[Rivet] Patch for Rivet to automatically detect available FastJet plugins

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Fri Apr 7 10:04:32 BST 2017

Hi Christian,

thanks for the patch! Are the changes to the libtool.m4 file necessary,
or is it just a matter of your autoreconf installing a different version
of libtool on top, which accidentally got picked up?



On 06/04/2017 16:20, cholm wrote:
> Hi,
> Attached is a patch to AutoTools automatically detect the presence of
> FastJet plugins, and - at compile time - only enable support for those
> algorithms.  If the user tries to use any other algorithm it will result
> in an exception.
> Note, Rivet::Projections::FastJets now provides a function to make a
> fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin object directly, so that user analysis
> that need direct access can use this service to make the relevant
> plugins (or throw) - e.g., CDF_2008_S7540469, OPAL_1993_S2692198, and
> Yours,
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