[yoda-svn] r329 - in trunk: . include/YODA src

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Tue Aug 23 01:54:27 BST 2011

Author: buckley
Date: Tue Aug 23 01:54:26 2011
New Revision: 329

Adding first implementation of 1D bin merging to Axis1D. Untested. NB. Remember to add entries to the ChangeLog for significant commits.


Modified: trunk/ChangeLog
--- trunk/ChangeLog	Mon Aug 22 18:01:34 2011	(r328)
+++ trunk/ChangeLog	Tue Aug 23 01:54:26 2011	(r329)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2011-08-23  Andy Buckley  <andy at insectnation.org>
+	* Adding first implementation of 1D bin merging to Axis1D.
 2011-08-22  Andy Buckley  <andy at insectnation.org>
 	* Adding copy constructors and assignment operators to Histo1D,

Modified: trunk/TODO
--- trunk/TODO	Mon Aug 22 18:01:34 2011	(r328)
+++ trunk/TODO	Tue Aug 23 01:54:26 2011	(r329)
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
 * Bin division: add quadratic / binomial error treatment enum option (AB)
-  AB: done... needs to be checked. Add a test that y +- 1sigma in [0, 1]
+  AB: done... needs to be checked. Add a test that y +- 1 sigma in [0, 1]
 * Rebinning in 1D: merges of n adjacent bins (AB)
+  AB: Done on Axis1D... add interface to Histo1D and Profile1D.
 * Add copy assignment to Point/Scatter3D and Dbn1D/2D.

Modified: trunk/include/YODA/Axis1D.h
--- trunk/include/YODA/Axis1D.h	Mon Aug 22 18:01:34 2011	(r328)
+++ trunk/include/YODA/Axis1D.h	Tue Aug 23 01:54:26 2011	(r329)
@@ -9,58 +9,71 @@
 #include <string>
 namespace YODA {
   /// @brief 1D bin container
-  /// This class handles most of the low-level operations on the bins
-  /// arranged in 1D line. 
+  ///
+  /// This class handles most of the low-level operations on an axis of bins
+  /// arranged in a 1D line.
   template <typename BIN1D, typename DBN>
   class Axis1D {
-    public:
+  public:
+    /// Convenience typedefs
+    typedef BIN1D Bin;
-      /// Convinience typedefs
-      typedef BIN1D Bin;
+    /// A vector containing 1D bins. It is not used for searching,
+    /// only for bins storage.
+    typedef typename std::vector<BIN1D> Bins;
+    /// A standard edge container. First number defines location
+    /// of the edge, the second one a bin nuber the edge is a member of.
+    typedef typename std::pair<double, size_t> Edge;
-      /// A vector containing 1D bins. It is not used for searching,
-      /// only for bins storage.
-      typedef typename std::vector<BIN1D> Bins;
-      /// A standard edge container. First number defines location
-      /// of the edge, the second one a bin nuber the edge is a member of.
-      typedef typename std::pair<double, size_t> Edge;
     /// @name Constructors
     /// Empty constructor
     Axis1D() { }
     /// Constructor accepting a list of bin edges
     Axis1D(const std::vector<double>& binedges) {
     /// Constructor with histogram limits, number of bins and a bin distribution enum
     Axis1D(size_t nbins, double lower, double upper) {
       _mkAxis(linspace(lower, upper, nbins));
     /// @brief Constructor accepting a vector of bins.
+    ///
     /// Note that not only dimensions of these bins will be set,
-    /// all the contents of the bins will be copied across, including 
+    /// all the contents of the bins will be copied across, including
     /// the statistics
     Axis1D(const std::vector<BIN1D>& bins) {
     /// State-setting constructor
     Axis1D(const Bins& bins, const DBN& dbn_tot, const DBN& dbn_uflow, const DBN& dbn_oflow)
       : _dbn(dbn_tot), _underflow(dbn_uflow), _overflow(dbn_oflow)
     /// @name Statistics accessor functions
     /// Get the number of bins on the axis
     size_t numBins() const {
       return _bins.size();
@@ -70,7 +83,7 @@
     Bins& bins() {
       return _bins;
     /// Return a vector of bins (const)
     const Bins& bins() const {
       return _bins;
@@ -95,13 +108,13 @@
       if(index >= numBins()) throw RangeError("YODA::Histo1D: index out of range!");
       return _bins[index];
     /// Return a bin at a given index (const)
     const BIN1D& bin (size_t index) const {
       if(index >= numBins()) throw RangeError("YODA::Histo1D: index out of range!");
       return _bins[index];
     /// Return a bin at a given coordinate (non-const)
     BIN1D& binByCoord(double x) {
       int index = getBinIndex(x);
@@ -115,7 +128,7 @@
       if(index == -1) throw RangeError("There is no bin at the specified x");
       return bin(index);
     /// Return the total distribution (non-const)
     DBN& totalDbn() {
       return _dbn;
@@ -145,102 +158,131 @@
     const DBN& overflow() const {
       return _overflow;
     /// @name Modifiers and helpers
     /// Returns an index of a bin at a given coord, -1 if no bin.
     int getBinIndex(double coord) const {
-      /// This is NOT a magic number, it is merely a 'trick' to yield a
-      /// correct answer in the case of coord pointing exactly on an edge.
-      /// This will never change the answer, since it is *much* smaller than
-      /// the fuzzyEquals() tolerance!
-      coord += 0.00000000001; 
-      /// Search for an edge
+      // This is NOT a magic number, it is merely a 'trick' to yield a
+      // correct answer in the case of coord pointing exactly on an edge.
+      // This will never change the answer, since it is *much* smaller than
+      // the fuzzyEquals() tolerance!
+      coord += 0.00000000001;
+      // Search for an edge
       size_t index = _binaryS(coord, 0, _binHashSparse.size());
-      /// If lower bound is a last edge, it means that we are 'above' the 
-      /// axis and no bin canbe found in such case. Therefore, announce it.
-      if(index == _binHashSparse.size() - 1) return -1;
-      /// If on the left to the point in consideration there is an edge that is
-      /// a member of the same bin as the one on the right, it means that our point 
-      /// is inside a bin. In such case, announce it providing the index of the
-      /// bin in question.
-      if(_binHashSparse[index].second == _binHashSparse[index+1].second)
-      {
+      // If lower bound is a last edge, it means that we are 'above' the
+      // axis and no bin canbe found in such case. Therefore, announce it.
+      if (index == _binHashSparse.size() - 1) return -1;
+      // If on the left to the point in consideration there is an edge that is
+      // a member of the same bin as the one on the right, it means that our point
+      // is inside a bin. In such case, announce it providing the index of the
+      // bin in question.
+      if (_binHashSparse[index].second == _binHashSparse[index+1].second) {
         return _binHashSparse[index].second;
-      /// If we are inside an axis, but not inside a bin, it means that we must
-      /// be trying to fill an empty space. 
+      // If we are inside an axis, but not inside a bin, it means that we must
+      // be trying to fill an empty space.
       return -1;
     /// Reset all the statistics on the Axis
     void reset() {
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) _bins[i].reset();
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) _bins[i].reset();
-    void rebin(int factor) {
-      throw std::runtime_error("Implement!");
+    /// Merge every group of n bins, starting from the LHS
+    void rebin(int n) {
+      int m = 0;
+      while (m < _bins.size()) {
+        size_t end = (m + n - 1 < _bins.size()) ? m + n -1 : _bins.size() - 1;
+        mergeBins(m, end);
+        m += 1;
+      }
+    /// Merge together the bin range with indices from @a from to @a to, inclusive
     void mergeBins(size_t from, size_t to) {
-      /// Correctness checking
-      if(from < 0 || from >= numBins()) throw ("First index is out of range!");
-      if(to < 0 || to >= numBins()) throw ("Second index is out of range!");
-      if(_bins[from].xMin() > _bins[to].xMin()) throw RangeError("The starting bin is greater than ending bin!");
-      throw std::runtime_error("Implement!");  
-      //@todo Implement!
+      // Correctness checking
+      if (from < 0 || from >= numBins()) throw ("First index is out of range!");
+      if (to < 0 || to >= numBins()) throw ("Second index is out of range!");
+      if (_bins[from].xMin() > _bins[to].xMin()) throw RangeError("The starting bin is greater than ending bin!");
+      BIN1D& b = _bins[from];
+      for (size_t i = from+1; i <= to; ++i) {
+        b.merge(_bins[i]);
+      }
+      eraseBins(from+1, to);
     /// Add a bin, providing its low and high edge
-    void addBin(double& from, double& to) {
+    void addBin(double from, double to) {
       std::vector<double> binedges;
       binedges.push_back(from); binedges.push_back(to);
-    /// Add a set of bins to an axis, providing their boundaries
+    /// Add a set of bins to an axis, providing their boundaries.
+    ///
     /// Notice that no empty space will be created.
-    void addBin(std::vector<double>& binedges) {
+    void addBin(const std::vector<double>& binedges) {
-    /// Add a set of bins specifying start/end of each 
-    void addBin(std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > edges) {
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i){
+    /// Add a set of bins specifying start/end of each
+    void addBin(const std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > edges) {
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) {
         std::vector<double> temp;
     /// Remove a bin
     void eraseBin(size_t index) {
-      if(index >= _bins.size()) throw RangeError("Index out of range!");
+      if (index >= _bins.size()) throw RangeError("Index out of range!");
       _bins.erase(_bins.begin() + index);
+    /// Remove a bin range
+    void eraseBins(size_t from, size_t to) {
+      if (from < 0 || from >= numBins()) throw ("First index is out of range!");
+      if (to < 0 || to >= numBins()) throw ("Second index is out of range!");
+      if (_bins[from].xMin() > _bins[to].xMin()) throw RangeError("The starting bin is greater than ending bin!");
+      _bins.erase(_bins.begin() + from, _bins.begin() + to + 1);
+      _mkBinHash();
+    }
     /// Scale the size of an axis by a factor
     void scaleX(double scalefactor) {
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) _bins[i].scaleX(scalefactor);
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) _bins[i].scaleX(scalefactor);
     /// Scale the amount of fills by a factor
     void scaleW(double scalefactor) {
@@ -248,8 +290,10 @@
       for(size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) _bins[i].scaleW(scalefactor);
     /// @name Operators
@@ -258,16 +302,18 @@
       return _binHashSparse == other._binHashSparse;
     /// Check if the binning of two of the Axis is different
     bool operator != (const Axis1D& other) const {
       return ! operator == (other);
     /// Add two Axis together
     Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& operator += (const Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& toAdd) {
-      if(*this != toAdd) throw LogicError("YODA::Histo1D: Cannot add axes with differen binnings.");
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) {
+      if (*this != toAdd) throw LogicError("YODA::Histo1D: Cannot add axes with differen binnings.");
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) {
         _bins[i] += toAdd.bins().at(i);
@@ -277,11 +323,12 @@
       return *this;
-    /// Substract two Axis
+    /// Subtract two Axis
     Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& operator -= (const Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& toSubtract) {
-      if(*this != toSubtract) throw LogicError("YODA::Histo1D: Cannot add axes with differen binnings.");
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) {
+      if (*this != toSubtract) throw LogicError("YODA::Histo1D: Cannot add axes with differen binnings.");
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) {
         _bins[i] -= toSubtract.bins().at(i);
@@ -290,55 +337,60 @@
       _overflow += toSubtract._overflow;
       return *this;
     /// Makes an axis out of a vector of edges
     void _mkAxis(const std::vector<double>& binedges) {
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < binedges.size() - 1; ++i) {
-        /// If the bin that is to be added doesn't conflict with an 
-        /// existing axis
-        if(!_findCuts(binedges[i], binedges[i+1])) {
-          /// Add this bin to the bin vector
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < binedges.size() - 1; ++i) {
+        // If the bin that is to be added doesn't conflict with an
+        // existing axis
+        if (!_findCuts(binedges[i], binedges[i+1])) {
+          // Add this bin to the bin vector
           _bins.push_back(BIN1D(binedges[i], binedges[i+1]));
-      /// Regenerate the Bin hash
+      // Regenerate the Bin hash
     /// Makes an axis from a vector of bins
     void _mkAxis(const Bins& bins) {
       _bins = bins;
     /// Regenerate the bin hash
     void _mkBinHash() {
-      /// Remove the old cache, if it exists
+      // Remove the old cache, if it exists
-      /// For each of the bins, add the low and high edge to the cache
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) {
+      // For each of the bins, add the low and high edge to the cache
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < _bins.size(); ++i) {
         _binHashSparse.push_back(std::make_pair(_bins[i].xMin(), i));
         _binHashSparse.push_back(std::make_pair(_bins[i].xMax(), i));
-      /// Sort the cache to be nondecreasing to enable 
-      /// fast searches
+      // Sort the cache to be nondecreasing to enable
+      // fast searches
       std::sort(_binHashSparse.begin(), _binHashSparse.end());
-    /// Binary search algorithm. For an in-depth explanation
-    /// please see the documentation of an analogous one in Axis2D
+    // Binary search algorithm. For an in-depth explanation
+    // please see the documentation of an analogous one in Axis2D
     size_t _binaryS(double value, size_t lower, size_t higher) const {
-      if(lower == higher) return lower;
+      if (lower == higher) return lower;
       size_t where = (higher+lower)/2;
-      if(value >= _binHashSparse[where].first) {
-        if(where == _binHashSparse.size() - 1) return where;
+      if (value >= _binHashSparse[where].first) {
+        if (where == _binHashSparse.size() - 1) return where;
         if(value <= _binHashSparse[where+1].first) return where;
         return _binaryS(value, where, higher);
@@ -347,29 +399,33 @@
       return _binaryS(value, lower, where);
-    /// Check if a hypothetical bin to be added, starting at from and 
+    /// Check if a hypothetical bin to be added, starting at from and
     /// ending at to will partially overlap any of the existing bins.
     bool _findCuts(const double& from, const double& to) const {
       size_t index1 = _binaryS(from, 0, _binHashSparse.size());
       size_t index2 = _binaryS(to, 0, _binHashSparse.size());
       return !(index1 == index2);
     /// Check if there are any gaps in the Axis
     bool _isGapless(size_t from, size_t to) {
       size_t start =  _binaryS(_bins[from].xMin(), 0, _binHashSparse.size());
       size_t end =    _binaryS(_bins[to].xMin(), 0, _binHashSparse.size());
-      for(size_t i = start; i < end; i++) { 
+      for(size_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
         if(!fuzzyEquals(_binHashSparse[i].first, _binHashSparse[i+1].first) &&
            _binHashSparse[i].second != _binHashSparse[i+1].second) return false;
       return true;
     /// @name Data structures
     /// Bins vector
     Bins _bins;
@@ -377,31 +433,34 @@
     DBN _dbn;
     /// Under- and over- flows
-    DBN _underflow; DBN _overflow;
+    DBN _underflow;
+    DBN _overflow;
     /// Cached bin edges
     std::vector<Edge> _binHashSparse;
-  /// Add the statistics on two axis.
+  /// Add the statistics on two axes.
   template <typename BIN1D, typename DBN>
-  Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN> operator + (const Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& first, const Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& second) {
+  inline Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN> operator + (const Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& first, const Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& second) {
     Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN> tmp = first;
     tmp += second;
     return tmp;
   /// Subtract the statistics on two axis.
   template <typename BIN1D, typename DBN>
-  Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN> operator - (const Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& first, const Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& second) {
+  inline Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN> operator - (const Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& first, const Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN>& second) {
     Axis1D<BIN1D,DBN> tmp = first;
     tmp -= second;
     return tmp;

Modified: trunk/include/YODA/Bin1D.h
--- trunk/include/YODA/Bin1D.h	Mon Aug 22 18:01:34 2011	(r328)
+++ trunk/include/YODA/Bin1D.h	Tue Aug 23 01:54:26 2011	(r329)
@@ -233,11 +233,23 @@
-  protected:
     /// @name Named operators
+    /// Merge two adjacent bins
+    Bin1D<DBN>& merge(const Bin1D<DBN>& b) {
+      if (fuzzyEquals(_edges.second, b._edges.first)) {
+        _edges.second = b._edges.second;
+      } else if (fuzzyEquals(_edges.second, b._edges.first)) {
+        _edges.first = b._edges.first;
+      } else {
+        throw LogicError("Attempted to merge two non-adjacent bins");
+      }
+      _dbn += b._dbn;
+      return *this;
+    }
     /// Add two bins (internal, explicitly named version)
     /// This operator is defined for adding two bins with equivalent binning.
@@ -250,6 +262,7 @@
       return *this;
     /// Subtract one bin from another (internal, explicitly named version)
     /// This operator is defined for subtracting two bins with equivalent binning.

Modified: trunk/include/YODA/Histo1D.h
--- trunk/include/YODA/Histo1D.h	Mon Aug 22 18:01:34 2011	(r328)
+++ trunk/include/YODA/Histo1D.h	Tue Aug 23 01:54:26 2011	(r329)
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@
     /// Access the bin vector
-    /// @todo Actually, it's a Histo
     std::vector<YODA::HistoBin1D>& bins() {
       return _axis.bins();
@@ -182,7 +181,7 @@
       return _axis.overflow();
-    /// Add a new bin specifying its lower and upper bound 
+    /// Add a new bin specifying its lower and upper bound
     void addBin(double from, double to) {
       _axis.addBin(from, to);
@@ -191,7 +190,7 @@
     void addBin(std::vector<double> edges) {
     /// Add new bins specifying a beginning and end of each of them
     void addBin(std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > edges) {

Modified: trunk/src/Histo1D.cc
--- trunk/src/Histo1D.cc	Mon Aug 22 18:01:34 2011	(r328)
+++ trunk/src/Histo1D.cc	Tue Aug 23 01:54:26 2011	(r329)
@@ -144,10 +144,11 @@
         ey = y * sqrt( sqr(b1.heightErr()/b1.height()) + sqr(b2.heightErr()/b2.height()) );
       case BINOMIAL:
-        /// @todo Check that this is correct
+        /// @todo Check that this is correct -- isn't it a problem that this varies if the same scale
+        /// factor is applied to the weights on bins 1 and 2?
         /// @todo I think this is only valid if the fills of b1 are a subset of the fills of b2. Throw an
         /// error if Neff(b1) > Neff(b2)
-        ey = std::sqrt( b1.effNumEntries() * (1- b1.effNumEntries()/b2.effNumEntries()) )/b2.effNumEntries();
+        ey = sqrt( b1.effNumEntries() * (1 - b1.effNumEntries()/b2.effNumEntries()) ) / b2.effNumEntries();

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