[Rivet] Problem with installation

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Wed Nov 4 20:08:06 GMT 2009

Frank Siegert wrote:
> Dmitry Popov, Wednesday 04 November 2009:
>>> cat /etc/redhat-release
>> Scientific Linux SL release 4.5 (Beryllium)
>>> cat /etc/redhat-release
>> Scientific Linux CERN SLC release 5.4 (Boron)
> Ok, that's exactly what I wanted to find out... on my SL5 it reads:
>   Scientific Linux SL release 5.3 (Boron)
> so now we understand the 
>   "ValueError: invalid literal for int(): (Beryllium)"


> I guess we can't rely on such a fragile parsing of redhat-release, but 
> have to find a more reliable solution.

Sorry, I wanted to do this last night, but Rivet things took up that 
time and today has been a very busy day in its own right! I've now 
committed a fix which uses a regex like 'Scientific Linux.*? 
(\d)\.(\d).*"' to work out the version numbers. I've also removed the 
duplicate copy of compute_lcg_tag(), which I can only imagine appeared 
during an SVN (or other) merge! Please test it... works for me on lxplus 
and lx64slc5.

> Andy, why did you comment out the 
> "lsb_release" way? Did that not work on yet another variation of SL(C), 
> the famous scientific OS which doesn't have a native gsl package?

How did you guess? As for GSL, SLC5 doesn't have lsb_release installed 
by default. *sigh*


Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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