[Rivet] Disabling unvalidated analyses in Rivet 1.2.0

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Thu Dec 10 13:40:54 GMT 2009

Hi Andy,

Thus spake Frank Siegert (frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk):

> Andy Buckley, Wednesday 09 December 2009:
> > Since there's been a largely null response to my requests to remove
> > cross-sections from your analyses
> Maybe because all of them are already fixed? At least mine were.

Mine are, too.

> > and to validate those analyses which
> > are currently not marked as VALIDATED, I'm very tempted to get militant
> > and disable any unvalidated analyses in the Rivet 1.2.0 release.
> I'm absolutely in favour of this step.
> I do have a few UNVALIDATED analyses which I'm responsible for, but
> they shouldn't block a release.

Same here: I've one UNVALIDATED analysis, and that shouldn't block the
release. Go ahead.

Oh, and please disable STAR_2006_UE_HELEN also for the release, even
though it's validated.



"Two equal numbers are equivalent, even if they come from two
 different people one of which you don't like"
(MLM about the theoretical top cross-section, in a meeting
about theoretical uncertainties on the top mass)

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