[Blackmax] Interesting eta distributions from BlackMax

Eram Rizvi e.rizvi at qmul.ac.uk
Fri Jul 23 10:48:14 BST 2010

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your interesting plot. We will investigate and get back to
you shortly. Could you please send me the parameter.txt file you used
to generate the distributions and let me know the version of BlackMax
you used too.


On 23 July 2010 10:38, Chris Pollard <chris.pollard at duke.edu> wrote:
> Hello BlackMax authors,
> A few of my colleagues at Duke and I have been using with your generator off
> and on for a year now, and we've recently found some puzzling eta
> distributions coming out of it.
> For instance, I've attached graph that comes from proton-proton collisions
> at 7 TeV with the two particle final state setting on.  This is for the
> top+graviton channel.  We can't think of why the eta distributions for the
> tops and gravitons would be asymmetric at a proton-proton collider,
> We see similar asymmetries for the top+bottom and top+strange final state
> eta distributions, while top+charm and top+up final states are symmetric, as
> expected.
> One other thing we've noticed is that for whatever reason, the generator
> output is always "sorted" based on some parameter when the asymmetry arises.
>  For instance, when the final state is top+charm, the top can be either the
> first or second particle listed in the output, each about half the time.
>  But in the top+graviton final state, the top is always listed second, and
> in the tob+bottom final state, always first.
> This seems strange to us, but perhaps we are overlooking something?
> I've also attached my parameter.txt file if that helps.  Maybe I have an
> error there.
> Thanks for your time!
> Chris Pollard
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