[Rivet] LeadingParticlesFinalStateFrank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.ukTue Dec 8 10:45:34 GMT 2009
Hi Riveters, The LeadingParticlesFinalState projection seems to have a major bug: It's constructor allows for mineta, maxeta and minpT arguments, which never get used. Some analyses rely on these arguments in the constructor, so this will actually have an impact I believe. I suggest removing these arguments from the constructor and require that all cuts are specified in the FS that is passed to LPFS. Such a change in the affected analyses would look like: - LeadingParticleFinalState lpfs(fs, -1.0, 1.0, 30.0*GeV) + LeadingParticleFinalState lpfs(FinalState(-1.0, 1.0, 30.0*GeV)) (assuming the fs was less restrictive). Is there anything that I am missing, can somebody put my mind to rest, or is this really a bug? Frank
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