[Herwig-announce] Herwig++ 2.4.0 and ThePEG 1.5.0 have been releasedDavid Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.ukTue Sep 1 15:54:36 BST 2009
Dear Herwig++ and ThePEG users, we would like to announce the release of Herwig++ 2.4.0 together with ThePEG 1.5.0. Some of the changes are: - several new matrix elements including PP -> VV and PP -> qqh, - MRST LO** as the new default PDF set, - a retune of shower, hadronization and underlying event parameters, - direct support for Rivet and HepMC from within ThePEG instead of Herwig++, - implementation of the HepMC status code for generator-specific particles. Many other improvements have been made, please read both the 'NEWS' files for the detailed list of changes. Some of the changes may need small modifications to user code. Please contact us if you have problems! You can find the downloads at http://projects.hepforge.org/herwig/versions For any questions, please contact herwig at projects.hepforge.org With best regards, The Herwig++ and ThePEG authors -- MCnet offers 3-6 month fully funded studentships for current PhD students to work on a short project involving Monte Carlo event generators. See montecarlonet.org for more information!
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