[Rivet] Python, Rivet 1.20, CERN AFS, LXBATCH

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk
Fri Mar 26 16:34:20 GMT 2010

Andy Buckley, Friday 26 March 2010:
> But the real problem is that we aren't bundling the generated source
> files anymore, so when they *are* generated, they are generated with
> the system copy that isn't GCC4.4-compatible. I wasn't aware that we'd
> stopped bundling these files... we used to have problems with HepMC
> version details being written into these files, which caused
> compatibility problems, but now that is all done in C++ and I think
> it's safe for SWIG-generated files from my Ubuntu 9.10 machine (with
> up-to-date SWIG) to be bundled in the tarball for use on SL machines.
> At least, it finished compiling just fine when I copied the attached
> files into the rivet/pyext directory: can you try that, Terrance?
> Riveteers: Any opposition to me re-adding the rivet_wrap.cc and
> rivet.py bundling, if this works for Terrance?

We stopped bundling them because it wasn't necessary anymore: Without all 
the HepMC complications, SWIG worked just fine even on SL4. Of course I 
wasn't aware of the gcc 4.4 non-compatibility of that SWIG version. If 
somebody provides/uses a gcc 4.4 SW environment, shouldn't this also 
include an updated SWIG that would then be used? So maybe that problem 
should rather be fixed in CERN TH's software setup.

I don't exactly remember why it is a bad idea to bundle them... are they 
really as system agnostic as you describe?


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