[Rivet] HepData consistency

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Tue Oct 4 13:07:06 BST 2016

Hi Chris,

In that case, shouldn't the change propagate to Rivet, too?

See you,


On 04/10/16 12:46, Christian Gutschow wrote:
> Hi Holger,
> there are cases where the Rivet reference data values and the HEPData
> reference values will be different because e.g. there’s a note on
> HEPData saying the central values ought to be shifted by some factor in
> order to account for the the final luminosity calibration for the
> respective year (which hadn’t been available when the HEPData entry was
> made public).
> Cheers,
> Chris
>> On 4 Oct 2016, at 11:39, Holger Schulz <holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk
>> <mailto:holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wrote a script that does some trivial checks for the reference
>> data files shipped with rivet and their counterpart obtainable from
>> HepData.
>> It generates reports which can be found here:
>>     https://users.hepforge.org/~holsch/HepDataRivetReports/
>> There is quite a number of inconsistencies.
>> Quite often in LHC analyses the dxy tags differ, a number of
>> ref data sets differ in the number of data points between rivet and
>> hepdata
>> and of course there are several analyses where the data is not in hepdata
>> at all.
>> And then there are some "goodness of fit" issues where I compare
>> two scatters as such (can clearly be improved):
>>     def gof(P1, P2):
>>         chi=0.0
>>         for num, p in enumerate(P1):
>>             chi += (p.y - P2[num].y)
>>             chi += (p.yErrAvg - P2[num].yErrAvg)
>>             chi += (p.x - P2[num].x)
>>             chi += (p.xErrAvg - P2[num].xErrAvg)
>>         return chi
>> So yeah I don't really know what course of action to take but it seem
>> quite clear
>> that HepData and rivet have diverged quite substantially.
>> Holger
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>  Dr. Christian Gütschow
>  Department of Physics and Astronomy
>  University College London
>  Gower Street
>  London WC1E 6BT
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