[Rivet] Rivet 2.6.0 failing with clang6

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Wed Apr 25 09:51:03 BST 2018

Thanks, Ivan. I've fixed this for our next release. There is no real danger
here, since there is no dynamic memory allocation in these utility structs,
so if you need a compiling/running clang version asap then telling the
compiler to treat this as a warning rather than error should be safe (for


On 25 April 2018 at 08:39, Ivan Razumov <ivan.razumov at cern.ch> wrote:

> Dear Rivet developers,
> Rivet 2.6.0 is failing to build with clang 6 with the following error:
>  error: delete called on non-final 'Rivet::HasPID' that has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
> Please see this build log for details: http://cdash.cern.ch/upload/
> 2a6dd5ec142ab3fbaab6c66975d171fa02c8ac97/rivet-2.6.0-build.log
> Thanks,
> Ivan for the GENSER team
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Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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