[Rivet] Python, Rivet 1.20, CERN AFS, LXBATCH

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Thu Mar 18 19:30:28 GMT 2010

Ah, that's probably because SLC5 is a complete mess when it comes to
compilers, libraries, etc.: the LCG libraries like HepMC, Fastjet, etc.
are all built with compilers other than the ones that are available as
standard on the SLC5 system! (I did mention that this seemed a bit dumb
about a year ago, but the lxplus team didn't see the problem!)

So when using lxplus5 you should first source the setup for a useful LCG
compiler, e.g.

. /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.3/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/setup.sh

This is what I did when testing Rivet 1.2.0 pre-release copies on
lxplus5, and they worked fine. I guess this should be added to the Rivet


On 18/03/10 19:21, Terrance Figy wrote:
> I tried compiling rivet-1.2.0 for slc5 and didn't have any luck with it.
> -Terrance
> On 18 Mar 2010, at 20:15, Andy Buckley wrote:
>> I recommend using SLC5 at CERN when possible: lxplus5.cern.ch should be
>> enough. If that's not an option, then I know that there are Python 2.5
>> setups on AFS -- the ATLAS software uses one, for sure -- maybe the CERN
>> helpdesk could advise on how to set up the shell environment to use one
>> of those?
>> Andy
>> On 18/03/10 15:24, Eike von Seggern wrote:
>>> Hi Terrance,
>>> the old Python 2.3 on SL 4 is probably the culprit. It's missing some
>>> language constructs modern Python version have.
>>> Can you please try the attached patch. You can apply it like this:
>>> cd
>>> /afs/cern.ch/user/t/terrance/rivet-1.2.0/local/lib64/python2.3/site-packages/
>>> patch -p0 < PATH/TO/lighthisto.patch
>>> Cheers,
>>>     eike
>>> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 12:44 +0100, Terrance Figy wrote:
>>>> Dear Rivet developers,
>>>> I was wondering if you could help me understand why the aida2flat
>>>> script crashes. Should I be using phython 2.5.  Cern AFS seems be
>>>> using 2.3 by default on the SL4.
>>>> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>>>> bash-3.00$ aida2flat -help
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File
>>>> "/afs/cern.ch/user/t/terrance/rivet-1.2.0/local/bin/aida2flat", line
>>>> 5, in ?
>>>>     import lighthisto
>>>>   File
>>>> "/afs/cern.ch/user/t/terrance/rivet-1.2.0/local/lib64/python2.3/site-packages/lighthisto.py",
>>>> line 18
>>>>     for code,name in codepoint2name.iteritems()
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Terrance
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>> -- 
>> Dr Andy Buckley
>> SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
>> Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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