[PyFeyn] Object-orientationAndy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.ukFri Jul 23 11:26:10 BST 2010
On 22/07/10 23:47, Jesse Dunietz wrote: > Hello, > > I'm using PyFeyn for a project, and I'm immensely puzzled as to why > there is canvas and current-diagram information kept at the class > level for the FeynDiagram class. Why would you not give each diagram > object its own canvas, perhaps with the option of specifying a canvas > in the constructor? I'm having an impossible time trying to draw > multiple diagrams from my code. That sounds very sensible! I've personally not had time to do any development on PyFeyn for a *very* long time, but if you provide a patch to implement the object-level current canvas storage then I'll happily integrate it into the SVN version. Maybe Georg also has something to say... Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh
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