[Rivet] problem with boost

Chris Pollard cpollard at cern.ch
Fri Jun 9 05:45:35 BST 2017

Hi Ahmed,

Are you hoping to set up the latest stable version of Rivet, or do you
really need the development version? If the former, I suggest you start
here: https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/wiki/GettingStarted. BOOST shouldn't
be necessary for the latest stable version, and the bootstrap should "know"
this and not look for it.


On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 6:22 PM, Ahmed Thabt <s-ahmedthabt at zewailcity.edu.eg>

> Dear,
> I was trying to install rivet based on the instructions in the rivet
> manual. When I come to this step:
> ./rivet-bootstrap --install-agile --prefix=<localdir>
> I get this error message:
> configure: WARNING: Boost header directory was not found
> configure: error: Boost is required
> I installed boost and followed the instructions here
> https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/wiki/GettingStartedForDevelopers
> and still get the same message. I also couldn't use this line
> --with-boost-incpath=path_to_my_local_directory/include/boost-X_Y
> where and how should I use it exactly?
> Regards,
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