[Rivet] Got stuck in Rivet

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Mon Jan 23 14:34:19 GMT 2017


That run.sh script you talk about isn't part of Rivet. It looks like it 
needs some improvements, both to only call mkfifo if the target doesn't 
already exist, and to fix the options passed to rivet: like the error 
message says, there is no "--process" flag.

I suggest you take a look in the script to understand what it's trying 
to do. Running rivet directly may be easier!


On 23/01/17 14:27, xiahou li wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry to disturb you. Recently, I am just trying to learn Rivet. My
> version is 2.5.2. When I want to set up the environment using source
> rivetenv.sh under ‘rivet/‘ path, I find that everytime I run .hepmc
> created by myself using ./run.sh command, the terminal just told me
> that RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH and RIVET_DATA_PATH not found [1].
> What should I do in order to overcome it? Where can I find the path of
> rivet_analysis and rivet_data?
> Thanks,
> Yingpu
> [1]
> mkfifo: cannot create fifo `fifo.hepmc': File exists
> Usage: Run Rivet analyses on inputted events from file or Unix pipe
> Examples:
>   rivet [options] <hepmcfile> [<hepmcfile2> ...]
>   my_generator -o myfifo & \ rivet [options] myfifo
>   agile-runmc <genname> -n 100k -o- | rivet [options]
>  * RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH: list of paths to be searched for plugin
>      analysis libraries at runtime
>  * RIVET_DATA_PATH: list of paths to be searched for data files
> rivet: error: no such option: --process
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Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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