[Rivet] Inquiry about Rivet

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Mon Jan 15 19:48:40 GMT 2018

Hi all,

>> 2) I have been told, in conversations with Daniel Maitre and Stefan
>> Hoeche, that a Rivet extension which can properly handle NLO Ntuple
>> files (to produce correct real-radiation estimations of statistical
>> uncertainties in computed observables) was in the making.
> This is our long standing almost-but-not-quite-ready feature, I'm
> afraid. We have a larger developer meeting later this spring and I
> really hope that that will be the final hurdle to pass for the NLO
> version. If you're interested, I can send you a link to a prerelease,
> with all the caveats that implies (definitely not yet production-safe)

I believe the NLOHisto1D "workaround" in
should still be working with the current releases, right?
So you have to add a few lines manually, but it should be usable
without too much effort.


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