[yoda-svn] r545 - trunk/include/YODA

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Fri Nov 16 22:33:41 GMT 2012

Author: buckley
Date: Fri Nov 16 22:33:41 2012
New Revision: 545

Disabling TH1 -> Histo1D: ROOT histos just suck too much. Adding Histo1D -> TH1D. Yuck, yuck, yuck: this *really* reminds me of how *amazingly* nice YODA is by comparison


Modified: trunk/include/YODA/ROOTCnv.h
--- trunk/include/YODA/ROOTCnv.h	Fri Nov 16 16:38:39 2012	(r544)
+++ trunk/include/YODA/ROOTCnv.h	Fri Nov 16 22:33:41 2012	(r545)
@@ -24,53 +24,49 @@
   /// @todo toProfile1D: TProfile -> Profile1D
-  /// @todo toScatter2D: TProfile -> Scatter2D
   /// @todo toScatter2D: TGraph(AsymmErrs) -> Scatter2D
-  /// @brief Convert a ROOT 1D histogram to a YODA Histo1D
-  ///
-  /// Note that ROOT's histograms do not contain enough information to properly rebuild
-  /// @a x distributions within bins, in underflow and overflow bins, or across the whole histogram.
-  inline Histo1D toHisto1D(const TH1& th1) {
-    std::vector<HistoBin1D> bins;
-    TArrayD sumw2s = th1.GetSumw2();
-    Dbn1D dbn_uflow, dbn_oflow;
-    double sumWtot(0), sumW2tot(0)
-    for (int i = 0; i =< th1.GetNbinsX()+1; ++i) {
-      Dbn1D dbn(static_cast<unsigned long>(th1.GetBinContent(i)), th1.GetBinContent(i), sumw2s[i], 0, 0);
-                // th1.GetBinContent(i)*th1.GetBinCenter(i), th1.GetBinContent(i)*sqr(th1.GetBinCenter(i)));
-      if (i == 0) dbn_uflow = dbn;
-      else if (i == th1.GetNbinsX()+1) dbn_oflow = dbn;
-      else bins.push_back(HistoBin1D(std::make_pair(th1.GetBinLowEdge(i), th1.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)), dbn));
-      sumWtot += th1.GetBinContent(i);
-      sumW2tot += sumw2s[i];
-    }
-    Dbn1D dbn_tot(static_cast<unsigned long>(th1.GetEntries()), sumWtot, sumW2tot, 0, 0);
-    Histo1D rtn(bins, dbn_tot, dbn_uflow, const Dbn1D& dbn_oflow, th1.GetName(), th1.GetTitle());
-    rtn.addAnnotation("XLabel", th1.GetXaxis->GetTitle());
-    rtn.addAnnotation("YLabel", th1.GetYaxis->GetTitle());
-  }
-  /// @brief Convert a ROOT 1D histogram to a YODA Histo1D
-  ///
-  /// Note that ROOT's histograms do not contain enough information to properly rebuild
-  /// @a x distributions within bins, in underflow and overflow bins, or across the whole histogram.
-  inline Histo1D toHisto1D(const TH1* th1) {
-    return toHisto1D(*th1);
-  }
+  // /// @brief Convert a ROOT 1D histogram to a YODA Histo1D
+  // ///
+  // /// Note that ROOT's histograms do not contain enough information to properly rebuild
+  // /// @a x distributions within bins, in underflow and overflow bins, or across the whole histogram.
+  // inline Histo1D toHisto1D(const TH1& th1) {
+  //   std::vector<HistoBin1D> bins;
+  //   TArrayD sumw2s = *th1.GetSumw2();
+  //   Dbn1D dbn_uflow, dbn_oflow;
+  //   double sumWtot(0), sumW2tot(0)
+  //   for (int i = 0; i =< th1.GetNbinsX()+1; ++i) {
+  //     Dbn1D dbn(static_cast<unsigned long>(th1.GetBinContent(i)), th1.GetBinContent(i), sumw2s[i], 0, 0);
+  //               // th1.GetBinContent(i)*th1.GetBinCenter(i), th1.GetBinContent(i)*sqr(th1.GetBinCenter(i)));
+  //     if (i == 0) dbn_uflow = dbn;
+  //     else if (i == th1.GetNbinsX()+1) dbn_oflow = dbn;
+  //     else bins.push_back(HistoBin1D(std::make_pair(th1.GetBinLowEdge(i), th1.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)), dbn));
+  //     sumWtot += th1.GetBinContent(i);
+  //     sumW2tot += sumw2s[i];
+  //   }
+  //   Dbn1D dbn_tot(static_cast<unsigned long>(th1.GetEntries()), sumWtot, sumW2tot, 0, 0);
+  //   Histo1D rtn(bins, dbn_tot, dbn_uflow, const Dbn1D& dbn_oflow, th1.GetName(), th1.GetTitle());
+  //   rtn.addAnnotation("XLabel", th1.GetXaxis->GetTitle());
+  //   rtn.addAnnotation("YLabel", th1.GetYaxis->GetTitle());
+  //   return rtn;
+  // }
+  // /// @brief Convert a ROOT 1D histogram to a YODA Histo1D
+  // ///
+  // /// Note that ROOT's histograms do not contain enough information to properly rebuild
+  // /// @a x distributions within bins, in underflow and overflow bins, or across the whole histogram.
+  // inline Histo1D toHisto1D(const TH1* th1) {
+  //   return toHisto1D(*th1);
+  // }
-  /// @brief Convert a ROOT 1D histogram to a YODA Histo1D
-  ///
-  /// Note that ROOT's histograms do not contain enough information to properly rebuild
-  /// @a x distributions within bins, in underflow and overflow bins, or across the whole histogram.
+  /// @brief Convert a ROOT 1D histogram (including TProfile) to a YODA Scatter2D
   inline Scatter2D toScatter2D(const TH1& th1) {
     Scatter2D rtn;
     for (int i = 1; i =< th1.GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
@@ -81,18 +77,15 @@
     rtn.addAnnotation("XLabel", th1.GetXaxis->GetTitle());
     rtn.addAnnotation("YLabel", th1.GetYaxis->GetTitle());
+    return rtn;
-  /// @brief Convert a ROOT 1D histogram to a YODA Histo1D
-  ///
-  /// Note that ROOT's histograms do not contain enough information to properly rebuild
-  /// @a x distributions within bins, in underflow and overflow bins, or across the whole histogram.
+  /// @brief Convert a ROOT 1D histogram (including TProfile) to a YODA Scatter2D
   inline Scatter2D toScatter2D(const TH1* th1) {
     return toScatter2D(*th1);
@@ -104,7 +97,39 @@
   /// @name Conversion functions from YODA to ROOT data types
-  /// @todo toTH1D: Histo1D -> TH1D
+  /// @brief Convert a YODA Histo1D to a ROOT 1D histogram
+  inline TH1D toTH1D(const Histo1D& h) {
+    // Work out bin edges first
+    std::vector<double> edges;
+    edges.reserve(h.numBins());
+    edges.push_back(h.bin(0).lowEdge());
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < h.numBins(); ++i) {
+      HistoBin1D& b = h.bin(i);
+      if (!fuzzyEquals(edges.back(), b.lowEdge())) edges.push_back(b.lowEdge());
+      if (!fuzzyEquals(edges.back(), b.highEdge())) edges.push_back(b.highEdge());
+    }
+    // Book ROOT histogram
+    TH1D rtn(h.name(), h.title(), edges.size()-1, &edges[0]);
+    rtn.Sumw2();
+    TArrayD& sumw2s = *rtn.GetSumw2();
+    for (int i = 1; i <= rtn.GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
+      try {
+        HistoBin1D& b = h.binByCoord(rtn.GetBinCenter(i)); // throws if in a gap
+        rtn.SetBinContent(i, b.sumW());
+        sumw2s[i] = b.sumW2();
+      } catch (const Exception& e) {  }
+    }
+    // Overflows
+    rtn.SetBinContent(0, h.underflow().sumW());
+    rtn.SetBinContent(rtn.GetNbinsX()+1, h.overflow().sumW());
+    sumw2s[0] = h.underflow().sumW2();
+    sumw2s[rtn.GetNbinsX()+1] = h.overflow().sumW2();
+    // Labels
+    if (h.hasAnnotation("XLabel")) rtn.SetXTitle(h.annotation("XLabel"));
+    if (h.hasAnnotation("YLabel")) rtn.SetYTitle(h.annotation("YLabel"));
+    return rtn;
+  }
   /// @todo toTProfile: Profile1D -> TProfile

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