[Rivet] ATLAS_2010_S8918562: wrong bin in one plot

roman lysak lysak at fzu.cz
Fri May 20 13:11:53 BST 2016

   Dear Rivet authors,

we noticed  in the analysis ATLAS_2010_S8918562 in one plot 
(d16-x01-y01) one wrong bin (the last one).
One can see, that the last entry does not make sense and the paper in 
figure 9b on page 37 clearly shows other bin boundaries (30.5-34.5-39.5) 

We were not able to get the original histograms to get the precise 
values for these last two missing bins, so we would prefer just to 
remove the current very last bin (which is simply wrong) from table 
ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d16-x01-y01, i.e. this bin:

6.359000e+01    4.090000e+00    5.910000e+00    4.846000e-05 
5.227577e-05    5.227577e-05

Could you do this?

Thanks a lot,

P.S. We will remove this last point also in HepData (this table: 

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