[Rivet] turn off "Event beams mismatch error"

Chris Pollard cpollard at cern.ch
Wed Jun 14 10:09:17 BST 2017


I believe the intended behavior is this:

1) --ignore-beams won't require the beam in your hepmc file to match the
beam type expected by the analysis.

2) --ignore-beams still won't allow different beam types to be analyzed in
the same run, because this is usually quite a strange thing to want to do.

Unfortunately I'm not sure the "right" way to achieve what you want. Is it
possible to split the events into two separate runs, one with P-P, one with
P-N, and one with N-N collisions?


On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 5:24 AM, Yang Ting Chien <ytchien at mit.edu> wrote:

> Dear Deepak,
> Thanks for the prompt reply! I tried adding the option --ignore-beams when
> running rivet but it still did not work.
> I did
> rivet-buildplugin RivetJEWEL_test.so JEWEL_test.cc
> and then
> rivet --ignore-beams --analysis=JEWEL_test test.hepmc
> and I still get something like
> Event 100 (0:00:00 elapsed)
> Event 200 (0:00:00 elapsed)
> Event 300 (0:00:00 elapsed)
> Event 400 (0:00:01 elapsed)
> Event 500 (0:00:01 elapsed)
> Event 600 (0:00:01 elapsed)
> Event 700 (0:00:01 elapsed)
> Event 800 (0:00:01 elapsed)
> Event 900 (0:00:01 elapsed)
> Event 1000 (0:00:01 elapsed)
> Event 1100 (0:00:02 elapsed)
> Event 1200 (0:00:02 elapsed)
> Event 1300 (0:00:02 elapsed)
> Event 1400 (0:00:02 elapsed)
> Event 1500 (0:00:02 elapsed)
> Event beams mismatch: [PROTON, NEUTRON] @ 5020 GeV vs. first beams [PROTON
> @ (2510; 0, 0, 2510) GeV, PROTON @ (2510; 0, 0, -2510) GeV] @ 5020 GeV
> It looks like rivet ignores the ignore-beams option...
> Thanks,
> Yang-Ting
> LHC Theory Initiative Fellow
> MIT Center for Theoretical Physics
> 617-253-7194 <(617)%20253-7194>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Deepak Kar [deepak.kar at cern.ch]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 13, 2017 5:51 PM
> *To:* Yang Ting Chien
> *Cc:* rivet at projects.hepforge.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Rivet] turn off "Event beams mismatch error"
> --ignore-beams
> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 10:21 PM, Yang Ting Chien <ytchien at mit.edu> wrote:
>> Dear Rivet authors,
>> I am starting to use Rivet to analyze some hepmc files I generated using
>> jewel, a heavy ion collision generator. Since protons and neutrons are both
>> present in a heavy nuclei, I have beams of protons and neutrons present in
>> the hepmc event file. However, rivet detects the beam mismatch and gives
>> the following error message and exits:
>> Event beams mismatch: [PROTON, NEUTRON] @ 5020 GeV vs. first beams
>> [PROTON @ (2510; 0, 0, 2510) GeV, PROTON @ (2510; 0, 0, -2510) GeV] @ 5020
>> GeV
>> I couldn't find a way to successfully ask rivet to skip this beam check.
>> Could you help me resolve this issue? I attached an analysis I will extend
>> to include jet substructure studies.
>> Thank a lot,
>> Yang-Ting
>> LHC Theory Initiative Fellow
>> MIT Center for Theoretical Physics
>> 617-253-7194 <(617)%20253-7194>
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