[Rivet] Disabling unvalidated analyses in Rivet 1.2.0Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.chThu Dec 10 13:40:54 GMT 2009
Hi Andy, Thus spake Frank Siegert (frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk): > Andy Buckley, Wednesday 09 December 2009: > > Since there's been a largely null response to my requests to remove > > cross-sections from your analyses > > Maybe because all of them are already fixed? At least mine were. Mine are, too. > > and to validate those analyses which > > are currently not marked as VALIDATED, I'm very tempted to get militant > > and disable any unvalidated analyses in the Rivet 1.2.0 release. > > I'm absolutely in favour of this step. > I do have a few UNVALIDATED analyses which I'm responsible for, but > they shouldn't block a release. Same here: I've one UNVALIDATED analysis, and that shouldn't block the release. Go ahead. Oh, and please disable STAR_2006_UE_HELEN also for the release, even though it's validated. Cheers, Hendrik -- "Two equal numbers are equivalent, even if they come from two different people one of which you don't like" (MLM about the theoretical top cross-section, in a meeting about theoretical uncertainties on the top mass)
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