temperatures.  According to NOAA temperatures in Alaska in February were a whopping 12.4 degrees above average and were the warmest since state records began being kept in 1925.

Related Temperatures spike almost 50 degrees in North Pole

The latest temperature records is part of a long running trend that dates back several decades and is driven by rising emissions of heattrapping greenhouse gases as well as El Nino. The warming trends resulted in record hot years in 2014 and 2015 as well as 19 consecutive years in which the annual average temperature exceeded the 20th century average.

Beyond temperatures Arctic sea ice continued to decline. The average ice for February was 450000 square miles or 7.54 percent below the 19812010 average. This represents the smallest February extent since records began in 1979 and 77000 square miles smaller than the previous record of 2005. It was the second month in a row of record low of Arctic sea ice extent according to analysis by the National Snow and Ice Data Center based on data from NOAA and NASA.

Antarctic sea ice also declined though not to record levels. The ice was 110000 square miles or 9.54 percent below the 19812010 average. This was the sixth smallest Antarctic sea ice extent for February in the 38year period of record and the smallest since 2011.

Related Rising temperatures could be bad news for male loggerhead turtles

Many places also saw less snow in February.
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