[Rivet] zticks bug in make-plots

Dmitry Kalinkin dmitry.kalinkin at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 00:53:33 BST 2016

Hi Andy,

Sorry for the late reply. I ran your make-plots against stable rivet. Long story short, it doesn’t work:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./make-plots", line 2738, in <module>
  File "./make-plots", line 2474, in process_datfile
  File "./make-plots", line 677, in draw
    out += self._draw(inputdata)
  File "./make-plots", line 717, in _draw
    out += colorscale.draw()
  File "./make-plots", line 1166, in draw
    if inputdata.attr('ZCustomMinorTicks'):
NameError: global name 'inputdata' is not defined

The error is in the chunk you’ve changed (compared to the tip), so I assume you know better than me how to fix it.
I’m also including a sample .dat file for you to test against.


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> On 12 Oct 2016, at 12:15, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch> wrote:
> Hi Dmitry,
> Thanks for the patch. Although I found that there was a bug in the first part, because in the case that there were entries in the custom z-ticks list it would have tried to append entries to a None object.
> I've attached the latest version, which I think should work but I don't have a 2D histogram lying around for testing. Can you try this out and let me know if it also works as you require?
> Thanks,
> Andy
> On 11/10/16 12:02, Dmitry Kalinkin wrote:
>> Dear Rivet developers,
>> Patch below fixes z axis ticks (they don’t get displayed in the current rivet 2.5.2). Only the first hunk is needed for the fix. The remaining three are a style fixes.
>> Hope you will find this useful.
>> Best,
>> Dmitry
>> diff --git a/bin/make-plots b/bin/make-plots
>> index abb024d..f59293d 100755
>> --- a/bin/make-plots
>> +++ b/bin/make-plots
>> @@ -1152,8 +1152,8 @@ class ColorScale(Described):
>>         zcustommajortickmarks = int(self.description.get('ZMajorTickMarks', -1))
>>         zcustomminortickmarks = int(self.description.get('ZMinorTickMarks', -1))
>> -        zcustommajorticks=[]
>> -        zcustomminorticks=[]
>> +        zcustommajorticks=None
>> +        zcustomminorticks=None
>>         if self.description.has_key('ZCustomMajorTicks') and self.description['ZCustomMajorTicks']!='':
>>             # TODO: Would be nice to have less invisible separation of the custom ticks than split on tabs
>>             ticks = self.description['ZCustomMajorTicks'].strip().split('\t')
>> @@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@ class Ticks(object):
>> class XTicks(Ticks):
>> -    def draw(self, custommajorticks=[], customminorticks=[], custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1,drawlabels=True):
>> +    def draw(self, custommajorticks=None, customminorticks=None, custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1,drawlabels=True):
>>         twosided = bool(int(self.description.get('XTwosidedTicks', '0')))
>>         out = ""
>>         out += ('\n%\n% X-Ticks\n%\n')
>> @@ -2265,7 +2265,7 @@ class XTicks(Ticks):
>> class YTicks(Ticks):
>> -    def draw(self, custommajorticks=[], customminorticks=[], custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1, drawlabels=True):
>> +    def draw(self, custommajorticks=None, customminorticks=None, custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1, drawlabels=True):
>>         twosided = bool(int(self.description.get('YTwosidedTicks', '0')))
>>         out = ""
>>         out += ('\n%\n% Y-Ticks\n%\n')
>> @@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ class ZTicks(Ticks):
>>         self.description = description
>>         self.coors = coors
>> -    def draw(self, custommajorticks=[], customminorticks=[],
>> +    def draw(self, custommajorticks=None, customminorticks=None,
>>             custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1,
>>             drawlabels=True):
>>         out = ""
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> -- 
> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
> <make-plots.txt>

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