[Rivet] zticks bug in make-plots

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Mon Oct 17 11:02:38 BST 2016

Thanks Dmitry,

It was an easy bug to find and fix once I had a file to test on: I just 
needed to remove the excess ".description".

Looks to me like it's working now: I've attached a final (?) make-plots 
and the output from your .dat file to make sure. Thanks again!


On 16/10/16 18:30, Dmitry Kalinkin wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> Sorry, this doesn’t work again
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./make-plots-1.txt", line 2737, in <module>
>     for i, _ in enumerate(map(process_datfile, datfiles)):
>   File "./make-plots-1.txt", line 2474, in process_datfile
>     texfile.write(mp.draw(inputdata))
>   File "./make-plots-1.txt", line 677, in draw
>     out += self._draw(inputdata)
>   File "./make-plots-1.txt", line 717, in _draw
>     out += colorscale.draw()
>   File "./make-plots-1.txt", line 1170, in draw
>     drawzlabels = self.description.attr_bool('PlotZTickLabels', True)
> AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute ‘attr_bool'
> Please try the attached dat file
> Thanks,
> Dmitry
>> On 16 Oct 2016, at 11:51, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch> wrote:
>> Hi Dmitry,
>> D'oh, some copy & paste errors there in the code that I moved over from x and y axis tick-handling -- the object structure of the z-colorbar is not quite compatible.
>> I think I've fixed that one now... can you try the attached? If not, can you send me an example 2D .dat file to test on?
>> Thanks,
>> Andy
>> On 15/10/16 00:53, Dmitry Kalinkin wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,
>>> Sorry for the late reply. I ran your make-plots against stable rivet. Long story short, it doesn’t work:
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>  File "./make-plots", line 2738, in <module>
>>>    process_datfile(f)
>>>  File "./make-plots", line 2474, in process_datfile
>>>    texfile.write(mp.draw(inputdata))
>>>  File "./make-plots", line 677, in draw
>>>    out += self._draw(inputdata)
>>>  File "./make-plots", line 717, in _draw
>>>    out += colorscale.draw()
>>>  File "./make-plots", line 1166, in draw
>>>    if inputdata.attr('ZCustomMinorTicks'):
>>> NameError: global name 'inputdata' is not defined
>>> The error is in the chunk you’ve changed (compared to the tip), so I assume you know better than me how to fix it.
>>> I’m also including a sample .dat file for you to test against.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dmitry
>>>> On 12 Oct 2016, at 12:15, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dmitry,
>>>> Thanks for the patch. Although I found that there was a bug in the first part, because in the case that there were entries in the custom z-ticks list it would have tried to append entries to a None object.
>>>> I've attached the latest version, which I think should work but I don't have a 2D histogram lying around for testing. Can you try this out and let me know if it also works as you require?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Andy
>>>> On 11/10/16 12:02, Dmitry Kalinkin wrote:
>>>>> Dear Rivet developers,
>>>>> Patch below fixes z axis ticks (they don’t get displayed in the current rivet 2.5.2). Only the first hunk is needed for the fix. The remaining three are a style fixes.
>>>>> Hope you will find this useful.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Dmitry
>>>>> diff --git a/bin/make-plots b/bin/make-plots
>>>>> index abb024d..f59293d 100755
>>>>> --- a/bin/make-plots
>>>>> +++ b/bin/make-plots
>>>>> @@ -1152,8 +1152,8 @@ class ColorScale(Described):
>>>>>        zcustommajortickmarks = int(self.description.get('ZMajorTickMarks', -1))
>>>>>        zcustomminortickmarks = int(self.description.get('ZMinorTickMarks', -1))
>>>>> -        zcustommajorticks=[]
>>>>> -        zcustomminorticks=[]
>>>>> +        zcustommajorticks=None
>>>>> +        zcustomminorticks=None
>>>>>        if self.description.has_key('ZCustomMajorTicks') and self.description['ZCustomMajorTicks']!='':
>>>>>            # TODO: Would be nice to have less invisible separation of the custom ticks than split on tabs
>>>>>            ticks = self.description['ZCustomMajorTicks'].strip().split('\t')
>>>>> @@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@ class Ticks(object):
>>>>> class XTicks(Ticks):
>>>>> -    def draw(self, custommajorticks=[], customminorticks=[], custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1,drawlabels=True):
>>>>> +    def draw(self, custommajorticks=None, customminorticks=None, custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1,drawlabels=True):
>>>>>        twosided = bool(int(self.description.get('XTwosidedTicks', '0')))
>>>>>        out = ""
>>>>>        out += ('\n%\n% X-Ticks\n%\n')
>>>>> @@ -2265,7 +2265,7 @@ class XTicks(Ticks):
>>>>> class YTicks(Ticks):
>>>>> -    def draw(self, custommajorticks=[], customminorticks=[], custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1, drawlabels=True):
>>>>> +    def draw(self, custommajorticks=None, customminorticks=None, custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1, drawlabels=True):
>>>>>        twosided = bool(int(self.description.get('YTwosidedTicks', '0')))
>>>>>        out = ""
>>>>>        out += ('\n%\n% Y-Ticks\n%\n')
>>>>> @@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ class ZTicks(Ticks):
>>>>>        self.description = description
>>>>>        self.coors = coors
>>>>> -    def draw(self, custommajorticks=[], customminorticks=[],
>>>>> +    def draw(self, custommajorticks=None, customminorticks=None,
>>>>>            custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1,
>>>>>            drawlabels=True):
>>>>>        out = ""
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Rivet mailing list
>>>>> Rivet at projects.hepforge.org
>>>>> https://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet
>>>> --
>>>> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
>>>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
>>>> <make-plots.txt>
>> --
>> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
>> <make-plots.txt>

Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
-------------- next part --------------
#! /usr/bin/env python

Usage: %prog [options] file.dat [file2.dat ...]

 * Optimise output for e.g. lots of same-height bins in a row
 * Add a RatioFullRange directive to show the full range of error bars + MC envelope in the ratio
 * Tidy LaTeX-writing code -- faster to compile one doc only, then split it?
 * Handle boolean values flexibly (yes, no, true, false, etc. as well as 1, 0)

## This program is copyright by Hendrik Hoeth <hoeth at linta.de> and
## the Rivet team https://rivet.hepforge.org. It may be used
## for scientific and private purposes. Patches are welcome, but please don't
## redistribute changed versions yourself.

## Check the Python version
import sys
if sys.version_info[:3] < (2,6,0):
    print "make-plots requires Python version >= 2.6.0... exiting"

## Try to rename the process on Linux
    import ctypes
    libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libc.so.6')
    libc.prctl(15, 'make-plots', 0, 0, 0)
except Exception, e:

import os, logging, re
import tempfile
import getopt
import string
from math import *

## Regex patterns
pat_begin_block = re.compile(r'^#+\s*BEGIN ([A-Z0-9_]+) ?(\S+)?')
pat_end_block =   re.compile('^#+\s*END ([A-Z0-9_]+)')
pat_comment = re.compile('^#|^\s*$')
pat_property = re.compile('^(\w+?)=(.*)$')
pat_path_property  = re.compile('^(\S+?)::(\w+?)=(.*)$')

def fuzzyeq(a, b, tolerance=1e-6):
    "Fuzzy equality comparison function for floats, with given fractional tolerance"
    # if type(a) is not float or type(a) is not float:
    #     print a, b
    if (a == 0 and abs(b) < 1e-12) or (b == 0 and abs(a) < 1e-12):
        return True
    return 2.0*abs(a-b)/abs(a+b) < tolerance

def inrange(x, a, b):
    return x >= a and x < b

def floatify(x):
    if type(x) is str:
        x = x.split()
    if not hasattr(x, "__len__"):
        x = [x]
    x = [float(a) for a in x]
    return x[0] if len(x) == 1 else x

def floatpair(x):
    if type(x) is str:
        x = x.split()
    if hasattr(x, "__len__"):
        assert len(x) == 2
        return [float(a) for a in x]
    return [float(x), float(x)]

def is_end_marker(line, blockname):
    m = pat_end_block.match(line)
    return m and m.group(1) == blockname

def is_comment(line):
    return pat_comment.match(line) is not None

class Described(object):
    "Inherited functionality for objects holding a 'description' dictionary"

    def __init__(self):

    def has_attr(self, key):
        return self.description.has_key(key)

    def set_attr(self, key, val):
        self.description[key] = val

    def attr(self, key, default=None):
        return self.description.get(key, default)

    def attr_bool(self, key, default=None):
        x = self.attr(key, default)
        if x is None: return None
        if str(x).lower() in ["1", "true", "yes", "on"]: return True
        if str(x).lower() in ["0", "false", "no", "off"]: return False
        return None

    def attr_int(self, key, default=None):
        x = self.attr(key, default)
            x = int(x)
            x = None
        return x

    def attr_float(self, key, default=None):
        x = self.attr(key, default)
            x = float(x)
            x = None
        return x

class InputData(Described):

    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename+".dat"
        self.histos = {}
        self.special = {}
        self.functions = {}

        self.description = {}
        self.pathdescriptions = []

        self.is2dim = False
        f = open(self.filename)
        for line in f:
            m = pat_begin_block.match(line)
            if m:
                name, path = m.group(1,2)
                if path is None and name != 'PLOT':
                    raise Exception('BEGIN sections need a path name.')

                ## Pass the reading of the block to separate functions
                if name == 'PLOT':
                elif name == 'SPECIAL':
                    self.special[path] = Special(f)
                elif name == 'HISTOGRAM' or name == 'HISTOGRAM2D':
                    self.histos[path] = Histogram(f, p=path)
                    # self.histos[path].path = path
                    self.description['is2dim'] = self.histos[path].is2dim
                elif name == 'HISTO1D':
                    self.histos[path] = Histo1D(f, p=path)
                elif name == 'HISTO2D':
                    self.histos[path] = Histo2D(f, p=path)
                    self.description['is2dim'] = True
                elif name == 'FUNCTION':
                    self.functions[path] = Function(f)
#            elif is_comment(line):
#                continue
#            else:
#                self.read_path_based_input(line)


        ## Plot (and subplot) sizing
        # TODO: Use attr functions and bools properly
        self.description.setdefault('PlotSizeX', 10.)
        if self.description['is2dim']:
            self.description['PlotSizeX'] -= 1.7
            self.description['MainPlot'] = '1'
            self.description['RatioPlot'] = '0'

        if self.description.has_key('PlotSize') and self.description['PlotSize']!='':
            plotsizes = self.description['PlotSize'].split(',')
            self.description['PlotSizeX'] = float(plotsizes[0])
            self.description['PlotSizeY'] = float(plotsizes[1])
            if len(plotsizes) == 3:
                self.description['RatioPlotSizeY'] = float(plotsizes[2])
            del self.description['PlotSize']

        if self.description.get('MainPlot', '1') == '0':
            ## Ratio, no main
            self.description['RatioPlot'] = '1' #< don't allow both to be zero!
            self.description['PlotSizeY'] = 0.
            self.description.setdefault('RatioPlotSizeY', 9.)
            if self.description.get('RatioPlot', '0') == '1':
                ## Main and ratio
                self.description.setdefault('PlotSizeY', 6.)
                self.description.setdefault('RatioPlotSizeY', self.description.get('RatioPlotYSize', 3.))
                ## Main, no ratio
                self.description.setdefault('PlotSizeY', self.description.get('PlotYSize', 9.))
                self.description['RatioPlotSizeY'] = 0.

        ## Ensure numbers, not strings
        self.description['PlotSizeX'] = float(self.description['PlotSizeX'])
        self.description['PlotSizeY'] = float(self.description['PlotSizeY'])
        self.description['RatioPlotSizeY'] = float(self.description['RatioPlotSizeY'])
        # self.description['TopMargin'] = float(self.description['TopMargin'])
        # self.description['BottomMargin'] = float(self.description['BottomMargin'])

        self.description['LogX'] = self.description.has_key('LogX') and self.description['LogX']=='1'
        self.description['LogY'] = self.description.has_key('LogY') and self.description['LogY']=='1'
        self.description['LogZ'] = self.description.has_key('LogZ') and self.description['LogZ']=='1'
        if self.description.has_key('Rebin'):
            for i in self.histos:
                self.histos[i].description['Rebin'] = self.description['Rebin']

        histoordermap = {}
        histolist = self.histos.keys()
        if self.description.has_key('DrawOnly'):
            histolist = filter(self.histos.keys().count, self.description['DrawOnly'].strip().split())
        for histo in histolist:
            order = 0
            if self.histos[histo].description.has_key('PlotOrder'):
                order = int(self.histos[histo].description['PlotOrder'])
            if not order in histoordermap:
                histoordermap[order] = []
        sortedhistolist = []
        for i in sorted(histoordermap.keys()):
        self.description['DrawOnly'] = sortedhistolist

        ## Inherit various values from histograms if not explicitly set
        for k in ['LogX', 'LogY', 'LogZ',
                  'XLabel', 'YLabel', 'ZLabel',
                  'XCustomMajorTicks', 'YCustomMajorTicks', 'ZCustomMajorTicks']:


    def is2dim(self):
        return self.attr_bool("is2dim", False)
    def is2dim(self, val):
        self.set_attr("is2dim", val)

    def drawonly(self):
        x = self.attr("DrawOnly")
        if type(x) is str:
            self.drawonly = x #< use setter to listify
        return x if x else []
    def drawonly(self, val):
        if type(val) is str:
            val = val.strip().split()
        self.set_attr("DrawOnly", val)

    def stacklist(self):
        x = self.attr("Stack")
        if type(x) is str:
            self.stacklist = x #< use setter to listify
        return x if x else []
    def stacklist(self, val):
        if type(val) is str:
            val = val.strip().split()
        self.set_attr("Stack", val)

    def plotorder(self):
        x = self.attr("PlotOrder")
        if type(x) is str:
            self.plotorder = x #< use setter to listify
        return x if x else []
    def plotorder(self, val):
        if type(val) is str:
            val = val.strip().split()
        self.set_attr("PlotOrder", val)

    def plotsizex(self):
        return self.attr_float("PlotSizeX")
    def plotsizex(self, val):
        self.set_attr("PlotSizeX", val)

    def plotsizey(self):
        return self.attr_float("PlotSizeY")
    def plotsizey(self, val):
        self.set_attr("PlotSizeY", val)

    def plotsize(self):
        return [self.plotsizex, self.plotsizey]
    def plotsize(self, val):
        if type(val) is str:
            val = [float(x) for x in val.split(",")]
        assert len(val) == 2
        self.plotsizex = val[0]
        self.plotsizey = val[1]

    def ratiosizey(self):
        return self.attr_float("RatioPlotSizeY")
    def ratiosizey(self, val):
        self.set_attr("RatioPlotSizeY", val)

    def scale(self):
        return self.attr_float("Scale")
    def scale(self, val):
        self.set_attr("Scale", val)

    def xmin(self):
        return self.attr_float("XMin")
    def xmin(self, val):
        self.set_attr("XMin", val)

    def xmax(self):
        return self.attr_float("XMax")
    def xmax(self, val):
        self.set_attr("XMax", val)

    def xrange(self):
        return [self.xmin, self.xmax]
    def xrange(self, val):
        if type(val) is str:
            val = [float(x) for x in val.split(",")]
        assert len(val) == 2
        self.xmin = val[0]
        self.xmax = val[1]

    def ymin(self):
        return self.attr_float("YMin")
    def ymin(self, val):
        self.set_attr("YMin", val)

    def ymax(self):
        return self.attr_float("YMax")
    def ymax(self, val):
        self.set_attr("YMax", val)

    def yrange(self):
        return [self.ymin, self.ymax]
    def yrange(self, val):
        if type(val) is str:
            val = [float(y) for y in val.split(",")]
        assert len(val) == 2
        self.ymin = val[0]
        self.ymax = val[1]

    # TODO: add more rw properties for plotsize(x,y), ratiosize(y),
    #   show_mainplot, show_ratioplot, show_legend, log(x,y,z), rebin,
    #   drawonly, legendonly, plotorder, stack,
    #   label(x,y,z), majorticks(x,y,z), minorticks(x,y,z),
    #   min(x,y,z), max(x,y,z), range(x,y,z)

    def inherit_from_histos(self, k):
        """Note: this will inherit the key from a random histogram:
        only use if you're sure all histograms have this key!"""
        if not self.description.has_key(k):
            h = list(self.histos.itervalues())[0]
            if h.description.has_key(k):
                self.description[k] = h.description[k]

    def read_input(self, f):
        for line in f:
            if is_end_marker(line, 'PLOT'):
            elif is_comment(line):
            m = pat_property.match(line)
            if m:
                prop, value = m.group(1,2)
                if prop in self.description:
                    logging.debug("Overwriting property %s = %s -> %s" % (prop, self.description[prop], value))
                ## Use strip here to deal with DOS newlines containing \r
                self.description[prop.strip()] = value.strip()

    def apply_config_files(self, conffiles):
        if conffiles is not None:
            for filename in conffiles:
                cf = open(filename,'r')
                lines = cf.readlines()
                for i in range(0, len(lines)):
                    ## First evaluate PLOT sections
                    m = pat_begin_block.match(lines[i])
                    if m and m.group(1) == 'PLOT' and re.match(m.group(2),self.filename):
                        while i<len(lines)-1:
                            i = i+1
                            if is_end_marker(lines[i], 'PLOT'):
                            elif is_comment(lines[i]):
                            m = pat_property.match(lines[i])
                            if m:
                                prop, value = m.group(1,2)
                                if prop in self.description:
                                    logging.debug("Overwriting from conffile property %s = %s -> %s" % (prop, self.description[prop], value))
                                ## Use strip here to deal with DOS newlines containing \r
                                self.description[prop.strip()] = value.strip()
                    elif is_comment(lines[i]):
                        ## Then evaluate path-based settings, e.g. for HISTOGRAMs
                        m = pat_path_property.match(lines[i])
                        if m:
                            regex, prop, value = m.group(1,2,3)
                            for obj_dict in [self.special, self.histos, self.functions]:
                                for path, obj in obj_dict.iteritems():
                                    if re.match(regex, path):
                                        ## Use strip here to deal with DOS newlines containing \r
                                        obj.description.update({prop.strip() : value.strip()})

class Plot(object):

    def __init__(self, inputdata):

    def set_normalization(self,inputdata):
        for method in ['NormalizeToIntegral', 'NormalizeToSum']:
            if inputdata.description.has_key(method):
                for i in inputdata.drawonly:
                    if not inputdata.histos[i].has_attr(method):
                        inputdata.histos[i].set_attr(method, inputdata.attr(method))
        if inputdata.scale:
            for i in inputdata.drawonly:
                inputdata.histos[i].scale = inputdata.scale
        for i in inputdata.drawonly:

    def stack_histograms(self,inputdata):
        if inputdata.description.has_key('Stack'):
            stackhists = [h for h in inputdata.attr('Stack').strip().split() if h in inputdata.histos]
            previous = ''
            for i in stackhists:
                if previous != '':
                previous = i

    def set_histo_options(self,inputdata):
        if inputdata.description.has_key('ConnectGaps'):
            for i in inputdata.histos.keys():
                if not inputdata.histos[i].description.has_key('ConnectGaps'):
                    inputdata.histos[i].description['ConnectGaps'] = inputdata.description['ConnectGaps']

    def set_borders(self, inputdata):
        inputdata.description['Borders'] = (self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.zmin, self.zmax)

    def set_xmin(self, inputdata):
        self.xmin = inputdata.xmin
        if self.xmin is None:
            self.xmin = min(inputdata.histos[h].getXMin() for h in inputdata.description['DrawOnly'])

    def set_xmax(self,inputdata):
        self.xmax = inputdata.xmax
        if self.xmax is None:
            self.xmax = min(inputdata.histos[h].getXMax() for h in inputdata.description['DrawOnly'])

    def set_ymin(self,inputdata):
        if inputdata.ymin is not None:
            self.ymin = inputdata.ymin
            ymins = [inputdata.histos[i].getYMin(self.xmin, self.xmax, inputdata.description['LogY']) for i in inputdata.attr('DrawOnly')]
            minymin = min(ymins)
            if inputdata.description['is2dim']:
                self.ymin = minymin
                showzero = inputdata.attr_bool("ShowZero", True)
                if showzero:
                    self.ymin = 0. if minymin > -1e-4 else 1.1*minymin
                    self.ymin = 1.1*minymin if minymin < -1e-4 else 0 if minymin < 1e-4 else 0.9*minymin
                if inputdata.description['LogY']:
                    ymins = [ymin for ymin in ymins if ymin > 0.0]
                    if not ymins:
                        if self.ymax == 0:
                            self.ymax = 1
                    minymin = min(ymins)
                    fullrange = opts.FULL_RANGE
                    if inputdata.has_attr('FullRange'):
                        fullrange = inputdata.attr_bool('FullRange')
                    self.ymin = minymin/1.7 if fullrange else max(minymin/1.7, 2e-7*self.ymax)

                if self.ymin == self.ymax:
                    self.ymin -= 1
                    self.ymax += 1

    def set_ymax(self,inputdata):
        if inputdata.has_attr('YMax'):
            self.ymax = inputdata.attr_float('YMax')
            self.ymax = max(inputdata.histos[h].getYMax(self.xmin, self.xmax) for h in inputdata.attr('DrawOnly'))
            if not inputdata.is2dim:
                self.ymax *= (1.7 if inputdata.attr_bool('LogY') else 1.1)

    def set_zmin(self,inputdata):
        if inputdata.has_attr('ZMin'):
            self.zmin = inputdata.attr_float('ZMin')
            zmins = [inputdata.histos[i].getZMin(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax) for i in inputdata.attr('DrawOnly')]
            minzmin = min(zmins)
            self.zmin = minzmin
            if zmins:
                showzero = inputdata.attr_bool('ShowZero', True)
                if showzero:
                    self.zmin = 0 if minzmin > -1e-4 else 1.1*minzmin
                    self.zmin = 1.1*minzmin if minzmin < -1e-4 else 0. if minzmin < 1e-4 else 0.9*minzmin
                if inputdata.attr_bool('LogZ', False):
                    zmins = [zmin for zmin in zmins if zmin > 0]
                    if not zmins:
                        if self.zmax == 0:
                            self.zmax = 1
                    minzmin = min(zmins)
                    fullrange = inputdata.attr_bool("FullRange", opts.FULL_RANGE)
                    self.zmin = minzmin/1.7 if fullrange else max(minzmin/1.7, 2e-7*self.zmax)

                if self.zmin == self.zmax:
                    self.zmin -= 1
                    self.zmax += 1

    def set_zmax(self,inputdata):
        self.zmax = inputdata.attr_float('ZMax')
        if self.zmax is None:
            zmaxs = [inputdata.histos[h].getZMax(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax) for h in inputdata.attr('DrawOnly')]
            self.zmax = max(zmaxs) if zmaxs else 1

    def draw(self):

    def write_header(self,inputdata):
        if inputdata.description.has_key('LeftMargin') and inputdata.description['LeftMargin']!='':
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            inputdata.description['LeftMargin'] = 1.4
        if inputdata.description.has_key('RightMargin') and inputdata.description['RightMargin']!='':
            inputdata.description['RightMargin'] = float(inputdata.description['RightMargin'])
            inputdata.description['RightMargin'] = 0.35
        if inputdata.description.has_key('TopMargin') and inputdata.description['TopMargin']!='':
            inputdata.description['TopMargin'] = float(inputdata.description['TopMargin'])
            inputdata.description['TopMargin'] = 0.65
        if inputdata.description.has_key('BottomMargin') and inputdata.description['BottomMargin']!='':
            inputdata.description['BottomMargin'] = float(inputdata.description['BottomMargin'])
            inputdata.description['BottomMargin'] = 0.95
        if inputdata.description['is2dim']:
            inputdata.description['RightMargin'] += 1.7
        papersizex = inputdata.description['PlotSizeX'] + 0.1 + \
                     inputdata.description['LeftMargin'] + inputdata.description['RightMargin']
        papersizey = inputdata.description['PlotSizeY'] + inputdata.description['RatioPlotSizeY'] + 0.1 + \
                     inputdata.description['TopMargin'] + inputdata.description['BottomMargin']
        out = ""
        out += '\\documentclass{article}\n'
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        out += ('  paperwidth=%scm,paperheight=%scm\n' % (papersizex,papersizey))
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        if inputdata.description['is2dim']:
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                colorseries = inputdata.description['ColorSeries']
                colorseries = '{hsb}{grad}[rgb]{0,0,1}{-.700,0,0}'
            out += ('\\definecolorseries{gradientcolors}%s\n' % colorseries)
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        return out

    def write_footer(self):
        out = ""
        out += ('\\end{pspicture}\n')
        out += ('\\end{document}\n')
        return out

class MainPlot(Plot):

    def __init__(self, inputdata):
        if (inputdata.description.has_key('GofLegend')  and inputdata.description['GofLegend']=='1') or \
           (inputdata.description.has_key('GofFrame')   and inputdata.description['GofFrame']!='') and not \
           (inputdata.description.has_key('TaylorPlot') and inputdata.description['TaylorPlot']=='1'):
        self.yoffset = inputdata.description['PlotSizeY']
        self.coors = Coordinates(inputdata)

    def draw(self, inputdata):
        out = ""
        out += ('\n%\n% MainPlot\n%\n')
        out += ('\\psset{yunit=%scm}\n' %(self.yoffset))
        out += ('\\rput(0,-1){%\n')
        out += ('\\psset{yunit=%scm}\n' %(inputdata.description['PlotSizeY']))
        out += self._draw(inputdata)
        out += ('}\n')
        return out

    def _draw(self, inputdata):
        out = ""

        # TODO: do this more compactly, e.g. by assigning sorting keys!
        if inputdata.attr_bool('DrawSpecialFirst', False):
            for s in inputdata.special:
                out += s.draw(self.coors)
            if inputdata.attr_bool('DrawFunctionFirst', False):
                for f in inputdata.functions:
                    out += f.draw(self.coors)
                for i in inputdata.description['DrawOnly']:
                    out += inputdata.histos[i].draw(self.coors)
                for i in inputdata.description['DrawOnly']:
                    out += inputdata.histos[i].draw(self.coors)
                for f in inputdata.functions:
                    out += f.draw(self.coors)
            if inputdata.attr_bool('DrawFunctionFirst', False):
                for f in inputdata.functions:
                    out += f.draw(self.coors)
                for i in inputdata.description['DrawOnly']:
                    out += inputdata.histos[i].draw(self.coors)
                for i in inputdata.description['DrawOnly']:
                    out += inputdata.histos[i].draw(self.coors)
                for f in inputdata.functions:
                    out += f.draw(self.coors)
            for i in inputdata.special.keys():
                out += inputdata.special[i].draw(self.coors)

        if inputdata.attr_bool('Legend', False):
            legend = Legend(inputdata.description,inputdata.histos,inputdata.functions)
            out += legend.draw()
        if inputdata.description['is2dim']:
            colorscale = ColorScale(inputdata.description, self.coors)
            out += colorscale.draw()
        frame = Frame()
        out += frame.draw(inputdata)

        xcustommajortickmarks = inputdata.attr_int('XMajorTickMarks', -1)
        xcustomminortickmarks = inputdata.attr_int('XMinorTickMarks', -1)

        xcustommajorticks = xcustomminorticks = None
        if inputdata.attr('XCustomMajorTicks'):
            xcustommajorticks = []
            x_label_pairs = inputdata.attr('XCustomMajorTicks').strip().split() #'\t')
            if len(x_label_pairs) % 2 == 0:
                for i in range(0, len(x_label_pairs), 2):
                    xcustommajorticks.append({'Value': float(x_label_pairs[i]), 'Label': x_label_pairs[i+1]})
                print "Warning: XCustomMajorTicks requires an even number of alternating pos/label entries"

        if inputdata.attr('XCustomMinorTicks'):
            xs = inputdata.attr('XCustomMinorTicks').strip().split() #'\t')
            xcustomminorticks = [{'Value': float(x)} for x in xs]

        xticks = XTicks(inputdata.description, self.coors)
        drawxlabels = inputdata.attr_bool('PlotXTickLabels', True) and not inputdata.attr_bool('RatioPlot', False)

        out += xticks.draw(custommajortickmarks=xcustommajortickmarks,

        ycustommajortickmarks = inputdata.attr_int('YMajorTickMarks', -1)
        ycustomminortickmarks = inputdata.attr_int('YMinorTickMarks', -1)

        ycustommajorticks = ycustomminorticks = None
        if inputdata.description.has_key('YCustomMajorTicks'):
            ycustommajorticks = []
            y_label_pairs = inputdata.description['YCustomMajorTicks'].strip().split() #'\t')
            if len(y_label_pairs) % 2 == 0:
                for i in range(0, len(y_label_pairs), 2):
                    ycustommajorticks.append({'Value': float(y_label_pairs[i]), 'Label': y_label_pairs[i+1]})
                print "Warning: YCustomMajorTicks requires an even number of alternating pos/label entries"

        if inputdata.has_attr('YCustomMinorTicks'):
            ys = inputdata.attr('YCustomMinorTicks').strip().split() #'\t')
            ycustomminorticks = [{'Value': float(y)} for y in ys]

        yticks = YTicks(inputdata.description, self.coors)
        drawylabels = inputdata.attr_bool('PlotYTickLabels', True)

        out += yticks.draw(custommajortickmarks=ycustommajortickmarks,

        labels = Labels(inputdata.description)
        if inputdata.attr_bool('RatioPlot', False):
            olab = labels.draw(['Title','YLabel'])
            if not inputdata.description['is2dim']:
                olab = labels.draw(['Title','XLabel','YLabel'])
                olab = labels.draw(['Title','XLabel','YLabel','ZLabel'])
        out += olab
        return out

    def calculate_gof(self, inputdata):
        refdata = inputdata.description.get('GofReference')
        if refdata is None:
            refdata = inputdata.description.get('RatioPlotReference')

        if refdata is None:
            inputdata.description['GofLegend'] = '0'
            inputdata.description['GofFrame'] = ''

        def pickcolor(gof):
            color = None
            colordefs = {}
            for i in inputdata.description.setdefault('GofFrameColor', '0:green 3:yellow 6:red!70').strip().split():
                foo = i.split(':')
                if len(foo) != 2:
                colordefs[float(foo[0])] = foo[1]
            for i in sorted(colordefs.keys()):
                if gof>=i:
            return color

        inputdata.description.setdefault('GofLegend', '0')
        inputdata.description.setdefault('GofFrame', '')
        inputdata.description.setdefault('FrameColor', None)

        for i in inputdata.description['DrawOnly']:
            if i == refdata:
            if inputdata.description['GofLegend']!='1' and i!=inputdata.description['GofFrame']:

            if inputdata.description.has_key('GofType') and inputdata.description['GofType']!='chi2':
            gof = inputdata.histos[i].getChi2(inputdata.histos[refdata])
            if i == inputdata.description['GofFrame'] and inputdata.description['FrameColor'] is None:
                inputdata.description['FrameColor'] = pickcolor(gof)
            if inputdata.histos[i].description.setdefault('Title', '') != '':
                inputdata.histos[i].description['Title'] += ', '
            inputdata.histos[i].description['Title'] += '$\\chi^2/n={}$%1.2f' %gof

class TaylorPlot(Plot):

    def __init__(self, inputdata):
        self.refdata = inputdata.description['TaylorPlotReference']

    def calculate_taylorcoordinates(self,inputdata):
        foo = inputdata.description['DrawOnly'].pop(inputdata.description['DrawOnly'].index(self.refdata))
        for i in inputdata.description['DrawOnly']:
            print i
            print 'meanbinval  = ', inputdata.histos[i].getMeanBinValue()
            print 'sigmabinval = ', inputdata.histos[i].getSigmaBinValue()
            print 'chi2/nbins  = ', inputdata.histos[i].getChi2(inputdata.histos[self.refdata])
            print 'correlation = ', inputdata.histos[i].getCorrelation(inputdata.histos[self.refdata])
            print 'distance    = ', inputdata.histos[i].getRMSdistance(inputdata.histos[self.refdata])

class RatioPlot(Plot):

    def __init__(self, inputdata):

        self.refdata = inputdata.description['RatioPlotReference']
        self.yoffset = inputdata.description['PlotSizeY'] + inputdata.description['RatioPlotSizeY']

        inputdata.description['RatioPlotStage'] = True
        inputdata.description['PlotSizeY'] = inputdata.description['RatioPlotSizeY']
        inputdata.description['LogY'] = False

        # TODO: It'd be nice it this wasn't so MC-specific
        if inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotMode') and inputdata.description['RatioPlotMode']=='deviation':
            inputdata.description['YLabel'] = '$(\\text{MC}-\\text{data})$'
            inputdata.description['YMin'] = -3.5
            inputdata.description['YMax'] = 3.5
        elif inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotMode') and inputdata.description['RatioPlotMode']=='datamc':
            inputdata.description['YLabel'] = 'Data/MC'
            inputdata.description['YMin'] = 0.5
            inputdata.description['YMax'] = 1.5
            inputdata.description['YLabel'] = 'MC/Data'
            inputdata.description['YMin'] = 0.5
            inputdata.description['YMax'] = 1.5

        if inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotYLabel'):
            inputdata.description['YLabel'] = inputdata.description['RatioPlotYLabel']

        if inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotYMin'):
            inputdata.description['YMin'] = inputdata.description['RatioPlotYMin']
        if inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotYMax'):
            inputdata.description['YMax'] = inputdata.description['RatioPlotYMax']

        if not inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotErrorBandColor'):
            inputdata.description['RatioPlotErrorBandColor'] = 'yellow'
        if not inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotSameStyle') or inputdata.description['RatioPlotSameStyle'] == '0':
            inputdata.histos[self.refdata].description['ErrorBandColor'] = inputdata.description['RatioPlotErrorBandColor']
            inputdata.histos[self.refdata].description['ErrorBands'] = '1'
            inputdata.histos[self.refdata].description['ErrorBars'] = '0'
            inputdata.histos[self.refdata].description['LineStyle'] = 'solid'
            inputdata.histos[self.refdata].description['LineColor'] = 'black'
            inputdata.histos[self.refdata].description['LineWidth'] = '0.3pt'
            inputdata.histos[self.refdata].description['PolyMarker'] = ''
            inputdata.histos[self.refdata].description['ConnectGaps'] = '1'

        self.coors = Coordinates(inputdata)

    def draw(self, inputdata):
        out = ""
        out += ('\n%\n% RatioPlot\n%\n')
        out += ('\\psset{yunit=%scm}\n' %(self.yoffset))
        out += ('\\rput(0,-1){%\n')
        out += ('\\psset{yunit=%scm}\n' %(inputdata.description['PlotSizeY']))
        out += self._draw(inputdata)
        out += ('}\n')
        return out

    def calculate_ratios(self, inputdata):
        foo = inputdata.description['DrawOnly'].pop(inputdata.description['DrawOnly'].index(self.refdata))
        if inputdata.histos[self.refdata].description.has_key('ErrorBands') and inputdata.histos[self.refdata].description['ErrorBands']=='1':
        for i in inputdata.description['DrawOnly']:
            if i != self.refdata:
                if inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotMode') and inputdata.description['RatioPlotMode'] == 'deviation':
                elif inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotMode') and inputdata.description['RatioPlotMode'] == 'datamc':
                    inputdata.histos[i].description['ErrorBars'] = '1'
        if inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotMode') and inputdata.description['RatioPlotMode'] == 'deviation':
        elif inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotMode') and inputdata.description['RatioPlotMode'] == 'datamc':

    def _draw(self, inputdata):
        out = ""
        for i in inputdata.description['DrawOnly']:
            if inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotMode') and inputdata.description['RatioPlotMode'] == 'datamc':
                if i != self.refdata:
                    out += inputdata.histos[i].draw(self.coors)
                out += inputdata.histos[i].draw(self.coors)

        frame = Frame()
        out += frame.draw(inputdata)

        # TODO: so much duplication with MainPlot... yuck!
        if inputdata.description.has_key('XMajorTickMarks') and inputdata.description['XMajorTickMarks'] != '':
            xcustommajortickmarks = int(inputdata.description['XMajorTickMarks'])
            xcustommajortickmarks = -1
        if inputdata.description.has_key('XMinorTickMarks') and inputdata.description['XMinorTickMarks'] != '':
            xcustomminortickmarks = int(inputdata.description['XMinorTickMarks'])
            xcustomminortickmarks =- 1

        xcustommajorticks = None
        if inputdata.description.has_key('XCustomMajorTicks'): # and inputdata.description['XCustomMajorTicks']!='':
            xcustommajorticks = []
            tickstr = inputdata.description['XCustomMajorTicks'].strip().split() #'\t')
            if not len(tickstr) % 2:
                for i in range(0, len(tickstr), 2):
                    xcustommajorticks.append({'Value': float(tickstr[i]), 'Label': tickstr[i+1]})

        xcustomminorticks = None
        if inputdata.description.has_key('XCustomMinorTicks'): # and inputdata.description['XCustomMinorTicks']!='':
            xcustomminorticks = []
            tickstr = inputdata.description['XCustomMinorTicks'].strip().split() #'\t')
            for i in range(len(tickstr)):
                xcustomminorticks.append({'Value': float(tickstr[i])})

        xticks = XTicks(inputdata.description, self.coors)
        drawlabels = not (inputdata.description.has_key('RatioPlotTickLabels') and inputdata.description['RatioPlotTickLabels']=='0')
        out += xticks.draw(custommajortickmarks=xcustommajortickmarks,

        ycustommajortickmarks = inputdata.attr('YMajorTickMarks', '')
        ycustommajortickmarks = int(ycustommajortickmarks) if ycustommajortickmarks else -1

        ycustomminortickmarks = inputdata.attr('YMinorTickMarks', '')
        ycustomminortickmarks = int(ycustomminortickmarks) if ycustomminortickmarks else -1

        ycustommajorticks = None
        if inputdata.description.has_key('YCustomMajorTicks'):
            ycustommajorticks = []
            tickstr = inputdata.description['YCustomMajorTicks'].strip().split() #'\t')
            if not len(tickstr) % 2:
                for i in range(0, len(tickstr), 2):
                    ycustommajorticks.append({'Value': float(tickstr[i]), 'Label': tickstr[i+1]})

        ycustomminorticks = None
        if inputdata.description.has_key('YCustomMinorTicks'):
            ycustomminorticks = []
            tickstr = inputdata.description['YCustomMinorTicks'].strip().split() #'\t')
            for i in range(len(tickstr)):
                ycustomminorticks.append({'Value': float(tickstr[i])})

        yticks = YTicks(inputdata.description, self.coors)
        out += yticks.draw(custommajortickmarks=ycustommajortickmarks,

        if not inputdata.attr_bool('MainPlot', True) and not inputdata.attr_bool('Legend', False):
            legend = Legend(inputdata.description, inputdata.histos, inputdata.functions)
            out += legend.draw()

        labels = Labels(inputdata.description)
        lnames = ['XLabel','YLabel']
        if not inputdata.attr_bool('MainPlot', True):
        out += labels.draw(lnames)
        return out

class Legend(Described):

    def __init__(self, description, histos, functions):
        self.histos = histos
        self.functions = functions
        self.description = description

    def draw(self):
        out = ""
        out += '\n%\n% Legend\n%\n'
        out += '\\rput[tr](%s,%s){%%\n' % (self.getLegendXPos(), self.getLegendYPos())
        ypos = -0.05*6/self.description['PlotSizeY']

        legendordermap = {}
        legendlist = self.description['DrawOnly']+self.functions.keys()
        if self.description.has_key('LegendOnly'):
            legendlist = []
            for legend in self.description['LegendOnly'].strip().split():
                if legend in self.histos.keys() or legend in self.functions.keys():
        for legend in legendlist:
            order = 0
            if self.histos.has_key(legend) and self.histos[legend].description.has_key('LegendOrder'):
                order = int(self.histos[legend].description['LegendOrder'])
            if self.functions.has_key(legend) and self.functions[legend].description.has_key('LegendOrder'):
                order = int(self.functions[legend].description['LegendOrder'])
            if not order in legendordermap:
                legendordermap[order] = []
        for i in sorted(legendordermap.keys()):

        rel_xpos_sign = 1.0
        if self.getLegendAlign()=='r':
            rel_xpos_sign = -1.0
        xpos1 = -0.10*rel_xpos_sign
        xpos2 = -0.02*rel_xpos_sign

        for i in foo:
            if self.histos.has_key(i):
            elif self.functions.has_key(i):
            title = drawobject.getTitle()
            if title == '':
                out += ('\\rput[B%s](%s,%s){%s}\n' %(self.getLegendAlign(),rel_xpos_sign*0.1,ypos,title))
                out += ('\\rput[B%s](%s,%s){%s\n' %(self.getLegendAlign(),rel_xpos_sign*0.1,ypos,'%'))
                if drawobject.getErrorBands():
                    out += ('\\psframe[linewidth=0pt,linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=%s,opacity=%s]' %(drawobject.getErrorBandColor(),drawobject.getErrorBandOpacity()))
                    out += ('(%s, 0.033)(%s, 0.001)\n' %(xpos1, xpos2))
                out += ('\\psline[linestyle=' + drawobject.getLineStyle() \
                            + ', linecolor=' + drawobject.getLineColor() \
                            + ', linewidth=' + drawobject.getLineWidth() \
                            + ', strokeopacity=' + drawobject.getLineOpacity() \
                            + ', opacity=' + drawobject.getFillOpacity())
                if drawobject.getLineDash() != '':
                    out += (', dash=' + drawobject.getLineDash())
                if drawobject.getFillStyle()!='none':
                    out += (', fillstyle=' + drawobject.getFillStyle() \
                                + ', fillcolor='  + drawobject.getFillColor() \
                                + ', hatchcolor=' + drawobject.getHatchColor() \
                                + ']{C-C}(%s, 0.030)(%s, 0.030)(%s, 0.004)(%s, 0.004)(%s, 0.030)\n' \
                                %(xpos1, xpos2, xpos2, xpos1, xpos1))
                    out += ('](%s, 0.016)(%s, 0.016)\n' %(xpos1, xpos2))
                if drawobject.getPolyMarker() != '':
                    out += ('  \\psdot[dotstyle=' + drawobject.getPolyMarker() \
                                + ', dotsize='    + drawobject.getDotSize()   \
                                + ', dotscale='   + drawobject.getDotScale()  \
                                + ', linecolor='  + drawobject.getLineColor() \
                                + ', linewidth='  + drawobject.getLineWidth() \
                                + ', linestyle='  + drawobject.getLineStyle() \
                                + ', fillstyle='  + drawobject.getFillStyle() \
                                + ', fillcolor='  + drawobject.getFillColor() \
                                + ', strokeopacity=' + drawobject.getLineOpacity() \
                                + ', opacity=' + drawobject.getFillOpacity() \
                                + ', hatchcolor=' + drawobject.getHatchColor())
                    if drawobject.getFillStyle()!='none':
                        out += ('](%s, 0.028)\n' % (rel_xpos_sign*-0.06))
                        out += ('](%s, 0.016)\n' % (rel_xpos_sign*-0.06))
                out += ('}\n')
                ypos -= 0.075*6/self.description['PlotSizeY']
        if self.description.has_key('CustomLegend'):
            for i in self.description['CustomLegend'].strip().split('\\\\'):
                out += ('\\rput[B%s](%s,%s){%s}\n' %(self.getLegendAlign(),rel_xpos_sign*0.1,ypos,i))
                ypos -= 0.075*6/self.description['PlotSizeY']
        out += ('}\n')
        return out

    def getLegendXPos(self):
        if self.description.has_key('LegendXPos'):
            return self.description['LegendXPos']
            if self.getLegendAlign()=='r':
                return '0.95'
                return '0.53'

    def getLegendYPos(self):
        if self.description.has_key('LegendYPos'):
            return self.description['LegendYPos']
            return '0.93'

    def getLegendAlign(self):
        if self.description.has_key('LegendAlign'):
            return self.description['LegendAlign']
            return 'l'

class ColorScale(Described):

    def __init__(self, description, coors):
        self.description = description
        self.coors = coors

    def draw(self):
        out = ''
        out += '\n%\n% ColorScale\n%\n'
        out += '\\rput(1,0){\n'
        out += '  \\psset{xunit=4mm}\n'
        out += '  \\rput(0.5,0){\n'
        out += '    \\psset{yunit=0.0076923, linestyle=none, fillstyle=solid}\n'
        out += '    \\multido{\\ic=0+1,\\id=1+1}{130}{\n'
        out += '      \\psframe[fillcolor={gradientcolors!![\\ic]},dimen=inner,linewidth=0.1pt](0, \\ic)(1, \\id)\n'
        out += '    }\n'
        out += '  }\n'
        out += '  \\rput(0.5,0){\n'
        out += '    \\psframe[linewidth=0.3pt,dimen=middle](0,0)(1,1)\n'

        zcustommajortickmarks = self.attr_int('ZMajorTickMarks', -1)
        zcustomminortickmarks = self.attr_int('ZMinorTickMarks', -1)

        zcustommajorticks = zcustomminorticks = None
        if self.attr('ZCustomMajorTicks'):
            zcustommajorticks = []
            z_label_pairs = self.attr('ZCustomMajorTicks').strip().split() #'\t')
            if len(z_label_pairs) % 2 == 0:
                for i in range(0, len(z_label_pairs), 2):
                    zcustommajorticks.append({'Value': float(x_label_pairs[i]), 'Label': x_label_pairs[i+1]})
                print "Warning: ZCustomMajorTicks requires an even number of alternating pos/label entries"

        if self.attr('ZCustomMinorTicks'):
            zs = self.attr('ZCustomMinorTicks').strip().split() #'\t')
            zcustomminorticks = [{'Value': float(x)} for x in xs]

        drawzlabels = self.attr_bool('PlotZTickLabels', True)

        zticks = ZTicks(self.description, self.coors)
        out += zticks.draw(custommajortickmarks=zcustommajortickmarks,\
        out += '  }\n'
        out += '}\n'
        return out

class Labels(Described):

    def __init__(self, description):
        self.description = description

    def draw(self, axis=[]):
        out = ""
        out += ('\n%\n% Labels\n%\n')
        if self.description.has_key('Title') and (axis.count('Title') or axis==[]):
            out += ('\\rput(0,1){\\rput[lB](0, 1.7\\labelsep){\\normalsize '+self.description['Title']+'}}\n')
        if self.description.has_key('XLabel') and (axis.count('XLabel') or axis==[]):
            if self.description.has_key('XLabelSep'):
            out += ('\\rput(1,0){\\rput[rB](0,-%4.3f\\labelsep){\\normalsize '%(xlabelsep) +self.description['XLabel']+'}}\n')
        if self.description.has_key('YLabel') and (axis.count('YLabel') or axis==[]):
            if self.description.has_key('YLabelSep'):
            out += ('\\rput(0,1){\\rput[rB]{90}(-%4.3f\\labelsep,0){\\normalsize '%(ylabelsep) +self.description['YLabel']+'}}\n')
        if self.description.has_key('ZLabel') and (axis.count('ZLabel') or axis==[]):
            if self.description.has_key('ZLabelSep'):
            out += ('\\rput(1,1){\\rput(%4.3f\\labelsep,0){\\psset{xunit=4mm}\\rput[lB]{270}(1.5,0){\\normalsize '%(zlabelsep) +self.description['ZLabel']+'}}}\n')
        return out

class Special(Described):

    def __init__(self, f):
        self.description = {}
        self.data = []

    def read_input(self, f):
        for line in f:
            if is_end_marker(line, 'SPECIAL'):
            elif is_comment(line):

    def draw(self, coors):
        out = ""
        out += ('\n%\n% Special\n%\n')
        import re
        regex = re.compile(r'^(.*?)(\\physics[xy]?coor)\(\s?([0-9\.eE+-]+)\s?,\s?([0-9\.eE+-]+)\s?\)(.*)')
        # TODO: More precise number string matching, something like this:
        # num = r"-?[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+]"
        # regex = re.compile(r'^(.*?)(\\physics[xy]?coor)\(\s?(' + num + ')\s?,\s?(' + num + ')\s?\)(.*)')
        for l in self.data:
            while regex.search(l):
                match = regex.search(l)
                xcoor, ycoor = float(match.group(3)), float(match.group(4))
                if match.group(2)[1:] in ["physicscoor", "physicsxcoor"]:
                    xcoor = coors.phys2frameX(xcoor)
                if match.group(2)[1:] in ["physicscoor", "physicsycoor"]:
                    ycoor = coors.phys2frameY(ycoor)
                line = "%s(%f, %f)%s" % (match.group(1), xcoor, ycoor, match.group(5))
                l = line
            out += l + "\n"
        return out

class DrawableObject(Described):

    def __init__(self, f):

    def getTitle(self):
        return self.description.get("Title", "")

    def getLineStyle(self):
        if self.description.has_key('LineStyle'):
            ## I normally like there to be "only one way to do it", but providing
            ## this dashdotted/dotdashed synonym just seems humane ;-)
            if self.description['LineStyle'] in ('dashdotted', 'dotdashed'):
                self.description['LineDash']='3pt 3pt .8pt 3pt'
            return self.description['LineStyle']
            return 'solid'

    def getLineDash(self):
        if self.description.has_key('LineDash'):
            # Check if LineStyle=='dashdotted' before returning something
            return self.description['LineDash']
            return ''

    def getLineWidth(self):
        return self.description.get("LineWidth", "0.8pt")

    def getLineColor(self):
        return self.description.get("LineColor", "black")

    def getLineOpacity(self):
        return self.description.get("LineOpacity", "1.0")

    def getFillColor(self):
        return self.description.get("FillColor", "white")

    def getFillOpacity(self):
        return self.description.get("FillOpacity", "1.0")

    def getHatchColor(self):
        return self.description.get("HatchColor", "black")

    def getFillStyle(self):
        return self.description.get("FillStyle", "none")

    def getPolyMarker(self):
        return self.description.get("PolyMarker", "")

    def getDotSize(self):
        return self.description.get("DotSize", "2pt 2")

    def getDotScale(self):
        return self.description.get("DotScale", "1")

    def getErrorBars(self):
        return bool(int(self.description.get("ErrorBars", "0")))

    def getErrorBands(self):
        return bool(int(self.description.get("ErrorBands", "0")))

    def getErrorBandColor(self):
        return self.description.get("ErrorBandColor", "yellow")

    def getErrorBandOpacity(self):
        return self.description.get("ErrorBandOpacity", "1.0")

    def getSmoothLine(self):
        return bool(int(self.description.get("SmoothLine", "0")))

    def startclip(self):
        return '\\psclip{\\psframe[linewidth=0, linestyle=none](0,0)(1,1)}\n'

    def stopclip(self):
        return '\\endpsclip\n'

    def startpsset(self):
        out = ""
        out += ('\\psset{linecolor='+self.getLineColor()+'}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{linewidth='+self.getLineWidth()+'}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{linestyle='+self.getLineStyle()+'}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{fillstyle='+self.getFillStyle()+'}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{fillcolor='+self.getFillColor()+'}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{hatchcolor='+self.getHatchColor()+'}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{strokeopacity='+self.getLineOpacity()+'}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{opacity='+self.getFillOpacity()+'}\n')
        if self.getLineDash()!='':
            out += ('\\psset{dash='+self.getLineDash()+'}\n')
        return out

    def stoppsset(self):
        out = ""
        out += ('\\psset{linecolor=black}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{linewidth=0.8pt}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{linestyle=solid}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{fillstyle=none}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{fillcolor=white}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{hatchcolor=black}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{strokeopacity=1.0}\n')
        out += ('\\psset{opacity=1.0}\n')
        return out

class Function(DrawableObject, Described):

    def __init__(self, f):
        self.description = {}

    def read_input(self, f):
        self.code='def plotfunction(x):\n'
        for line in f:
            if is_end_marker(line, 'FUNCTION'):
            elif is_comment(line):
                m = pat_property.match(line)
                if iscode:
                    self.code+='    '+line
                elif m:
                    prop, value = m.group(1,2)
                    if prop=='Code':
                        self.description[prop] = value
        if not iscode:
            print '++++++++++ ERROR: No code in function'
            foo = compile(self.code, '<string>', 'exec')
            self.plotfunction = plotfunction

    def draw(self,coors):
        out = ""
        out += self.startclip()
        out += self.startpsset()
        xmin = coors.xmin()
        if self.description.has_key('XMin') and self.description['XMin']:
            xmin = float(self.description['XMin'])
        if self.description.has_key('XMax') and self.description['XMax']:
        # TODO: Space sample points logarithmically if LogX=1
        dx = (xmax-xmin)/500.
        x = xmin-dx
        out += '\\pscurve'
        if self.description.has_key('FillStyle') and self.description['FillStyle']!='none':
            out += '(%s,%s)\n' % (coors.strphys2frameX(xmin),coors.strphys2frameY(coors.ymin()))
        while x < (xmax+2*dx):
            y = self.plotfunction(x)
            out += ('(%s,%s)\n' % (coors.strphys2frameX(x), coors.strphys2frameY(y)))
            x += dx
        if self.description.has_key('FillStyle') and self.description['FillStyle']!='none':
            out += '(%s,%s)\n' % (coors.strphys2frameX(xmax),coors.strphys2frameY(coors.ymin()))
        out += self.stoppsset()
        out += self.stopclip()
        return out

class BinData(object):
    Store bin edge and value+error(s) data for a 1D or 2D bin.

    TODO: generalise/alias the attr names to avoid mention of x and y

    def __init__(self, low, high, val, err):
        #print "@", low, high, val, err
        self.low = floatify(low)
        self.high = floatify(high)
        self.val = float(val)
        self.err = floatpair(err)

    def is2D(self):
        return hasattr(self.low, "__len__") and hasattr(self.high, "__len__")

    def isValid(self):
        invalid_val = (isnan(self.val) or isnan(self.err[0]) or isnan(self.err[1]))
        if invalid_val:
            return False
        if self.is2D:
            invalid_low = any(isnan(x) for x in self.low)
            invalid_high = any(isnan(x) for x in self.high)
            invalid_low, invalid_high = isnan(self.low), isnan(self.high)
        return not (invalid_low or invalid_high)

    def xmin(self):
        return self.low
    def xmin(self,x):
        self.low = x

    def xmax(self):
        return self.high
    def xmax(self,x):
        self.high = x

    def xmid(self):
        # TODO: Generalise to 2D
        return (self.xmin + self.xmax) / 2.0

    def xwidth(self):
        # TODO: Generalise to 2D
        assert self.xmin <= self.xmax
        return self.xmax - self.xmin

    def y(self):
        return self.val
    def y(self, x):
        self.val = x

    def ey(self):
        return self.err
    def ey(self, x):
        self.err = x

    def ymin(self):
        return self.y - self.ey[0]

    def ymax(self):
        return self.y + self.ey[1]

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        "dict-like access for backward compatibility"
        if key in ("LowEdge"):
            return self.xmin
        elif key == ("UpEdge", "HighEdge"):
            return self.xmax
        elif key == "Content":
            return self.y
        elif key == "Errors":
            return self.ey

class Histogram(DrawableObject, Described):

    def __init__(self, f, p=None):
        self.description = {}
        self.is2dim = False
        self.data = []
        self.sigmabinvalue = None
        self.meanbinvalue = None
        self.path = p

    def read_input_data(self, f):
        for line in f:
            if is_end_marker(line, 'HISTOGRAM'):
            elif is_comment(line):
                line = line.rstrip()
                m = pat_property.match(line)
                if m:
                    prop, value = m.group(1,2)
                    self.description[prop] = value
                    ## Detect symm errs
                    linearray = line.split()
                    if len(linearray) == 4:
                    ## Detect asymm errs
                    elif len(linearray) == 5:
                        self.data.append(BinData(linearray[0], linearray[1], linearray[2], [linearray[3],linearray[4]]))
                    ## Detect two-dimensionality
                    elif len(linearray) in [6,7]:
                        self.is2dim = True
                        # If asymm z error, use the max or average of +- error
                        err = float(linearray[5])
                        if len(linearray) == 7:
                            if self.description.get("ShowMaxZErr", 1):
                                err = max(err, float(linearray[6]))
                                err = 0.5 * (err + float(linearray[6]))
                        self.data.append(BinData([linearray[0], linearray[2]], [linearray[1], linearray[3]], linearray[4], err))
                    ## Unknown histo format
                        raise RuntimeError("Unknown HISTOGRAM data line format with %d entries" % len(linearray))

    def mangle_input(self):
        norm2int = self.attr_bool("NormalizeToIntegral", False)
        norm2sum = self.attr_bool("NormalizeToSum", False)
        if norm2int or norm2sum:
            if norm2int and norm2sum:
                print "Can't normalize to Integral and to Sum at the same time. Will normalize to the Sum."
            foo = 0
            # TODO: change to "in self.data"?
            for i in range(len(self.data)):
                if norm2sum:
                    foo += self.data[i].val
                    foo += self.data[i].val*(self.data[i].xmax-self.data[i].xmin)

            # TODO: change to "in self.data"?
            if foo != 0:
                for i in range(len(self.data)):
                    self.data[i].val /= foo
                    self.data[i].err[0] /= foo
                    self.data[i].err[1] /= foo
        scale = self.attr_float('Scale', 1.0)
        if scale != 1.0:
            # TODO: change to "in self.data"?
            for i in range(len(self.data)):
                self.data[i].val *= scale
                self.data[i].err[0] *= scale
                self.data[i].err[1] *= scale
        if self.attr_int("Rebin", 1) > 1:
            rebin = self.attr_int("Rebin", 1)
            errortype = self.attr("ErrorType", "stat")
            newdata = []
            for i in range(0, (len(self.data)//rebin)*rebin, rebin):
                foo = 0.
                barl = 0.
                baru = 0.
                for j in range(rebin):
                    binwidth = self.data[i+j].xwidth
                    foo += self.data[i+j].val * binwidth
                    if errortype == "stat":
                        barl += (binwidth * self.data[i+j].err[0])**2
                        baru += (binwidth * self.data[i+j].err[1])**2
                    elif errortype == "env":
                        barl += self.data[i+j].ymin * binwidth
                        baru += self.data[i+j].ymax * binwidth
                        logging.error("Rebinning for ErrorType not implemented.")
                newbinwidth = self.data[i+rebin-1].xmax - self.data[i].xmin
                newcentral = foo/newbinwidth
                if errortype == "stat":
                    newerror = [sqrt(barl)/newbinwidth, sqrt(baru)/newbinwidth]
                elif errortype == "env":
                    newerror = [(foo-barl)/newbinwidth, (baru-foo)/newbinwidth]
                newdata.append(BinData(self.data[i].xmin, self.data[i+rebin-1].xmax, newcentral, newerror))
            self.data = newdata

    def add(self, name):
        if len(self.data) != len(name.data):
            print '+++ Error in Histogram.add() for %s: different numbers of bins' % self.path
        for i in range(len(self.data)):
            if fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmin, name.data[i].xmin) and \
               fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmax, name.data[i].xmax):
                self.data[i].val += name.data[i].val
                self.data[i].err[0] = sqrt(self.data[i].err[0]**2 + name.data[i].err[0]**2)
                self.data[i].err[1] = sqrt(self.data[i].err[1]**2 + name.data[i].err[1]**2)
                print '+++ Error in Histogram.add() for %s: binning of histograms differs' % self.path

    def divide(self, name):
        #print name.path, self.path
        if len(self.data) != len(name.data):
            print '+++ Error in Histogram.divide() for %s: different numbers of bins' % self.path
        for i in range(len(self.data)):
            if fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmin, name.data[i].xmin) and \
               fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmax, name.data[i].xmax):
                    self.data[i].err[0] /= name.data[i].val
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    self.data[i].err[1] /= name.data[i].val
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    self.data[i].val /= name.data[i].val
                except ZeroDivisionError:
#                self.data[i].err[0] = sqrt(self.data[i].err[0]**2 + name.data[i].err[0]**2)
#                self.data[i].err[1] = sqrt(self.data[i].err[1]**2 + name.data[i].err[1]**2)
                print '+++ Error in Histogram.divide() for %s: binning of histograms differs' % self.path

    def dividereverse(self, name):
        if len(self.data) != len(name.data):
            print '+++ Error in Histogram.dividereverse() for %s: different numbers of bins' % self.path
        for i in range(len(self.data)):
            if fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmin, name.data[i].xmin) and \
               fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmax, name.data[i].xmax):
                    self.data[i].err[0] = name.data[i].err[0]/self.data[i].val
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    self.data[i].err[1] = name.data[i].err[1]/self.data[i].val
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    self.data[i].val = name.data[i].val/self.data[i].val
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                print '+++ Error in Histogram.dividereverse(): binning of histograms differs'

    def deviation(self, name):
        if len(self.data) != len(name.data):
            print '+++ Error in Histogram.deviation() for %s: different numbers of bins' % self.path
        for i in range(len(self.data)):
            if fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmin, name.data[i].xmin) and \
               fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmax, name.data[i].xmax):
                self.data[i].val -= name.data[i].val
                    self.data[i].val /= 0.5*sqrt((name.data[i].err[0] + name.data[i].err[1])**2 + \
                                                        (self.data[i].err[0] + self.data[i].err[1])**2)
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    self.data[i].val = 0.0
                    self.data[i].err[0] /= name.data[i].err[0]
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    self.data[i].err[0] = 0.0
                    self.data[i].err[1] /= name.data[i].err[1]
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    self.data[i].err[1] = 0.0
                print '+++ Error in Histogram.deviation() for %s: binning of histograms differs' % self.path

    def getChi2(self, name):
        chi2 = 0.
        for i in range(len(self.data)):
            if fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmin, name.data[i].xmin) and \
               fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmax, name.data[i].xmax):
                    chi2 += (self.data[i].val-name.data[i].val)**2/((0.5*self.data[i].err[0]+0.5*self.data[i].err[1])**2 + (0.5*name.data[i].err[0]+0.5*name.data[i].err[1])**2)
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                print '+++ Error in Histogram.getChi2() for %s: binning of histograms differs' % self.path
        return chi2/len(self.data)

    def getSigmaBinValue(self):
        if self.sigmabinvalue==None:
            self.sigmabinvalue = 0.
            sumofweights = 0.
            for i in range(len(self.data)):
                if self.is2dim:
                    binwidth = abs( (self.data[i].xmax[0] - self.data[i].xmin[0])
                                   *(self.data[i].xmax[1] - self.data[i].xmin[1]))
                    binwidth = abs(self.data[i].xmax - self.data[i].xmin)
                self.sigmabinvalue += binwidth*(self.data[i].val-self.getMeanBinValue())**2
                sumofweights += binwidth
            self.sigmabinvalue = sqrt(self.sigmabinvalue/sumofweights)
        return self.sigmabinvalue

    def getMeanBinValue(self):
        if self.meanbinvalue==None:
            self.meanbinvalue = 0.
            sumofweights = 0.
            for i in range(len(self.data)):
                if self.is2dim:
                    binwidth = abs( (self.data[i].xmax[0] - self.data[i].xmin[0])
                                   *(self.data[i].xmax[1] - self.data[i].xmin[1]))
                    binwidth = abs(self.data[i].xmax - self.data[i].xmin)
                self.meanbinvalue += binwidth*self.data[i].val
                sumofweights += binwidth
            self.meanbinvalue /= sumofweights
        return self.meanbinvalue

    def getCorrelation(self, name):
        correlation = 0.
        sumofweights = 0.
        for i in range(len(self.data)):
            if fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmin, name.data[i].xmin) and \
               fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmax, name.data[i].xmax):
                if self.is2dim:
                    binwidth = abs( (self.data[i].xmax[0] - self.data[i].xmin[0])
                                  * (self.data[i].xmax[1] - self.data[i].xmin[1]) )
                    binwidth = abs(self.data[i].xmax - self.data[i].xmin)
                correlation += binwidth * ( self.data[i].val - self.getMeanBinValue() ) \
                                        * ( name.data[i].val - name.getMeanBinValue() )
                sumofweights += binwidth
                print '+++ Error in Histogram.getCorrelation(): binning of histograms differs' % self.path
        correlation /= sumofweights
            correlation /= self.getSigmaBinValue()*name.getSigmaBinValue()
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            correlation = 0
        return correlation

    def getRMSdistance(self,name):
        distance = 0.
        sumofweights = 0.
        for i in range(len(self.data)):
            if fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmin, name.data[i].xmin) and \
               fuzzyeq(self.data[i].xmax, name.data[i].xmax):
                if self.is2dim:
                    binwidth = abs( (self.data[i].xmax[0] - self.data[i].xmin[0])
                                  * (self.data[i].xmax[1] - self.data[i].xmin[1]) )
                    binwidth = abs(self.data[i].xmax - self.data[i].xmin)
                distance += binwidth * ( (self.data[i].val - self.getMeanBinValue())
                                        -(name.data[i].val - name.getMeanBinValue()))**2
                sumofweights += binwidth
                print '+++ Error in Histogram.getRMSdistance() for %s: binning of histograms differs' % self.path
        distance = sqrt(distance/sumofweights)
        return distance

    def draw(self,coors):
        seen_nan = False
        out = ""
        out += self.startclip()
        out += self.startpsset()
        if any(b.isValid for b in self.data):
            out += "% START DATA\n"
            if self.is2dim:
                for b in self.data:
                    out += ('\\psframe')
                    color = int(129*coors.phys2frameZ(b.val))
                    if b.val > coors.zmax():
                        color = 129
                    if b.val < coors.zmin():
                        color = 0
                    if b.val <= coors.zmin():
                        out += ('[linewidth=0pt, linestyle=none, fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=white]')
                        out += ('[linewidth=0pt, linestyle=none, fillstyle=solid, fillcolor={gradientcolors!!['+str(color)+']}]')
                    out += ('(' + coors.strphys2frameX(b.low[0]) + ', ' \
                                + coors.strphys2frameY(b.low[1]) + ')(' \
                                + coors.strphys2frameX(b.high[0])  + ', ' \
                                + coors.strphys2frameY(b.high[1])  + ')\n')
                if self.getErrorBands():
                    self.description['SmoothLine'] = 0
                    for b in self.data:
                        out += ('\\psframe[dimen=inner,linewidth=0pt,linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=%s,opacity=%s]' % (self.getErrorBandColor(),self.getErrorBandOpacity()))
                        out += ('(' + coors.strphys2frameX(b.xmin) + ', ' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameY(b.val - b.err[0]) + ')(' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameX(b.xmax)  + ', ' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameY(b.val + b.err[1]) + ')\n')
                if self.getErrorBars():
                    for b in self.data:
                        if isnan(b.val) or isnan(b.err[0]) or isnan(b.err[1]):
                            seen_nan = True
                        if b.val == 0. and b.err == [0.,0.]:
                        out += ('\\psline')
                        out += ('(' + coors.strphys2frameX(b.xmin) + ', ' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameY(b.val) + ')(' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameX(b.xmax)  + ', ' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameY(b.val) + ')\n')
                        out += ('\\psline')
                        bincenter = coors.strphys2frameX(.5*(b.xmin+b.xmax))
                        out += ('(' + bincenter + ', ' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameY(b.val-b.err[0]) + ')(' \
                                    + bincenter + ', ' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameY(b.val+b.err[1]) + ')\n')
                if self.getSmoothLine():
                    out += '\\psbezier'
                    out += '\\psline'
                if self.getFillStyle() != 'none':   # make sure that filled areas go all the way down to the x-axis
                    if coors.phys2frameX(self.data[0].xmin) > 1e-4:
                        out += '(' + coors.strphys2frameX(self.data[0].xmin) + ', -0.1)\n'
                        out += '(-0.1, -0.1)\n'
                for i, b in enumerate(self.data):
                    if isnan(b.val):
                        seen_nan = True
                    if self.getSmoothLine():
                        out += ('(' + coors.strphys2frameX(0.5*(b.xmin+b.xmax)) + ', ' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameY(b.val) + ')\n')
                        out += ('(' + coors.strphys2frameX(b.xmin) + ', ' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameY(b.val) + ')(' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameX(b.xmax)  + ', ' \
                                    + coors.strphys2frameY(b.val) + ')\n')
                        ## Join/separate data points, with vertical/diagonal lines
                        if i+1 < len(self.data): #< If this is not the last point
                            if self.description.get('ConnectBins', '1') != '1':
                                out += ('\\psline')
                                ## If bins are joined, but there is a gap in binning, choose whether to fill the gap
                                if (abs(coors.phys2frameX(b.xmax) - coors.phys2frameX(self.data[i+1].xmin)) > 1e-4):
                                    if self.description.get('ConnectGaps', '0') != '1':
                                        out += ('\\psline')
                                        # TODO: Perhaps use a new dashed line to fill the gap?
                    if self.getFillStyle() != 'none':  # make sure that filled areas go all the way down to the x-axis
                        if (coors.phys2frameX(self.data[-1].xmax) < 1-1e-4):
                            out += '(' + coors.strphys2frameX(self.data[-1].xmax) + ', -0.1)\n'
                            out += '(1.1, -0.1)\n'
            if self.getPolyMarker() != '':
                for b in self.data:
                    if isnan(b.val):
                        seen_nan = True
                    if b.val == 0. and b.err == [0.,0.]:
                    out += ('\\psdot[dotstyle=%s,dotsize=%s,dotscale=%s](' % (self.getPolyMarker(),self.getDotSize(),self.getDotScale()) \
                                + coors.strphys2frameX(.5*(b.xmin+b.xmax)) + ', ' \
                                + coors.strphys2frameY(b.val) + ')\n')

            out += "% END DATA\n"
            print "WARNING: No valid bin value/errors/edges to plot!"
            out += "% NO DATA!\n"

        out += self.stoppsset()
        out += self.stopclip()
        if seen_nan:
            print "WARNING: NaN-valued value or error bar!"
        return out

    # def is2dimensional(self):
    #     return self.is2dim

    def getXMin(self):
        if not self.data:
            return 0
        elif self.is2dim:
            return min(b.low[0] for b in self.data)
            return min(b.xmin for b in self.data)

    def getXMax(self):
        if not self.data:
            return 1
        elif self.is2dim:
            return max(b.high[0] for b in self.data)
            return max(b.xmax for b in self.data)

    def getYMin(self, xmin, xmax, logy):
        if not self.data:
            return 0
        elif self.is2dim:
            return min(b.low[1] for b in self.data)
            yvalues = []
            for b in self.data:
                if (b.xmax > xmin or b.xmin >= xmin) and (b.xmin < xmax or b.xmax <= xmax):
                    foo = b.val
                    if self.getErrorBars() or self.getErrorBands():
                        foo -= b.err[0]
                    if not isnan(foo) and (not logy or foo > 0):
            return min(yvalues) if yvalues else self.data[0].val

    def getYMax(self, xmin, xmax):
        if not self.data:
            return 1
        elif self.is2dim:
            return max(b.high[1] for b in self.data)
            yvalues = []
            for b in self.data:
                if (b.xmax > xmin or b.xmin >= xmin) and (b.xmin < xmax or b.xmax <= xmax):
                    foo = b.val
                    if self.getErrorBars() or self.getErrorBands():
                        foo += b.err[1]
                    if not isnan(foo): # and (not logy or foo > 0):
            return max(yvalues) if yvalues else self.data[0].val

    def getZMin(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):
        if not self.is2dim:
            return 0
        zvalues = []
        for b in self.data:
            if (b.xmax[0] > xmin and b.xmin[0] < xmax) and (b.xmax[1] > ymin and b.xmin[1] < ymax):
        return min(zvalues)

    def getZMax(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):
        if not self.is2dim:
            return 0
        zvalues = []
        for b in self.data:
            if (b.xmax[0] > xmin and b.xmin[0] < xmax) and (b.xmax[1] > ymin and b.xmin[1] < ymax):
        return max(zvalues)

class Histo1D(Histogram):

    def read_input_data(self, f):
        for line in f:
            if is_end_marker(line, 'HISTO1D'):
            elif is_comment(line):
                line = line.rstrip()
                m = pat_property.match(line)
                if m:
                    prop, value = m.group(1,2)
                    self.description[prop] = value
                    linearray = line.split()
                    ## Detect symm errs
                    # TODO: Not sure what the 8-param version is for... auto-compatibility with YODA format?
                    if len(linearray) in [4,8]:
                        self.data.append(BinData(linearray[0], linearray[1], linearray[2], linearray[3]))
                    ## Detect asymm errs
                    elif len(linearray) == 5:
                        self.data.append(BinData(linearray[0], linearray[1], linearray[2], [linearray[3],linearray[4]]))
                        raise Exception('Histo1D does not have the expected number of columns. ' + line)

    # TODO: specialise draw() here

class Histo2D(Histogram):

    def read_input_data(self, f):
        self.is2dim = True #< Should really be done in a constructor, but this is easier for now...

        for line in f:
            if is_end_marker(line, 'HISTO2D'):
            elif is_comment(line):
                line = line.rstrip()
                m = pat_property.match(line)
                if m:
                    prop, value = m.group(1,2)
                    self.description[prop] = value
                    linearray = line.split()
                    if len(linearray) in [6,7]:
                        # If asymm z error, use the max or average of +- error
                        err = float(linearray[5])
                        if len(linearray) == 7:
                            if self.description.get("ShowMaxZErr", 1):
                                err = max(err, float(linearray[6]))
                                err = 0.5 * (err + float(linearray[6]))
                        self.data.append(BinData([linearray[0], linearray[2]], [linearray[1], linearray[3]], float(linearray[4]), err))
                        raise Exception('Histo2D does not have the expected number of columns. '+line)

    # TODO: specialise draw() here


class Frame(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.framelinewidth = '0.3pt'

    def draw(self,inputdata):
        out = ('\n%\n% Frame\n%\n')
        if inputdata.description.has_key('FrameColor') and inputdata.description['FrameColor']!=None:
            color = inputdata.description['FrameColor']
            # We want to draw this frame only once, so set it to False for next time:

            # Calculate how high and wide the overall plot is
            height = [0,0]
            width  = inputdata.attr('PlotSizeX')
            if inputdata.attr_bool('RatioPlot', False):
                height[1] = -inputdata.description['RatioPlotSizeY']
            if not inputdata.attr_bool('MainPlot', True):
                height[0] = inputdata.description['PlotSizeY']
                height[0] = -height[1]
                height[1] = 0

            # Get the margin widths
            left = inputdata.description['LeftMargin']+0.1
            right = inputdata.description['RightMargin']+0.1
            top = inputdata.description['TopMargin']+0.1
            bottom = inputdata.description['BottomMargin']+0.1

            out += ('\\rput(0,1){\\psline[linewidth=%scm,linecolor=%s](%scm,%scm)(%scm,%scm)}\n' %(top, color, -left, top/2, width+right, top/2))
            out += ('\\rput(0,%scm){\\psline[linewidth=%scm,linecolor=%s](%scm,%scm)(%scm,%scm)}\n' %(height[1], bottom, color, -left, -bottom/2, width+right, -bottom/2))
            out += ('\\rput(0,0){\\psline[linewidth=%scm,linecolor=%s](%scm,%scm)(%scm,%scm)}\n' %(left, color, -left/2, height[1]-0.05, -left/2, height[0]+0.05))
            out += ('\\rput(1,0){\\psline[linewidth=%scm,linecolor=%s](%scm,%scm)(%scm,%scm)}\n' %(right, color, right/2, height[1]-0.05, right/2, height[0]+0.05))

        out += ('\\psframe[linewidth='+self.framelinewidth+',dimen=middle](0,0)(1,1)\n')
        return out

class Ticks(object):

    def __init__(self, description, coors):
        self.majorticklinewidth = '0.3pt'
        self.minorticklinewidth = '0.3pt'
        self.majorticklength    = '9pt'
        self.minorticklength    = '4pt'
        self.description = description
        self.coors = coors

    def draw_ticks(self, vmin, vmax, plotlog=False, custommajorticks=None, customminorticks=None, custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1, drawlabels=True, twosided=False):
        out = ""
        if plotlog:
            if vmin <= 0 or vmax <= 0:
                raise Exception("Cannot place log axis min or max tick <= 0")
            if custommajorticks is None:
                x = int(log10(vmin))
                n_labels = 0
                while x < log10(vmax) + 1:
                    if 10**x >= vmin:
                        ticklabel = 10**x
                        if ticklabel > vmin and ticklabel < vmax:
                            out += self.draw_majortick(ticklabel,twosided)
                            if drawlabels:
                                out += self.draw_majorticklabel(ticklabel)
                                n_labels += 1
                        if ticklabel == vmin or ticklabel == vmax:
                            if drawlabels:
                                out += self.draw_majorticklabel(ticklabel)
                        for i in range(2,10):
                            ticklabel = i*10**(x-1)
                            if ticklabel > vmin and ticklabel < vmax:
                                out += self.draw_minortick(ticklabel,twosided)
                                if drawlabels and n_labels == 0:
                                    if (i+1)*10**(x-1) < vmax: # some special care for the last minor tick
                                        out += self.draw_minorticklabel(ticklabel)
                                        out += self.draw_minorticklabel(ticklabel, last=True)
                    x += 1
                print "Warning: custom major ticks not currently supported on log axes -- please contact the developers to request!"
        elif custommajorticks is not None or customminorticks is not None:
            if custommajorticks:
                for i in range(len(custommajorticks)):
                    value = custommajorticks[i]['Value']
                    label = custommajorticks[i]['Label']
                    if value >= vmin and value <= vmax:
                        out += self.draw_majortick(value,twosided)
                    if drawlabels:
                        out += self.draw_majorticklabel(value, label=label)
            if customminorticks:
                for i in range(len(customminorticks)):
                    value = customminorticks[i]['Value']
                    if value >= vmin and value <= vmax:
                        out += self.draw_minortick(value,twosided)
            vrange = vmax - vmin
            if isnan(vrange):
                vrange, vmin, vmax = 1, 1, 2
            digits = int(log10(vrange))+1
            if vrange <= 1:
                digits -= 1
            foo = int(vrange/(10**(digits-1)))
            if foo/9. > 0.5:
                tickmarks = 10
            elif foo/9. > 0.2:
                tickmarks = 5
            elif foo/9. > 0.1:
                tickmarks = 2

            if custommajortickmarks > -1:
                if custommajortickmarks not in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20]:
                    print '+++ Error in Ticks.draw_ticks(): MajorTickMarks must be in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20]'
                    tickmarks = custommajortickmarks

            if tickmarks == 2 or tickmarks == 20:
                minortickmarks = 3
                minortickmarks = 4
            if customminortickmarks > -1:
                minortickmarks = customminortickmarks
            x = 0
            while x > vmin*10**digits:
                x -= tickmarks*100**(digits-1)
            while x <= vmax*10**digits:
                if x >= vmin*10**digits - tickmarks*100**(digits-1):
                    ticklabel = 1.*x/10**digits
                    if int(ticklabel) == ticklabel:
                        ticklabel = int(ticklabel)
                    if float(ticklabel-vmin)/vrange >= -1e-5:
                        if abs(ticklabel-vmin)/vrange > 1e-5 and abs(ticklabel-vmax)/vrange > 1e-5:
                            out += self.draw_majortick(ticklabel,twosided)
                        if drawlabels:
                            out += self.draw_majorticklabel(ticklabel)

                    xminor = x
                    for i in range(minortickmarks):
                        xminor += 1.*tickmarks*100**(digits-1)/(minortickmarks+1)
                        ticklabel = 1.*xminor/10**digits
                        if ticklabel > vmin and ticklabel < vmax:
                            if abs(ticklabel-vmin)/vrange > 1e-5 and abs(ticklabel-vmax)/vrange > 1e-5:
                                out += self.draw_minortick(ticklabel,twosided)
                x += tickmarks*100**(digits-1)
        return out

    def draw(self):

    def draw_minortick(self, ticklabel, twosided):

    def draw_majortick(self, ticklabel, twosided):

    def draw_majorticklabel(self, ticklabel):

    def draw_minorticklabel(self, value, label='', last=False):
        return ''

    def get_ticklabel(self, value, plotlog=False, minor=False, lastminor=False):
        prefix = ''
        if plotlog:
            bar = int(log10(value))
	    if bar < 0:
            if minor: # The power of ten is only to be added to the last minor tick label
                if lastminor:
                    label = str(int(value/(10**bar))) + "\\cdot" + '10$^{'+sign+'\\text{'+str(abs(bar))+'}}$'
                    label = str(int(value/(10**bar))) # The naked prefactor
                if bar==0:
                    label = '1'
                    label = '10$^{'+sign+'\\text{'+str(abs(bar))+'}}$'
            if fabs(value) < 1e-10:
                value = 0
            label = str(value)
            if "e" in label:
                a, b = label.split("e")
                astr = "%2.1f" % float(a)
                bstr = str(int(b))
                label = "\\smaller{%s $\\!\\cdot 10^{%s} $}" % (astr, bstr)
        return label

class XTicks(Ticks):

    def draw(self, custommajorticks=None, customminorticks=None, custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1,drawlabels=True):
        twosided = bool(int(self.description.get('XTwosidedTicks', '0')))
        out = ""
        out += ('\n%\n% X-Ticks\n%\n')
        out += ('\\def\\majortickmarkx{\\psline[linewidth='+self.majorticklinewidth+'](0,0)(0,'+self.majorticklength+')}%\n')
        out += ('\\def\\minortickmarkx{\\psline[linewidth='+self.minorticklinewidth+'](0,0)(0,'+self.minorticklength+')}%\n')
        uselog = self.description['LogX'] and (self.coors.xmin() > 0 and self.coors.xmax() > 0)
        out += self.draw_ticks(self.coors.xmin(), self.coors.xmax(),\
        return out

    def draw_minortick(self, ticklabel, twosided):
        out = ''
        out += '\\rput('+self.coors.strphys2frameX(ticklabel)+', 0){\\minortickmarkx}\n'
        if twosided:
            out += '\\rput{180}('+self.coors.strphys2frameX(ticklabel)+', 1){\\minortickmarkx}\n'
        return out

    def draw_minorticklabel(self, value, label='', last=False):
        if not label:
            label=self.get_ticklabel(value, int(self.description['LogX']), minor=True, lastminor=last)
        if last: # Some more indentation for the last minor label
            return ('\\rput('+self.coors.strphys2frameX(value)+', 0){\\rput[B](1.9\\labelsep,-2.3\\labelsep){\\strut{}'+label+'}}\n')
            return ('\\rput('+self.coors.strphys2frameX(value)+', 0){\\rput[B](0,-2.3\\labelsep){\\strut{}'+label+'}}\n')

    def draw_majortick(self, ticklabel, twosided):
        out = ''
        out += '\\rput('+self.coors.strphys2frameX(ticklabel)+', 0){\\majortickmarkx}\n'
        if twosided:
            out += '\\rput{180}('+self.coors.strphys2frameX(ticklabel)+', 1){\\majortickmarkx}\n'
        return out

    def draw_majorticklabel(self, value, label=''):
        if not label:
            label = self.get_ticklabel(value, int(self.description['LogX']) and self.coors.xmin() > 0 and self.coors.xmax() > 0)
        labelparts = label.split("\\n")
        labelcode = label if len(labelparts) == 1 else ("\\shortstack{" + "\\\\ ".join(labelparts) +  "}")
        rtn = "\\rput(" + self.coors.strphys2frameX(value) + ", 0){\\rput[t](0,-\\labelsep){" + labelcode + "}}\n"
        return rtn

class YTicks(Ticks):

    def draw(self, custommajorticks=None, customminorticks=None, custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1, drawlabels=True):
        twosided = bool(int(self.description.get('YTwosidedTicks', '0')))
        out = ""
        out += ('\n%\n% Y-Ticks\n%\n')
        out += ('\\def\\majortickmarky{\\psline[linewidth=%s](0,0)(%s,0)}%%\n' % (self.majorticklinewidth, self.majorticklength))
        out += ('\\def\\minortickmarky{\\psline[linewidth=%s](0,0)(%s,0)}%%\n' % (self.minorticklinewidth, self.minorticklength))
        uselog = self.description['LogY'] and self.coors.ymin() > 0 and self.coors.ymax() > 0
        out += self.draw_ticks(self.coors.ymin(), self.coors.ymax(),
        return out

    def draw_minortick(self, ticklabel, twosided):
        out = ''
        out += '\\rput(0, '+self.coors.strphys2frameY(ticklabel)+'){\\minortickmarky}\n'
        if twosided:
            out += '\\rput{180}(1, '+self.coors.strphys2frameY(ticklabel)+'){\\minortickmarky}\n'
        return out

    def draw_majortick(self, ticklabel, twosided):
        out = ''
        out += '\\rput(0, '+self.coors.strphys2frameY(ticklabel)+'){\\majortickmarky}\n'
        if twosided:
            out += '\\rput{180}(1, '+self.coors.strphys2frameY(ticklabel)+'){\\majortickmarky}\n'
        return out

    def draw_majorticklabel(self, value, label=''):
        if not label:
            label = self.get_ticklabel(value, int(self.description['LogY']) and self.coors.ymin() > 0 and self.coors.ymax() > 0)
        if self.description.has_key('RatioPlotMode') and self.description['RatioPlotMode'] == 'deviation' and \
           self.description.has_key('RatioPlotStage') and self.description['RatioPlotStage']:
            rtn = '\\uput[180]{0}(0, '+self.coors.strphys2frameY(value)+'){\\strut{}'+label+'\\,$\\sigma$}\n'
            labelparts = label.split("\\n")
            labelcode = label if len(labelparts) == 1 else ("\\shortstack{" + "\\\\ ".join(labelparts) +  "}")
            rtn = "\\rput(0, " + self.coors.strphys2frameY(value) + "){\\rput[r](-\\labelsep,0){" + labelcode + "}}\n"
        return rtn

class ZTicks(Ticks):

    def __init__(self, description, coors):
        self.majorticklinewidth = '0.3pt'
        self.minorticklinewidth = '0.3pt'
        self.majorticklength    = '6pt'
        self.minorticklength    = '2.6pt'
        self.description = description
        self.coors = coors

    def draw(self, custommajorticks=None, customminorticks=None, custommajortickmarks=-1, customminortickmarks=-1, drawlabels=True):
        out = ""
        out += ('\n%\n% Z-Ticks\n%\n')
        out += ('\\def\\majortickmarkz{\\psline[linewidth='+self.majorticklinewidth+'](0,0)('+self.majorticklength+',0)}%\n')
        out += ('\\def\\minortickmarkz{\\psline[linewidth='+self.minorticklinewidth+'](0,0)('+self.minorticklength+',0)}%\n')
        out += self.draw_ticks(self.coors.zmin(), self.coors.zmax(),\
        return out

    def draw_minortick(self, ticklabel, twosided):
        return '\\rput{180}(1, '+self.coors.strphys2frameZ(ticklabel)+'){\\minortickmarkz}\n'

    def draw_majortick(self, ticklabel, twosided):
        return '\\rput{180}(1, '+self.coors.strphys2frameZ(ticklabel)+'){\\majortickmarkz}\n'

    def draw_majorticklabel(self, value, label=''):
        if label=='':
            label = self.get_ticklabel(value, int(self.description['LogZ']))
        if self.description.has_key('RatioPlotMode') and self.description['RatioPlotMode']=='deviation' \
                and self.description.has_key('RatioPlotStage') and self.description['RatioPlotStage']:
            return ('\\uput[0]{0}(1, '+self.coors.strphys2frameZ(value)+'){\\strut{}'+label+'\\,$\\sigma$}\n')
            return ('\\uput[0]{0}(1, '+self.coors.strphys2frameZ(value)+'){\\strut{}'+label+'}\n')

class Coordinates(object):

    def __init__(self, inputdata):
        self.description = inputdata.description

    def phys2frameX(self, x):
        if self.description['LogX']:
            if x>0:
                result = 1.*(log10(x)-log10(self.xmin()))/(log10(self.xmax())-log10(self.xmin()))
                return -10
            result = 1.*(x-self.xmin())/(self.xmax()-self.xmin())
        if (fabs(result) < 1e-4):
            return 0
            return min(max(result,-10),10)

    def phys2frameY(self, y):
        if self.description['LogY']:
            if y > 0 and self.ymin() > 0 and self.ymax() > 0:
                result = 1.*(log10(y)-log10(self.ymin()))/(log10(self.ymax())-log10(self.ymin()))
                return -10
            result = 1.*(y-self.ymin())/(self.ymax()-self.ymin())
        if (fabs(result) < 1e-4):
            return 0
            return min(max(result,-10),10)

    def phys2frameZ(self, z):
        if self.description['LogZ']:
            if z>0:
                result = 1.*(log10(z)-log10(self.zmin()))/(log10(self.zmax())-log10(self.zmin()))
                return -10
            result = 1.*(z-self.zmin())/(self.zmax()-self.zmin())
        if (fabs(result) < 1e-4):
            return 0
            return min(max(result,-10),10)

    # TODO: Add frame2phys functions (to allow linear function sampling in the frame space rather than the physical space)

    def strphys2frameX(self, x):
        return str(self.phys2frameX(x))

    def strphys2frameY(self, y):
        return str(self.phys2frameY(y))

    def strphys2frameZ(self, z):
        return str(self.phys2frameZ(z))

    def xmin(self):
        return self.description['Borders'][0]

    def xmax(self):
        return self.description['Borders'][1]

    def ymin(self):
        return self.description['Borders'][2]

    def ymax(self):
        return self.description['Borders'][3]

    def zmin(self):
        return self.description['Borders'][4]

    def zmax(self):
        return self.description['Borders'][5]


def try_cmd(args):
    "Run the given command + args and return True/False if it succeeds or not"
    import subprocess
        subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        return True
        return False

def have_cmd(cmd):
    return try_cmd(["which", cmd])

import shutil, subprocess
def process_datfile(datfile):
    global opts
    if not os.access(datfile, os.R_OK):
        raise Exception("Could not read data file '%s'" % datfile)

    dirname = os.path.dirname(datfile)
    datfile = os.path.basename(datfile)
    filename = datfile.replace('.dat','')

    ## Create a temporary directory
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    datpath = os.path.join(cwd, dirname, datfile)
    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('.make-plots')
    tempdatpath = os.path.join(tempdir, datfile)
    shutil.copy(datpath, tempdir)
    if opts.NO_CLEANUP:
        logging.info('Keeping temp-files in %s' % tempdir)

    ## Make TeX file
    inputdata = InputData(os.path.join(dirname,filename))
    texpath = os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.tex' % filename)
    texfile = open(texpath, 'w')
    p = Plot(inputdata)
    if inputdata.attr_bool("MainPlot", True):
        mp = MainPlot(inputdata)
    if not inputdata.attr_bool("is2dim", False) and inputdata.attr_bool("RatioPlot", True) and inputdata.attr("RatioPlotReference"): # is not None:
        rp = RatioPlot(inputdata)

    if opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT != ["TEX"]:

        ## Check for the required programs
        latexavailable = have_cmd("latex")
        dvipsavailable = have_cmd("dvips")
        convertavailable = have_cmd("convert")
        ps2pnmavailable = have_cmd("ps2pnm")
        pnm2pngavailable = have_cmd("pnm2png")

        # TODO: It'd be nice to be able to control the size of the PNG between thumb and full-size...
        #   currently defaults (and is used below) to a size suitable for thumbnails
        def mkpng(infile, outfile, density=100):
            if convertavailable:
                pngcmd = ["convert", "-flatten", "-density", str(density), infile, "-quality", "100", "-sharpen", "0x1.0", outfile]
                logging.debug(" ".join(pngcmd))
                pngproc = subprocess.Popen(pngcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tempdir)
                raise Exception("Required PNG maker program (convert) not found")
            # elif ps2pnmavailable and pnm2pngavailable:
            #     pstopnm = "pstopnm -stdout -xsize=461 -ysize=422 -xborder=0.01 -yborder=0.01 -portrait " + infile
            #     p1 = subprocess.Popen(pstopnm.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", "w"), cwd=tempdir)
            #     p2 = subprocess.Popen(["pnmtopng"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=open("%s/%s.png" % (tempdir, outfile), "w"), stderr=open("/dev/null", "w"), cwd=tempdir)
            #     p2.wait()
            # else:
            #     raise Exception("Required PNG maker programs (convert, or ps2pnm and pnm2png) not found")

        ## Run LaTeX (in no-stop mode)
        texcmd = ["latex", "\scrollmode\input", texpath]
        logging.debug("TeX command: " + " ".join(texcmd))
        texproc = subprocess.Popen(texcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=tempdir)

        ## Run dvips
        dvcmd = ["dvips", filename]
        if not logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
        ## Handle Minion Font
        if opts.OUTPUT_FONT == "MINION":

        ## Choose format
        # TODO: Rationalise... this is a mess! Maybe we can use tex2pix?
        if "PS" in opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT:
            dvcmd += ["-o", "%s.ps" % filename]
            logging.debug(" ".join(dvcmd))
            dvproc = subprocess.Popen(dvcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tempdir)
        if "PDF" in opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT:
            logging.debug(" ".join(dvcmd))
            dvproc = subprocess.Popen(dvcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tempdir)
            cnvproc = subprocess.Popen(["ps2pdf", "-"], stdin=dvproc.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tempdir)
            f = open(os.path.join(tempdir, "%s.pdf" % filename), "w")
        if "EPS" in opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT:
            logging.debug(" ".join(dvcmd))
            dvproc = subprocess.Popen(dvcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tempdir)
            cnvproc = subprocess.Popen(["ps2eps"], stdin=dvproc.stdout, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tempdir)
            f = open(os.path.join(tempdir, "%s.eps" % filename), "w")
        if "PNG" in opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT:
            logging.debug(" ".join(dvcmd))
            dvproc = subprocess.Popen(dvcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tempdir)
            pngcmd = ["convert", "-flatten", "-density", "100", "-", "-quality", "100", "-sharpen", "0x1.0", "%s.png" % filename]
            logging.debug(" ".join(pngcmd))
            pngproc = subprocess.Popen(pngcmd, stdin=dvproc.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tempdir)

    ## Copy results back to main dir
    for fmt in opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT:
        outname = "%s.%s" % (filename, fmt.lower())
        outpath = os.path.join(tempdir, outname)
        if os.path.exists(outpath):
            shutil.copy(outpath, os.path.join(cwd,dirname))
            logging.error("No output file '%s' from processing %s" % (outname, datfile))

    ## Clean up
    if not opts.NO_CLEANUP:
        shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)


if __name__ == '__main__':

    ## Try to rename the process on Linux
        import ctypes
        libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libc.so.6')
        libc.prctl(15, 'make-plots', 0, 0, 0)
    except Exception:

    ## Try to use Psyco optimiser
        import psyco
    except ImportError:

    ## Find number of (virtual) processing units
    import multiprocessing
        numcores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        numcores = 1

    ## Parse command line options
    from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
    parser = OptionParser(usage=__doc__)
    parser.add_option("-n", "-j", "--num-threads", dest="NUM_THREADS", type="int",
                      default=numcores, help="max number of threads to be used [%s]" % numcores)
    parser.add_option("--font", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", choices="palatino,cm,times,helvetica,minion".split(","),
                      default="palatino", help="choose the font to be used in the plots")
    parser.add_option("--palatino", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", action="store_const", const="palatino", default="palatino",
                      help="use Palatino as font (default). DEPRECATED: Use --font")
    parser.add_option("--cm", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", action="store_const", const="cm", default="palatino",
                      help="use Computer Modern as font. DEPRECATED: Use --font")
    parser.add_option("--times", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", action="store_const", const="times", default="palatino",
                      help="use Times as font. DEPRECATED: Use --font")
    parser.add_option("--minion", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", action="store_const", const="minion", default="palatino",
                      help="use Adobe Minion Pro as font. Note: You need to set TEXMFHOME first. DEPRECATED: Use --font")
    parser.add_option("--helvetica", dest="OUTPUT_FONT", action="store_const", const="helvetica", default="palatino",
                      help="use Helvetica as font. DEPRECATED: Use --font")
    parser.add_option("--format", dest="OUTPUT_FORMAT", default="PDF",
                      help="choose plot format, perhaps multiple comma-separated formats e.g. 'pdf' or 'tex,pdf,png' (default = PDF).")
    parser.add_option("--ps", dest="OUTPUT_FORMAT", action="store_const", const="PS", default="PDF",
                      help="create PostScript output (default). DEPRECATED")
    parser.add_option("--pdf", dest="OUTPUT_FORMAT", action="store_const", const="PDF", default="PDF",
                      help="create PDF output. DEPRECATED")
    parser.add_option("--eps", dest="OUTPUT_FORMAT", action="store_const", const="EPS", default="PDF",
                      help="create Encapsulated PostScript output. DEPRECATED")
    parser.add_option("--png", dest="OUTPUT_FORMAT", action="store_const", const="PNG", default="PDF",
                     help="create PNG output. DEPRECATED")
    parser.add_option("--pspng", dest="OUTPUT_FORMAT", action="store_const", const="PS,PNG", default="PDF",
                     help="create PS and PNG output. DEPRECATED")
    parser.add_option("--pdfpng", dest="OUTPUT_FORMAT", action="store_const", const="PDF,PNG", default="PDF",
                     help="create PDF and PNG output. DEPRECATED")
    parser.add_option("--epspng", dest="OUTPUT_FORMAT", action="store_const", const="EPS,PNG", default="PDF",
                     help="create EPS and PNG output. DEPRECATED")
    parser.add_option("--tex", dest="OUTPUT_FORMAT", action="store_const", const="TEX", default="PDF",
                      help="create TeX/LaTeX output.")
    parser.add_option("--no-cleanup", dest="NO_CLEANUP", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="keep temporary directory and print its filename.")
    parser.add_option("--no-subproc", dest="NO_SUBPROC", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="don't use subprocesses to render the plots in parallel -- useful for debugging.")
    parser.add_option("--full-range", dest="FULL_RANGE", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="plot full y range in LogY plots.")
    parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="CONFIGFILES", action="append", default=None,
                      help="plot config file to be used. Overrides internal config blocks.")
    verbgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Verbosity control")
    verbgroup.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, dest="LOGLEVEL",
                         default=logging.INFO, help="print debug (very verbose) messages")
    verbgroup.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=logging.WARNING, dest="LOGLEVEL",
                         default=logging.INFO, help="be very quiet")

    opts, args = parser.parse_args()
    logging.basicConfig(level=opts.LOGLEVEL, format="%(message)s")
    opts.OUTPUT_FONT = opts.OUTPUT_FONT.upper()
    opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT = opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT.upper().split(",")

    ## Check for no args
    if len(args) == 0:

    ## Check that the files exist
    for f in args:
        if not os.access(f, os.R_OK):
            print "Error: cannot read from %s" % f

    ## Test for external programs (kpsewhich, latex, dvips, ps2pdf/ps2eps, and convert)
    opts.LATEXPKGS = []
    if opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT != ["TEX"]:
            ## latex
            if not have_cmd("latex"):
                logging.error("ERROR: required program 'latex' could not be found. Exiting...")
            ## dvips
            if not have_cmd("dvips"):
                logging.error("ERROR: required program 'dvips' could not be found. Exiting...")

            ## ps2pdf / ps2eps
            if "PDF" in opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT:
                if not have_cmd("ps2pdf"):
                    logging.error("ERROR: required program 'ps2pdf' (for PDF output) could not be found. Exiting...")
            elif "EPS" in opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT:
                if not have_cmd("ps2eps"):
                    logging.error("ERROR: required program 'ps2eps' (for EPS output) could not be found. Exiting...")
            ## PNG output converter
            if "PNG" in opts.OUTPUT_FORMAT:
                if not have_cmd("convert"):
                    logging.error("ERROR: required program 'convert' (for PNG output) could not be found. Exiting...")

            ## kpsewhich: required for LaTeX package testing
            if not have_cmd("kpsewhich"):
                logging.warning("WARNING: required program 'kpsewhich' (for LaTeX package checks) could not be found")
                ## Check minion font
                if opts.OUTPUT_FONT == "MINION":
                    p = subprocess.Popen(["kpsewhich", "minion.sty"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
                    if p.returncode != 0:
                        logging.warning('Warning: Using "--minion" requires minion.sty to be installed. Ignoring it.')
                        opts.OUTPUT_FONT = "PALATINO"

                ## Check for HEP LaTeX packages
                # TODO: remove HEP-specifics/non-standards?
                for pkg in ["hepnames", "hepunits", "underscore"]:
                    p = subprocess.Popen(["kpsewhich", "%s.sty" % pkg], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
                    if p.returncode == 0:

                ## Check for Palatino old style figures and small caps
                if opts.OUTPUT_FONT == "PALATINO":
                    p = subprocess.Popen(["kpsewhich", "ot1pplx.fd"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
                    if p.returncode == 0:
                        opts.OUTPUT_FONT = "PALATINO_OSF"
        except Exception, e:
            logging.warning("Problem while testing for external packages. I'm going to try and continue without testing, but don't hold your breath...")

    def init_worker():
        import signal
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

    ## Run rendering jobs
    datfiles = args
    plotword = "plots" if len(datfiles) > 1 else "plot"
    logging.info("Making %d %s" % (len(datfiles), plotword))
    if opts.NO_SUBPROC:
        for i, df in enumerate(datfiles):
            logging.info("Plotting %s (%d/%d remaining)" % (df, len(datfiles)-i, len(datfiles)))
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(opts.NUM_THREADS, init_worker)
            for i, _ in enumerate(pool.imap(process_datfile, datfiles)):
                logging.info("Plotting %s (%d/%d remaining)" % (datfiles[i], len(datfiles)-i, len(datfiles)))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "Caught KeyboardInterrupt, terminating workers"
-------------- next part --------------
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