[LHAPDF-announce] LHAPDF V5.8.9 released

Mike Whalley M.R.Whalley at durham.ac.uk
Thu Mar 7 12:54:32 GMT 2013

Dear LHAPDF user,

We are pleased to announce the release of version 5.8.9 of LHAPDF.  This
can be downloaded as usual from our website:


or directly at:


This sub-version contains the following:

1) Access to the new NNPDF2.3 nlo  sets for Monte Carlos:

          NNPDF23_nlo_as_0116_mc.LHgrid    241400 - 241500
          NNPDF23_nlo_as_0117_mc.LHgrid    241600 - 241700
          NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_mc.LHgrid    241800 - 241900
          NNPDF23_nlo_as_0119_mc.LHgrid    242000 - 242100
          NNPDF23_nlo_as_0120_mc.LHgrid    242200 - 242300

          NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_FN4_as_0116_mc.LHgrid    242400 - 242500
          NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_FN4_as_0117_mc.LHgrid    242600 - 242700
          NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_FN4_as_0118_mc.LHgrid    242800 - 242900
          NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_FN4_as_0119_mc.LHgrid    243000 - 243100
          NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_FN4_as_0120_mc.LHgrid    243200 - 243300

          NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_FN5_as_0116_mc.LHgrid    243400 - 243500
          NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_FN5_as_0117_mc.LHgrid    243600 - 243700
          NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_FN5_as_0118_mc.LHgrid    243800 - 243900
          NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_FN5_as_0119_mc.LHgrid    244000 - 244100
          NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_FN5_as_0120_mc.LHgrid    244200 - 244300

2) Access to the new CJ12  : (CTEQ-Jefferson Lab sets with minimum,
medium and maximum nuclear corrections)

          CJ12min.LHgrid     12000 - 12038
          CJ12mid.LHgrid     12100 - 12138
          CJ12max.LHgrid     12200 - 12238

3) Fix to the GetNf( ) function - returning the number of flavours for
the PDF.  Previously this worked OK for the .LHpdf files, but for most
of the .LHgrid sets returned '0'.  Note that to make this work requires
downloading the (modified) grid files again, otherwise GetNf( ) will
still return '0'

4) Added new routine getgridM(nset,ngridx,ngridq,gridx,gridy) to return
the number of grid points (ngridx and ngridy) for set number nset and
their positions (gridx(200) and gridy(200)) in x-Q^2.

5) Fix to the abm11 code to return '0.0' for the top quakr PDF.


Any problems, as usual send them to lhapdf at projects.hepforge.org

Note that this may well be the final release of the Fortran version of
LHAPDF. It is to be replaced by a new C++ version which is under
development and will be ready for testing in the near future. This
new version address many of the problems, such as memory issues,
which occur in the Fortran version.

Best regards,

Mike Whalley
IPPP, Durham University, UK

Andy Buckley
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

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