[Laura-announce] New version (v2r1) of Laura++ package released

laura at projects.hepforge.org laura at projects.hepforge.org
Wed Apr 2 17:30:33 BST 2014

Dear Laura++ users,

We would like to announce the release of v2r1 of the Laura++ package.

This version contains the following new features:

* Can now have parameters that are functions of other parameters using LauFormulaPar
  - Many files updated to use LauAbsRValues instead of LauParameters
  - Fairly major clean up of obsolete functions in LauAbsPdf

* Can also have Gaussian contraints on arbitrary combinations of fit parameters
  - Use new addConstraint method of LauAbsFitModel

A number of other changes have occurred:

* Fixed issue in LauFitter that prevents compilation with g++ 4.8

* Changed histogram classes to use the random number generator that takes a
  user-specified seed for fluctuation and raising or lowering of bins

* Added an efficiency branch to the ntuple produced for toy data samples

Please see the doc/release.notes file for a full record of the changes.

The new version can be downloaded from the download page:
or checked out from svn.

The doxygen documentation is available on the webpage:

Many thanks,
The Laura++ Developers

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