[Rivet] Rivet plans and next monthly meeting -- Mon 3 Sep?

Christian Gutschow chris.g at cern.ch
Mon Sep 3 10:53:15 BST 2018

Thanks, Andy! I fixed the info file now too (on the same branch).


On 3 Sep 2018, at 10:51, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch<mailto:andy.buckley at cern.ch>> wrote:

analyses.json now "hg forget"'d on the release-2-6-x branch!


Dr Andy Buckley, Senior Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow

On Sep 3 2018, at 10:42 am, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch<mailto:andy.buckley at cern.ch>> wrote:

Indeed, it's a generated file, so we should take it out of the repo. The original source of the typo must be in one of the .info files -- everything comes from there.

I've updated the agenda PDF with a few extra issues. Lots to discuss, so we'll have to be disciplined in the meeting this afternoon. The good news is that that means lots of activity! :-)


Dr Andy Buckley, Senior Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow

On Sep 3 2018, at 10:01 am, Christian Gutschow <chris.g at cern.ch<mailto:chris.g at cern.ch>> wrote:


On that point 1 — I fixed a typo in that analyses.json yesterday since I saw it was in the repo. If this is automatically generated, what’s the real source of the typo? :P


On 2 Sep 2018, at 18:47, Jonathan Butterworth <J.Butterworth at ucl.ac.uk<mailto:J.Butterworth at ucl.ac.uk>> wrote:

Thanks Andy, looks good.

A couple of (hopefully little) things that I think need fixing, but maybe can be discussed in the developer meeting tomorrow if necessary?

1. The file doc/analyses.json causes clashes when updating from the repo. I think this is a generated file isn't it, so why is it in the repo?

2. I'm getting an error from "make" building the documentation for the tip. Shows up differently on sl6 and osx...

On linux:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "./mk-analysis-html", line 89, in <module>
   page += "<b>Experiment:</b> %s (%s)<br/>\n" % (ana.experiment(), ana.collider())
 File "core.pyx", line 122, in rivet.core.Analysis.collider
Makefile:596: recipe for target 'analyses.html' failed
make[1]: *** [analyses.html] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/unix/cedar/software/sl6/Installations/rivet-src-jmb/Rivet-hg/doc'
Makefile:555: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1


Using output file name 'analyses.html' and directory 'analyses'
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "./mk-analysis-html", line 92, in <module>
   print ana.inspireId()
 File "rivet/core.pyx", line 131, in rivet.core.Analysis.inspireId (/Users/jonbutterworth/svn-managed/rivet/pyext/rivet/core.cpp:3507)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x84 in position 3: invalid start byte
make[1]: *** [analyses.html] Error 1
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Does this make any sense to anyone? I tried checking some obvious things but I can't trace it to a specific analysis, so I think it is something in the core somewhere to to with the ref data changes?


Prof. Jonathan Butterworth,              http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/~jmb/
UCL Physics and Astronomy                         Tel: +44 20 7679 3444
ATLAS, CERN                                       Tel: +41 22 76  72340

On 02/09/2018 18:39, Andy Buckley wrote:
Sorry for late notice, but there is an agenda slide on the Indico linked
below... if you want to add more discussion points (or at least flag
them up for next time), please let me know.


*Dr Andy Buckley, Senior Lecturer / Royal Society University Research
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow

On Aug 30 2018, at 10:20 am, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch<mailto:andy.buckley at cern.ch>> wrote:

   Here's an agenda with Vidyo connection for the meeting on Monday:


   *Dr Andy Buckley, Senior Lecturer / Royal Society University
   Research Fellow*
   Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow

   On Aug 24 2018, at 10:17 pm, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch<mailto:andy.buckley at cern.ch>> wrote:

       ~Everyone is able to attend on Mon 3 Sept -- good! Looking at
       the MCnet Computing School schedule, I suggest we meet at 3pm
       CEST / 2pm UK. Everyone still ok with that? The meeting is open
       to anyone who wants to attend.

       I've copied in some of the participants from the just-finished
       Rivet Heavy Ion workshop who said they would also like to join,
       since they aren't on the Rivet developer list. It would be good
       for us to include a regular discussion/update slot on that topic
       at least until the workshop targets are achieved.


       *Dr Andy Buckley, Senior Lecturer / Royal Society University
       Research Fellow*
       Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow

       On Aug 14 2018, at 4:26 pm, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch<mailto:andy.buckley at cern.ch>>

           Hi all,

           Well, I finally delivered on my promise and got Rivet 2.6.1
           released. PHEW!

           I'm also committed to getting a public v3 release by the end
           of the month, so please hold me to that. (Help with it is
           200% welcome, of course...)

           So things are approximately on track for our next Rivet
           monthly meeting, at the start of September. Looking at my
           calendar, I suggest Monday 3 September, which is the first
           day of the MCnet Computing School but I'm sure there will be
           a suitable time. Can you let me know your restrictions on
           that day (and the following ones, if necessary)? Thanks.

           Now a bit of background/minutes from the last meeting:

           The main thing to be discussed at that is devising a
           concrete plan, with assigned tasks, for resyncing Rivet's
           ref data collection with HepData. As a reminder, Holger was
           going to provide his "old" Rivet/HD comparison scripts, and
           Christian & Louie were going to start building some notes
           (from the cmp script output?) on the known origins of
           discrepancies, e.g. where Rivet ref data was on-purpose
           submitted with different plot content. The triage process is
           most likely to involve focusing first on trivial cases where
           the dataset ID codes are different but semantically the
           same; then getting into the (much fewer?) more complex cases
           where the datasets actually have different meanings and
           maybe we need to port back improvements into HD with
           experiment approval.

           I was also tasked with moving the Rivet codebase to
           BitBucket, once the two releases are done. We already have a
           group there, with a tentative project for the Rivet3 paper
           (ACTION: Jon!) and I hope this will not be too tough. We
           also need to find a new home for the mailing lists -- I had
           hoped that Jira and Confluence, from the same company, would
           equally offer free academic licenses, but they "only" give a
           50% discount and the price explodes above 10 users. I will
           investigate whether we can use CERN's Jira, and/or other
           systems, but their mailing list system is sufficiently crap
           that I regard that as the option of last resort!


           *Dr Andy Buckley, Senior Lecturer / Royal Society University
           Research Fellow*
           Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow

Rivet mailing list
Rivet at projects.hepforge.org<mailto:Rivet at projects.hepforge.org>

Prof. Jonathan Butterworth,              http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/~jmb/
UCL Physics and Astronomy                         Tel: +44 20 7679 3444
ATLAS, CERN                                       Tel: +41 22 76  72340
Rivet mailing list
Rivet at projects.hepforge.org<mailto:Rivet at projects.hepforge.org>


 Dr. Christian Gütschow

 Department of Physics and Astronomy
 University College London
 Gower Street
 London WC1E 6BT

Rivet mailing list
Rivet at projects.hepforge.org<mailto:Rivet at projects.hepforge.org>


 Dr. Christian Gütschow

 Department of Physics and Astronomy
 University College London
 Gower Street
 London WC1E 6BT

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