[yoda-svn] r332 - in trunk: include/YODA tests tests/Histo1D

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Tue Aug 23 11:06:55 BST 2011

Author: buckley
Date: Tue Aug 23 11:06:55 2011
New Revision: 332

Fixing the Profile1D merging bug -- missing addition of the y distribution in Dbn2D -- and renaming the new histo 1D constructor test to match the svn:ignore test* pattern in the tests directory


Modified: trunk/include/YODA/Dbn2D.h
--- trunk/include/YODA/Dbn2D.h	Tue Aug 23 10:33:01 2011	(r331)
+++ trunk/include/YODA/Dbn2D.h	Tue Aug 23 11:06:55 2011	(r332)
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
     /// Add two dbns (internal, explicitly named version)
     Dbn2D& add(const Dbn2D& d) {
       _dbnX += d._dbnX;
+      _dbnY += d._dbnY;
       _sumWXY += d._sumWXY;
       return *this;
@@ -245,6 +246,7 @@
     /// Subtract one dbn from another (internal, explicitly named version)
     Dbn2D& subtract(const Dbn2D& d) {
       _dbnX -= d._dbnX;
+      _dbnY -= d._dbnY;
       _sumWXY -= d._sumWXY;
       return *this;

Modified: trunk/tests/Histo1D/Constructors.cc
--- trunk/tests/Histo1D/Constructors.cc	Tue Aug 23 10:33:01 2011	(r331)
+++ trunk/tests/Histo1D/Constructors.cc	Tue Aug 23 11:06:55 2011	(r332)
@@ -13,41 +13,41 @@
   cout << "The most basic, linear constructor.      ";
   Histo1D h(100, 0, 100);
-  if(h.numBins() != 100) {
+  if (h.numBins() != 100) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "Wrong number of bins was created!" << endl;
     return -1;
-  if(h.lowEdge() != 0) {
+  if (h.lowEdge() != 0) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "Low edge wasn't properly set!" << endl;
     return -1;
-  if(h.highEdge() != 100) {
+  if (h.highEdge() != 100) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "High edge wasn't properly set!" << endl;
     return -1;
-  if(!fuzzyEquals(h.integral(), 0)) {
+  if (!fuzzyEquals(h.integral(), 0)) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "The constructor is setting some statistics!" << endl;
     return -1;
   cout << "PASS" << endl;
-  cout << "Explitit bin edges constructor:          ";
+  cout << "Explicit bin edges constructor:          ";
   vector<double> edges;
-  for(int i = 0; i < 101; ++i) edges.push_back(i);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 101; ++i) edges.push_back(i);
   Histo1D h1(edges);
-  if(h1.numBins() != 100) {
+  if (h1.numBins() != 100) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "Wrong number of bins was created!" << endl;
     return -1;
-  if(h1.lowEdge() != 0) {
+  if (h1.lowEdge() != 0) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "Low edge wasn't properly set!" << endl;
     return -1;
-  if(h1.highEdge() != 100) {
+  if (h1.highEdge() != 100) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "High edge wasn't properly set!" << endl;
     return -1;
-  if(!fuzzyEquals(h1.integral(), 0)) {
+  if (!fuzzyEquals(h1.integral(), 0)) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "The constructor is setting some statistics!" << endl;
     return -1;
@@ -55,23 +55,23 @@
   cout << "Copy constructor:                        ";
   Histo1D h2(h);
-  if(h2.numBins() != 100) {
+  if (h2.numBins() != 100) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "Wrong number of bins was created!" << endl;
     return -1;
-  if(h2.lowEdge() != 0) {
+  if (h2.lowEdge() != 0) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "Low edge wasn't properly set!" << endl;
     return -1;
-  if(h2.highEdge() != 100) {
+  if (h2.highEdge() != 100) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "High edge wasn't properly set!" << endl;
     return -1;
-  if(!fuzzyEquals(h2.integral(), 0)) {
+  if (!fuzzyEquals(h2.integral(), 0)) {
     cout << "FAIL" << endl << "The constructor is setting some statistics!" << endl;
     return -1;
   cout << "PASS" << endl;
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Modified: trunk/tests/Makefile.am
--- trunk/tests/Makefile.am	Tue Aug 23 10:33:01 2011	(r331)
+++ trunk/tests/Makefile.am	Tue Aug 23 11:06:55 2011	(r332)
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 check_PROGRAMS = \
-	testweights	\
-	testhisto1Da testhisto1Db \
-	testprofile1Da \
+  testweights	\
+  testhisto1Da testhisto1Db \
+  testprofile1Da \
   testhisto2D  \
   testhisto2Da  \
   testhisto2De \
   testpoint3D  \
-	testindexedset testsortedvector\
-  histo1Dconstructor
+  testindexedset testsortedvector\
+  testhisto1Dconstructor
 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/include
 AM_LDFLAGS = -L$(top_builddir)/src -lYODA
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 testhisto2De_SOURCES = TestHisto2Derase.cc
 testpoint3D_SOURCES = TestPoint3D.cc
 testscatter3D_SOURCES = TestScatter3D.cc
-histo1Dconstructor_SOURCES = Histo1D/Constructors.cc
+testhisto1Dconstructor_SOURCES = Histo1D/Constructors.cc
 # TODO: Search paths are still not complete for the Python tests: need to add the lib.linux-i686-2.7 part to PYTHONPATH
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@
 TESTS = \
-	testweights \
-	testhisto1Da testhisto1Db \
-	testprofile1Da \
+  testweights \
+  testhisto1Da testhisto1Db \
+  testprofile1Da \
   testhisto2D    \
   testhisto2Da    \
   testhisto2De \
   testpoint3D    \
   testscatter3D  \
-	testindexedset testsortedvector \
-	test-yoda-1.py test-yoda-2.py \
-  histo1Dconstructor
+  testindexedset testsortedvector \
+  testhisto1Dconstructor \
+  test-yoda-1.py test-yoda-2.py

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