[Siscone] Target your ads to the medical community

Rutledge S Lisa raceway3aeolian at surgelogix.com
Sun Sep 13 11:52:01 BST 2009

Special Package for this week

Currently Practicing Physicians in the USA 

788,677 in total * 17,529 emails

Physicians in many different specialties

Over a dozen sortable fields

US Pharmaceutical Company Executives Directory
Personal email addresses (47,000 in total) and names for top level executives

American Hospital Database
Full data for all the major positions in more than 7k facilities

Contact List of US Dentists
Practically every dentist in America is listed here

US Chiropractor Listing
Complete data for all chiropractors in the US (a $250 value)

Reduced to only: 
$394 for all lists above

send email to:      Genevieve at prolistsource.info


above expires on August 18 

to adjust your subscription status email to exit at prolistsource.info

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