[gambit-talks] Email list admins

Peter Athron peter.athron at coepp.org.au
Thu Oct 19 00:38:14 BST 2023

Hi Anders,

Sorry I just woke up and I’m a bit confused.  I got all three of those
emails yesterday, all date stamped October 17th.  I was planning to deal
with it in some fashion today.  I was a bit surprised they sent three
emails in rapid succession but I didn’t see anything else indicating there
had been some delay.

I assume from what you wrote they were actually sent out long ago, which in
hind sight does make more sense with there being two follow up emails.
But is there something else showing there was a delay that I am missing?
When were the emails actually sent?

Also if Ankit just missed the emails why did they suddenly come through to
me (and presumably you) yesterday?  Or maybe it really was just a hepforge


On Thu, 19 Oct 2023 at 6:43 am, Anders Kvellestad <
anders.kvellestad at fys.uio.no> wrote:

> Hi,
> As you will have seen, I just now sent a delayed reply to the seminar
> request from Jonas Würzinger.
> I thought the delay must have been due to some hepforge issue, but I just
> now noticed that so far the only admin on the gambit-talks list has been
> Ankit -- so maybe the hepforge auto-generated request to accept an external
> email (from Jonas) to gambit-talks was only sent to you Ankit, and you
> missed it? If so, no worries! :)
> Anyways, we should make sure that at least the science coordinators are
> admins on this list. So I'll add Peter and Csaba as admins now, and I'll
> add myself too, just as a backup.
> FYI, the admin interface is at
> https://www.hepforge.org/lists/admin/gambit-talks/
> <https://www.hepforge.org/lists/admin/gambit-talks/general> and the
> password is "ganesha-talks".
> Cheers,
> Anders
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