[Rivet] Blank Plots!

Holger Schulz holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk
Tue May 17 11:27:38 BST 2016

Hi Chuene,

could you please send us your output file (.yoda) so that we can 
investigate what's going


On 17/05/16 11:10, Chuene Mosomane wrote:
> Morning
> I'm new on rivet and i would like to be helped with some rivet code. 
> Every time I plot some analysis I get out blank plots.
> What I did is I edit some Analysis_name.cc file in rivet and I 
> compiled it to RivetAnalysis_name.so file, I then exported the file. 
> Then I go to pythia8/examples and i do rivet -a Analysis_name 
> out.hepmc, after I do rivet-mkhtml Rivet.yoda
> my Analysis is MC
> Then I produce some plots but when copy the plots from lxplus to my 
> home directory to view them the plots are blank
> Can you please help me out, what is it that Im not doing correct?
> kind regards
> Chuene
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