[Rivet] rivet installationAndy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.ukFri Aug 15 14:46:10 BST 2008
Altan Cakir wrote: > > Dear Rivet developers, > > I would like use rivet package in order to compare Sherpa and other mc > generators with unique analysis program but installation somehow > complain with error and stop the installation; > > > ............ > g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../include/AGILe -I../../include > -I../../include > -I/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/HepMC/2.03.09/slc4_amd64_gcc34/include > -I/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/Sherpa/1.1.2/slc4_amd64_gcc34/include/SHERPA-MC > -ansi -pedantic -Wall -DLIB_SUFFIX=\".so\" -O3 -MT > libAGILeSherpa_la-Sherpa.lo -MD -MP -MF > .deps/libAGILeSherpa_la-Sherpa.Tpo -c Sherpa.cc -fPIC -DPIC -o > .libs/libAGILeSherpa_la-Sherpa.o > Sherpa.cc:9:23: Data_Read.H: No such file or directory There have been some changes in the Sherpa interface since AGILe 1.1.1 was released, including the disappearance of this Sherpa header, and the addition of some new features to allow error-free passing of HepMC events from Sherpa's converter. We will shortly have an AGILe 1.1.2 release to address these and other issues: until then your best option is to check out the SVN head version of AGILe, e.g. svn co http://svn.hepforge.org/agile/trunk agile-trunk You will then need to run "autoreconf -i" in the newly-created agile-trunk directory, to make the configure script. Then run configure etc. as if you had expanded the release tarball. I hope that helps! Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology Durham University 0191 3343798 | 0191 3732613 | www.insectnation.org
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