[Rivet] Python, Rivet 1.20, CERN AFS, LXBATCH

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Fri Mar 26 16:01:25 GMT 2010

On 26/03/10 15:37, Andy Buckley wrote:
> Ok, the Rivet build fails for me because it can't find the GNU
> Scientific Library (GSL) for that compiler setup. Except that it *does*
> find it, it just seems to fail to use the results of the gsl-config
> script... looks like I need to revisit the bit of configure script that
> handles the GSL searching!
> Is this the same error as you found, Terrance?

Ah, I see your error now: if I pass the GSL location explicitly with the
--with-gsl flag, then I get the SWIG error:

./rivet_wrap.cc: In function ‘int
SWIG_Python_ConvertFunctionPtr(PyObject*, void**, swig_type_info*)’:
./rivet_wrap.cc:2051: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to

I think one issue here is that you're building with GCC 4.4, so it
treats these const char* problems (a mismatch between the C and C++
types assigned to character strings literals like "foo") as errors
rather than warnings.

But the real problem is that we aren't bundling the generated source
files anymore, so when they *are* generated, they are generated with the
system copy that isn't GCC4.4-compatible. I wasn't aware that we'd
stopped bundling these files... we used to have problems with HepMC
version details being written into these files, which caused
compatibility problems, but now that is all done in C++ and I think it's
safe for SWIG-generated files from my Ubuntu 9.10 machine (with
up-to-date SWIG) to be bundled in the tarball for use on SL machines. At
least, it finished compiling just fine when I copied the attached files
into the rivet/pyext directory: can you try that, Terrance?

Riveteers: Any opposition to me re-adding the rivet_wrap.cc and rivet.py
bundling, if this works for Terrance?


Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh
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