[Rivet] HEPMC interface being weird in 2.6.0Christian Gutschow chris.g at cern.chMon Apr 23 16:17:32 BST 2018
Hi, I have a case where using 2.6.0 I can run a standard routine, say MC_JETS, on a local HEPMC file just fine, but when I want to run a custom routine on the same file, it gives up immediately saying: Could not read from 'jets.hepmc2g' Same behaviour even if I zip the file. When I switch back to 2.5.4, it works again using both routines. Any ideas what’s changed / how to fix this? (I’m using HEPMC 2.06.09) Cheers, Chris — Dr. Christian Gütschow Department of Physics and Astronomy University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT
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