[Rivet] Disabling unvalidated analyses in Rivet 1.2.0

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Wed Dec 9 15:57:36 GMT 2009

Hi everyone,

Since there's been a largely null response to my requests to remove 
cross-sections from your analyses, and to validate those analyses which 
are currently not marked as VALIDATED, I'm very tempted to get militant 
and disable any unvalidated analyses in the Rivet 1.2.0 release. This 
seems a sensible plan anyway, to ensure that out of the box Rivet 
doesn't contain any misleading analyses.

My plan is to move unvalidated analyses into a RivetUnvalidated.so 
module which doesn't get built by default. Hence your code won't be part 
of Rivet unless you keep it up to date and make sure that it's doing 
what it should. You may grumble now, but I'd rather that you spent the 
time making your code suitable for production ;)


Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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