[Rivet] Fwd: 16th MCnet meeting Karlsruhe

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Fri Sep 15 13:21:38 BST 2017

I expect those of you on this list have mostly got this email
directly, but just in case you haven't, you're very welcome to attend!
Other "non-MCnet" collaborators on projects deeply involving Rivet or
other MCnet tools would also be very welcome, I'm sure.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stefan Gieseke <stefan.gieseke at kit.edu>
Date: 15 September 2017 at 12:44
Subject: 16th MCnet meeting Karlsruhe
To: members at montecarlonet.org, Baptiste Cabouat
<baptiste.cabouat at gmail.com>, "Marian Heil, Durham"
<marian.heil at online.de>, "Alan Price, Durham" <pricecalan at gmail.com>,
"Jose Llanes, Göttingen" <jollaju101194 at gmail.com>, Emma Simpson Dore
<e.simpsondore at gmail.com>, "Luca Mantani, Louvain"
<luca.mantani at gmail.com>, "Xiaoran Zhao, Louvain"
<xiaoran.zhao at uclouvain.be>, "Smita Chakraborty, Lund"
<sc23 at iitbbs.ac.in>, "Leif Gellersen, Lund"
<leif.gellersen at leiphi.de>, "Marius Utheim, Lund"
<marius_utheim at hotmail.com>, "Joanna Huang, UCL"
<joanna.huang16 at imperial.ac.uk>

Dear MCnet member,

The upcoming MCnet meeting will be held in Karlsruhe from Wednesday
the 27th September to Friday the 29th. The meeting will start with
lunch on Wednesday, and finish at Friday lunch time. The meeting will
open with an introduction session as there are a lot of new arrivals
associated with ITN3. As usual, all new MCnet members are invited to
give a short talk (~5 minutes) to introduce themselves to the rest of
the network. In addition, we encourage all other members of the
network to give a talk (~25 minutes) on their research. We would like
to emphasise that presenting on 'work in progress' is welcomed.

If you wish to give a talk please submit an abstract on the Indico webpage:


Talks can be submitted with the title “TBA” if the topic is not yet
decided. If you are giving an introductory talk, please use the title
“Introduction”. If there are any constraints on when you are able
speak, please let us know.

During the meeting we are also hoping to host some discussion
sessions, if there any particular suggestions for discussion topics
they would be welcome. If you have any suggestions or questions please
forward them to: studentcommittee at montecarlonet.org

*IMPORTANT- network dinner*  we need a firm number of participants for
the dinner reservation by the end of next week.  Registration will be
open until just before the meeting, but please make up your mind soon
and register for the dinner by Friday 15th, midnight, if possible.

We hope to see all of you at KIT.

MCnet Student & Postdoc Committee

Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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