[Rivet] Multiple event weights

Stefan von Buddenbrock stef.von.b at cern.ch
Thu Oct 27 14:25:10 BST 2016

Dear Rivet experts

Looking at the Doxygen page for the Rivet Event class, I see that the weight is retrieved as follows:

    return (!_genevent <https://rivet.hepforge.org/code/dev/classRivet_1_1Event.html#ab1a3b4bbcb1af136c14405e4c6b4ea4d>.weights().empty()) ? _genevent <https://rivet.hepforge.org/code/dev/classRivet_1_1Event.html#ab1a3b4bbcb1af136c14405e4c6b4ea4d>.weights()[0] : 1.0;

There is also a TODO which mentions the possibility of incorporating the multiple possible weights from the HepMC file.

My question is: is there any particular difficulty in trying to implement this? As far as I can tell, the HepMC::WeightContainer is pretty much just a vector of doubles, so I could try and hack the source code to get this vector through a new method.


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