[gambit-talks] Email list admins

Anders Kvellestad anders.kvellestad at fys.uio.no
Wed Oct 18 23:42:15 BST 2023


As you will have seen, I just now sent a delayed reply to the seminar request from Jonas Würzinger.

I thought the delay must have been due to some hepforge issue, but I just now noticed that so far the only admin on the gambit-talks list has been Ankit -- so maybe the hepforge auto-generated request to accept an external email (from Jonas) to gambit-talks was only sent to you Ankit, and you missed it? If so, no worries! :)

Anyways, we should make sure that at least the science coordinators are admins on this list. So I'll add Peter and Csaba as admins now, and I'll add myself too, just as a backup.

FYI, the admin interface is at https://www.hepforge.org/lists/admin/gambit-talks/<https://www.hepforge.org/lists/admin/gambit-talks/general> and the password is "ganesha-talks".


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