[Rivet] LHCB_2010_S8758301

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Fri Dec 9 11:48:43 GMT 2011

Hi Anton,

you can find all our Rivet analysis setups in the Tests/Rivet directory 
of the Herwig++ tarball. We run millions of events through this, and 
have not encountered problems with the LHCB analysis.

See Tests/Rivet/LHC-900-UE.in

I hope that helps,


On 09/12/11 10:25, Anton Karneyeu wrote:
> Hi David,
> please, see attached the steering file for Herwig++. Could you confirm
> parameters are reasonable for this analysis?
> Thanks,
> Anton
> On 09.12.2011 10:20, David Grellscheid wrote:
>>>> herwig++ 2.5.2
>>>> Rivet.Analysis.LHCB_2010_S8758301: ERROR Could not determine lifetime
>>>> for particle with PID 990
>> That is a reggeon, but what are you running that they show up? They only
>> appear if you're running Pavel's diffraction code explicitly.

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