[Rivet] Rivet(+Professor) tutorial for CMS users

Efe Yazgan Efe.Yazgan at cern.ch
Thu Jun 7 13:32:59 BST 2018

Hi Andy, Holger,

We were able to find a room. So now, we could back to the original schedule as in the attachment:
 [cid:A90A574C-83DB-4252-BE6D-70EB361141CF at cern.ch]


Le 7 juin 2018 à 11:51, Andy Buckley <a.g.buckley at gmail.com<mailto:a.g.buckley at gmail.com>> a écrit :

Hi Efe,

I can do this, but will have to leave for my return flight immediately after the Rivet tutorial.


On 6 June 2018 at 15:38, Efe Yazgan <Efe.Yazgan at cern.ch<mailto:Efe.Yazgan at cern.ch>> wrote:
Hi Andy and Holger,

Would it be possible to change the schedule to:

Wednesday, 20 June
11:00 → 12:30 RIVET Tutorial
13:30 → 15:00 PROFFESSOR Tutorial

If we have these then we can use the IT auditorium, if not we will need to find another room.


Le 9 mai 2018 à 21:54, Andy Buckley <a.g.buckley at gmail.com<mailto:a.g.buckley at gmail.com>> a écrit :



On 9 May 2018 at 17:37, Holger Schulz <iamholger at googlemail.com<mailto:iamholger at googlemail.com>> wrote:

On Wed, 9 May 2018, 04:46 Luca Perrozzi, <luca.perrozzi at cern.ch<mailto:luca.perrozzi at cern.ch>> wrote:
Dear Andy and Holger,
we have setup the agenda and identified for you the slots
Wednesday, 20 June
09:30 → 11:00 RIVET Tutorial
11:15 → 12:45 PROFFESSOR Tutorial

Please confirm your availability.

Thanks a lot
Qiang, Efe and Luca

On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 2:40 PM, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch<mailto:andy.buckley at cern.ch>> wrote:
A slight preference for Tuesday afternoon, just because of flight times. Second preference is Wednesday morning.


On 8 May 2018 at 13:18, Efe Yazgan <Efe.Yazgan at cern.ch<mailto:Efe.Yazgan at cern.ch>> wrote:
Dear Andy and Holger,

We are finalizing the agenda today. Do you have a preference for Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon, or Wednesday morning?

Thanks a lot,

Le 7 mai 2018 à 22:50, Efe Yazgan <Efe.Yazgan at cern.ch<mailto:Efe.Yazgan at cern.ch>> a écrit :

Hi Holger,

The indico page will be ready soon. We will let you know.

For the phone number, would the CMS secretariat would work? If so, it is +41 22 767 22 77.
If not, phone number of one of us?

Yes, we can send an invitation letter. Could you please let us know the dates?


Le 7 mai 2018 à 21:26, Holger Schulz <iamholger at googlemail.com<mailto:iamholger at googlemail.com>> a écrit :


I just booked my flight and will arrive at CERN on the weekend before
the workshop.

Is there an indico page or something? The Fermilab people would
like to have a URL to process my travel request.

Further, they require a telephone number of my "host" ...
Also, is it possible to get an "invitation" of some sort for the week
after? It sounds silly to me but they want some paperwork :)


On 06/05/18 08:12, Andy Buckley wrote:
That would be great, thanks!


On 5 May 2018 at 14:57, Efe Yazgan <Efe.Yazgan at cern.ch<mailto:Efe.Yazgan at cern.ch>> wrote:
Hi Andy,

Yes, we can do it on Monday or Tuesday.


Sent from my phone

Le 5 mai 2018 à 15:28, Andy Buckley <a.g.buckley at gmail.com<mailto:a.g.buckley at gmail.com>> a écrit :

Hi Luca, all,

I had kept that week free (and even cancelled my Tokyo plan for the preceding week), but now I look in my calendar and find that I have to be at home on the nights of 20-21 due to my wife's work. So it seems I could be in CERN for Mon & Tue (Holger, will you be there then?), and return to the UK midday on Wednesday... any way to make that work?

If the tutorial has to be on Thu/Fri, then I'll have to do it remotely, but it would be better to have an in-person Riveter if possible: anyone available? (We can probably find some MCnet travel money if needed.)


On 4 May 2018 at 08:44, Luca Perrozzi <luca.perrozzi at cern.ch<mailto:luca.perrozzi at cern.ch>> wrote:
Dear Andy,
we are convering on the dates June 21-22 for the tutorials.
We will be happy to have a remote "facilitator".
Do you have any particular constraint or preference?
Please let us know.

Qiang, Efe and Luca

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 3:15 PM, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch<mailto:andy.buckley at cern.ch>> wrote:
Hi Luca and Efe,

Thanks for the invitation: we'd be very happy to give this tutorial. For me, the logistical constraint is that ATLAS week (in Tokyo) is the one before, and I certainly can't take two consecutive weeks away from home. Maybe another Riveter would like to step up to give this CMS tutorial? Somehow, we'll make it work.


PS. A few weeks before this, we will have a Rivet working meeting in western Scotland (at a time of year and location where the weather stands a good chance of being sunny!). If either of you (or another responsible person) would like to attend on behalf of CMS, and help us improve things / work together on validation, preservation, recasting, etc. then you would be extremely welcome! We will provide accommodation and meals.

Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow

On Mar 18 2018, at 11:46 pm, Luca Perrozzi <luca.perrozzi at cern.ch<mailto:luca.perrozzi at cern.ch>> wrote:

Dear Rivet authors,
we would like to host a series of tutorials on MC tools for CMS users
and would like to invite you to contribute.
We usually structure the tutorial as 2h hands-on experience plus 30’ or so with Q&A.
We find this kind of appointments very important for our community and to strengthen the exp/theory collaboration.

We identified the week of June 18th-22nd as the most suitable for us,
given the so called CMS week happening the week after.
Can you please let us know if any of you or suitable collaborators will be available?

Thanks a lot in advance
Efe and Luca

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Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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