[LHAPDF-announce] LHAPDF 6.1.3 released

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Tue Jun 17 18:16:27 BST 2014

Dear LHAPDF users,

We're pleased to announce the release of LHAPDF 6.1.3, a minor bugfix
and improvement release.

The main fix in this release is that there was an inline function which
attempted to use the function std::vector::find()... which doesn't
exist! This has been fixed in 6.1.3 -- thanks to the Herwig++ team for
finding the issue.

Other improvements include:

* Reweighting functions are now available in the Python interface.
* A PDF's AlphaS object may now be retrieved.
* ODE solving for alpha_s now inserts subgrids on flavour thresholds.
* Analytic and ODE alpha_s solving now allow (optional) use of flavour
thresholds different from the quark masses.
* The "lhapdf install" command now preferentially downloads from CERN's
CVMFS or AFS systems, if they are available.
* "Out of source" builds should now work, for those who care ;-)

The source tarball may be downloaded as always from

There are no new PDF sets to announce, but you may now download sets
from /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/external/lhapdfsets/current/ and
/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/lhapdfsets/current/ in addition to the
website above. These locations are kept up to date, and are preferred if
possible (not everyone will have access rights, but many of you will),
to reduce the load on the HepForge web server. The "lhapdf install"
command will automatically attempt to use these locations.

Enjoy the new release!
Andy & the LHAPDF6 team

Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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