[Rivet] Disabling unvalidated analyses in Rivet 1.2.0

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk
Thu Dec 10 13:14:10 GMT 2009

Andy Buckley, Wednesday 09 December 2009:
> Since there's been a largely null response to my requests to remove
> cross-sections from your analyses

Maybe because all of them are already fixed? At least mine were.

> and to validate those analyses which
> are currently not marked as VALIDATED, I'm very tempted to get militant
> and disable any unvalidated analyses in the Rivet 1.2.0 release.

I'm absolutely in favour of this step.
I do have a few UNVALIDATED analyses which I'm responsible for, but they 
shouldn't block a release. Due to the need for high statistics runs to 
validate them, I am reluctant to do that before I have all these similar 
analyses (Tevatron Run 1 QCD) ready, which will take a little longer than 
this release.


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