[Rivet] Query/fix on behaviour of plotparser

Jonathan Butterworth J.Butterworth at ucl.ac.uk
Fri Aug 18 14:48:25 BST 2017

Hi all,

A while ago I mentioned that I was having problems with rivet apparently 
not respecting the users' choice of paths for plotinfo files.
Specifically, ATLAS_2012_I1203852.plot is buggy in the rivet release and 
this causes problems for Contur, in that the plotparser we use doesn't 
appear to pick up our fixed version of our file. (A fix has also been 
committed to rivet.)

The relevant file in rivet is plotinfo.py

The problem is not that the path isn't known to rivet, but that the loop 
in the getSection method continues and reads all versions of the 
plotinfo file that it finds. The problem then is;

- it reads the user version first, which is then potentially overwritten 
by the official (buggy) version.

I tried reversing the loop direction (there's even a comment already 
there to this effect) but then there is still the case that

- if the problem with the official version is actually an unwanted 
attribute, this won't get overwritten/removed by the fixed version anyway.

... which is actually the problem here.

I have attached a version of plotinfo.py which works for contur now 
because it reads only the first valid plotinfo file it finds which is 
the users version. (The user also can still feed extra files to this 
method, which will be also searched for plot attributes.)

However, this isn't a simple bug fix, it is a change in behaviour, which 
might have implications elsewhere so I thought I should consult here 
before committing.

If no one care enough to comment, I'll commit it anyway, since this 
seems like the optimal behaviour to me.


Prof. Jonathan Butterworth,              http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/~jmb/
Head, Physics and Astronomy Department            Tel: +44 20 7679 3444
University College London                 Gower St, London WC1E 6BT, UK
ATLAS, CERN                                       Tel: +41 22 76  72340
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