[Rivet] turn off "Event beams mismatch error"

Chris Pollard cpollard at cern.ch
Wed Jun 14 15:47:03 BST 2017

Hi Yang,

I guess the simplest solution would be to define a "mixed" beam type: then
analyses could accept specified combinations of particles.


On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Yang Ting Chien <ytchien at mit.edu> wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Thanks!
> The second comment explains my situation. The colliding beams are lead
> nuclei, so the binary collisions can be PP, PN and NN in a heavy ion run.
> Assuming simple binary collisions with an optical Glauber model, I can
> weigh PP, PN and NN with the geometric probability. However, it will be
> extremely helpful to the heavy ion physics community if rivet can have an
> option for analyzing heavy ion data more easily. I appreciate the great
> help!
> Best,
> Yang-Ting
> LHC Theory Initiative Fellow
> MIT Center for Theoretical Physics
> 617-253-7194 <(617)%20253-7194>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Chris Pollard [cpollard at cern.ch]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 14, 2017 5:09 AM
> *To:* Yang Ting Chien
> *Cc:* Deepak Kar; rivet at projects.hepforge.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Rivet] turn off "Event beams mismatch error"
> Hi,
> I believe the intended behavior is this:
> 1) --ignore-beams won't require the beam in your hepmc file to match the
> beam type expected by the analysis.
> 2) --ignore-beams still won't allow different beam types to be analyzed in
> the same run, because this is usually quite a strange thing to want to do.
> Unfortunately I'm not sure the "right" way to achieve what you want. Is it
> possible to split the events into two separate runs, one with P-P, one with
> P-N, and one with N-N collisions?
> Chris
> On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 5:24 AM, Yang Ting Chien <ytchien at mit.edu> wrote:
>> Dear Deepak,
>> Thanks for the prompt reply! I tried adding the option --ignore-beams
>> when running rivet but it still did not work.
>> I did
>> rivet-buildplugin RivetJEWEL_test.so JEWEL_test.cc
>> and then
>> rivet --ignore-beams --analysis=JEWEL_test test.hepmc
>> and I still get something like
>> Event 100 (0:00:00 elapsed)
>> Event 200 (0:00:00 elapsed)
>> Event 300 (0:00:00 elapsed)
>> Event 400 (0:00:01 elapsed)
>> Event 500 (0:00:01 elapsed)
>> Event 600 (0:00:01 elapsed)
>> Event 700 (0:00:01 elapsed)
>> Event 800 (0:00:01 elapsed)
>> Event 900 (0:00:01 elapsed)
>> Event 1000 (0:00:01 elapsed)
>> Event 1100 (0:00:02 elapsed)
>> Event 1200 (0:00:02 elapsed)
>> Event 1300 (0:00:02 elapsed)
>> Event 1400 (0:00:02 elapsed)
>> Event 1500 (0:00:02 elapsed)
>> Event beams mismatch: [PROTON, NEUTRON] @ 5020 GeV vs. first beams
>> [PROTON @ (2510; 0, 0, 2510) GeV, PROTON @ (2510; 0, 0, -2510) GeV] @ 5020
>> GeV
>> It looks like rivet ignores the ignore-beams option...
>> Thanks,
>> Yang-Ting
>> LHC Theory Initiative Fellow
>> MIT Center for Theoretical Physics
>> 617-253-7194 <(617)%20253-7194>
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Deepak Kar [deepak.kar at cern.ch]
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 13, 2017 5:51 PM
>> *To:* Yang Ting Chien
>> *Cc:* rivet at projects.hepforge.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [Rivet] turn off "Event beams mismatch error"
>> --ignore-beams
>> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 10:21 PM, Yang Ting Chien <ytchien at mit.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Rivet authors,
>>> I am starting to use Rivet to analyze some hepmc files I generated using
>>> jewel, a heavy ion collision generator. Since protons and neutrons are both
>>> present in a heavy nuclei, I have beams of protons and neutrons present in
>>> the hepmc event file. However, rivet detects the beam mismatch and gives
>>> the following error message and exits:
>>> Event beams mismatch: [PROTON, NEUTRON] @ 5020 GeV vs. first beams
>>> [PROTON @ (2510; 0, 0, 2510) GeV, PROTON @ (2510; 0, 0, -2510) GeV] @ 5020
>>> GeV
>>> I couldn't find a way to successfully ask rivet to skip this beam check.
>>> Could you help me resolve this issue? I attached an analysis I will extend
>>> to include jet substructure studies.
>>> Thank a lot,
>>> Yang-Ting
>>> LHC Theory Initiative Fellow
>>> MIT Center for Theoretical Physics
>>> 617-253-7194 <(617)%20253-7194>
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